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Sorry, Amazon, but Microsoft is The World’s #1 Cloud Vendor – Here’s Why

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Opening Insights

Microsoft is leading the way in innovation and cloud development. The ethical and socially responsible nature of its new leadership is proving to be fruitful not only for humanity but for all stakeholders. It's good to be part of a winning team.

Pocket Wisdom Insights (PWI) invites you to explore the following Co-Lab Blog.
This blog features parts of an influential and insightful article written outside of the PWI Co-Lab
by Bob Evans on 1 June 2017, published by Forbes.Com.
We have republished this content in respect of the author’s vision, message and research.

Informational Insights

(Note: After an award-winning career in the media business covering the tech industry, Bob Evans was VP of Strategic Communications at SAP in 2011, and Chief Communications Officer at Oracle from 2012 to 2016. He now runs his own firm, Evans Strategic Communications LLC.)

CLOUD WARS - Amazon Web Services is one of the truly great success stories of the past decade—superb vision, brilliant execution, outstanding people, and a hockey-stick growth rate that most enterprise-tech vendors can only dream about.

But life’s not always fair, and while AWS and its supporters can make some good points about how and why it’s the biggest of the big dogs in the cloud, the simple truth is that Microsoft is able to offer corporate customers more cloud innovation across more parts of those customers’ businesses—and can drive more business value for those customers via the cloud—than Amazon can.

 And that’s why Microsoft is #1 in the Cloud Wars Top 10 ranking, and AWS is #2: while Amazon is unquestionably helping tens of thousands of businesses cut IT costs and accelerate some key processes, Microsoft and its sweeping Commercial Cloud products and services have become indispensable digital-transformation enablers for businesses in every industry in every region across the globe.
Here’s how Nadella put it in his opening remarks during Microsoft’s recent Q1 earnings call—and please think about the significance of what he calls “the entire digital estate”: “[Customers] value our differentiated approach as the most trusted global hyperscale cloud with hybrid support and higher-level services to help drive their digital transformation. Moreover, they appreciate the agility, operational consistency, and security across the entire digital estate, spanning enterprise mobility, Office 365, Dynamics 365, and Azure.”

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I have been impressed with the urgency of doing. Knowing is not enough; we must apply.
Being willing is not enough; we must do.

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FOOTNOTE of Importance

Our world is experiencing an incredible revolution powered by technology that has used its tools to:

  • deceive the public
  • disrupt tradition
  • divide the people

This has inadvertently resulted in a Fear-based Shadow Culture™ that has hurt many people.
A powerful group of influence has joined together to deliver a proven antidote by shifting from impersonal development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to replace people to utilize AI to empower Human Intelligence (HI).


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