Ideas Worth Exploring
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A Community Worth Growing with Trust/Solidarity

President Pelosi

February 4, 2019 0

Experience the confusion of opaque government leadership and its internal struggles. Consider the term "public servant" and take a moment to reflect on what it means to you? [...]


February 4, 2019 0

Have you ever heard the term "deep state?" If there's one thing history has taught us, when the government gets bigger and more powerful, the citizen gets smaller and less powerful. How important is your freedom to you? [...]

Dinesh D’Souza: A World Without America

February 4, 2019 0

Can you imagine a world without America? When you got it good, sometimes it's difficult to value how great things really are. Dinesh D'Souza speaks about a world without America with the intent to open our minds so that we may begin to perceive the real value we, as Americans, possess. [...]

Dangerous People Are Teaching Your Children!

February 4, 2019 0

You may not realize it, but you are currently funding some pretty dangerous people. If I told you that you are directly paying for the indoctrination of our youth with the failed ideas and ideals of the Soviet Union, China, Vietnam and Cambodia, would you be alarmed? [...]