Opening Insights: A Son Learns, A Father Teaches
Some people have parents who want to be their best friends, others have parents and role models. Parents and role models who embody an example of maturity and leadership that empower and encourage people young and old to take a STAND. These are leaders who don't just tell people WHAT TO DO, BUT RATHER DEMONSTRATE HOW TO DO LIFE.
Rick Rigsby had a father who's teachings have guided him through his life, through thick and thin. He shares the wisdom of his third grade drop out father, with the world through his book, as well as his engaging commencement address below. Enjoy!
Informational Insights: Video Commencement
Possibilities for Consideration: Transitional Wisdom
We were all born with the gift of free will. Social conditioning strips up of this gift and makes us think that we are limited by the beliefs we learn as children and the expectations of others. Freedom come when we learn that we do not have to live based on our beliefs, feeling and emotions. To discover this freedom requires that we are:
- Able to Learn
- Ready to Learn
- Open to Unlearn
- Willing to Re-learn
- Aware of How to Connect the Dots
- Engaged in a Process of Collaboration, Participation and Contribution
PWI Co-Labs offer visionaries and heroes the opportunity to ePublish their message and wisdom in a way that reaches people's minds, hearts and feet...
- What if there is a way to capture the message of great visionaries and leaders and transfer the wisdom in a way that:
- Supports collaboration,
- Evokes transformational learning, and
- Creates experiential learning?
- What if there is a way to separate from the emotion and dramas of our past and find the wisdom within?
- What if there is a way to grow up, separate from our "anger at" our parents and transition into adulthood at any age by learning how to learn from role models and mentors?
- What if there is a way to reverse our learned behaviors and social conditioning to discover the freedom to be and live with ourselves and others?
- What if there is a way to effectively and quickly learn the skills we seek and become the person we long to be?
- What if there is a way to over come habitual immaturity and learn how to grow up and make an impact (participate and contribute to the world?
Add Your Insight: Make an Impact
Make an Impact, Not Just an Impression.