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AwareComm – Pocket Wisdom Insights Reference Library of:
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eMod App-Ons Welcome

April 14, 2019 0
Making Your Customer Your Partner...Not Your Product The eMod™ Architecture integrates diverse methodologies – many of which include the principles of repetition and consistency. The following 3-minute video welcomes you to the world of eMod [...]

5 Dimensions of Good Pilot Solutions – Lesson 1

March 24, 2019 0

Follow Jeffrey, a young adult from the farmlands of the western United States, as he discovers the world of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) and learns what it takes to become a licensed UAS operator.

Jeffrey’s process is intended to act as a relatable guide for your own experience as you trace a path of experiential learning so you can learn how to live, which will empower you to become an effective and responsible licensed UAS operator. [...]

Picking Your Industry Partners (E.A.R.)

March 4, 2019 0
Picking the right partners is central to success for multi-party ventures, but how do you know who to pick? Learn how to see all the dots and connect the dots using the Co-Lab™ tools in order to get a clear picture of the whole truth. Empower your picker! [...]

President Pelosi

February 4, 2019 0

Experience the confusion of opaque government leadership and its internal struggles. Consider the term "public servant" and take a moment to reflect on what it means to you? [...]


February 4, 2019 0

Have you ever heard the term "deep state?" If there's one thing history has taught us, when the government gets bigger and more powerful, the citizen gets smaller and less powerful. How important is your freedom to you? [...]

The Power of Partnership

January 31, 2019 0

An evolving technological landscape and accelerating cultural decay have combined to leave the younger generations with an inability to partner and learn. AwareComm® has a plan for turning this trend up-side down and returning collective strength to all. [...]

The Death of Retail

January 15, 2019 0

Opening Insights: The Retail Apocalypse What is happening to retail? Simply put, it's in trouble. We are living in a consumer-centered world, where companies like Amazon control the market. Enter the new age of the [...]

Discerning Fact from Fiction – Truth from Lies

December 26, 2018 0

Opening Insights: "...Exploiting the Vulnerabilities of Human Psychology..." In 2017 Sean Parker, the first president of Facebook told the world what he and other social media and entertainment executives and companies knowingly did and do... [...]

SOS Solutions Oriented Support

December 10, 2018 0

Blending Philosophy, Sociology and Theology Data Science ManualsAI + BI + HI + SI = AdI™ PWI Courseware The Power of AdI™ and The Power of Thought Overcoming Generational Issues SOS CareerManuals and Guides   [...]

SOS Chat Manual 101

December 9, 2018 0

Your single source for understanding the ins and outs of SOS Support from a practical sense - how to do it.
This manual includes SOS protocols, suggested chat checklists, chats and more. [...]

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