Ideas Worth Exploring
Problems Worth Answering
Answers Worth Implementing
PWI eMod Co-Labs Worth Activating
A Community Worth Growing with Trust/Solidarity

Memories of Fear Could Be Permanently Erased

August 18, 2017 0

Scientists are working to permanently erase memories of fear and they are getting closer. New research in mice "reveals a new approach to wiping memories from the brain, demonstrating that specific memories can be weakened [...]

Is Coffee King?

August 10, 2017 0

Opening Insights Drinking coffee has become more than a norm, if has become a trend. According to 2016 Coffee statistics show: The average person in the United States drinks 3.1 cups of coffee per [...]

Many Americans are TOO Drugged-out to Work

June 30, 2017 0

Opening Insights Pocket Wisdom Insights (PWI) invites you to explore the following Co-Lab Blog. This blog features parts of an  insightful article featured outside of the PWI Co-Lab, written by Steve LeVine on June 30th, 2017, published by Axios. [...]

Psychiatric Drugs and Your Child

May 1, 2017 0

Opening Insights Pocket Wisdom Insights (PWI) invites you to explore the following Co-Lab Blog. This blog features parts of an insightful article written outside of the PWI Co-Lab by Peter R. Breggin M.D, published by [...]

Cultural Recovery Support: Smart or Intelligent?

January 10, 2017 0

Opening Insights: Addiction Realities Addiction and dependency are the modern-day pandemic - alcohol, drugs, technology, sex, gambling, nicotine, caffeine, sugar, work and the list goes on.... While recovery has always been predominantly focused on the [...]

Patient-Doctor Health Co-Lab Institute

September 27, 2016 0

Opening Insights Awareness Communication Technology LLC, a Microsoft Partner with Quad Gold Competencies, is announcing the integration of the Cloud Partners in Health Collaboration Laboratory Institute (Co-Lab). Informational Insights Collaboration (Co-Lab) Solutions Come and explore […]

But… I Kicked the Habit eMod eBook

October 7, 2015 0
Have you Kicked the Habit, BUT things didn't get better? Ever Kicked the Habit, BUT found yourself adopting other unhealthy substitutes? You are not alone. Habits, Compulsions, Obsessions, Addictions and Dependencies plague many of the [...]
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