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Google Issuing Refunds to Advertisers Over Fake Traffic, Plans New Safeguard

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Opening Insights

A Wall Street Journal article written by Lara O’Reilly (and contributed to by Alexandra Bruell), dated August 25, 2017, highlights the imploding digital ecosystem, that appears to be becoming increasingly unpredictable, unmanageable and costly.

Of the billions of dollars of online advertising each year, a percentage is inadvertently placed on sites with fake traffic, with fraudsters siphoning off advertisers’ money.

The article states, that according to a report released in May by the Association of National Advertisers and ad-fraud detection firm, WhiteOps, industry efforts to curb ad fraud have resulted in a 10% decrease. This year, it is expected that ONLY about $6.5 billion in ad spending will be wasted.

Is there something wrong when we consider a waste of $6.5 billion as a small victory? Bearing in mind that $6.5 billion is more than the GPD of many countries!

Informational Insights

Some advertisers question level of refunds, want more details about fraudulent traffic

Google is issuing refunds for ads that ran on websites with fake traffic, people familiar with the situation said, as the web giant develops a tool to give marketers more transparency about the ads they buy through its platform.

In the past few weeks, the Alphabet Inc. unit has informed hundreds of marketers and ad agency partners about the issue with invalid traffic, known in the industry as “ad fraud.” The ads were bought using the company’s DoubleClick Bid Manager over the course of a few months this year, primarily in the second quarter.

Google’s refunds amount to only a fraction of the cost of the ads served to invalid traffic, which has left some advertising executives unsatisfied, the people familiar with the situation said. Google has offered to reimburse its “platform fee,” which ad buyers said typically ranges from about 7% to 10% of their total purchase.

 The company says this is appropriate because it doesn’t control the rest of the money spent. Typically, advertisers use DoubleClick Bid Manager to target audiences across vast numbers of websites in seconds by connecting to dozens of online ad exchanges, marketplaces that connect buyers and publishers through real-time auctions.

The ad spending flows through to the exchanges. The problems arise when ads run on publisher sites with fraudulent traffic, including those where clicks are generated by software programs known as “bots” instead of humans. This is an issue of growing concern to marketers. It is difficult to recoup the money paid to those sites when the issue is discovered too late.

Advertisers often receive small credits from Google and their other ad-tech vendors when they detect discrepancies, but in this case, for some buyers, the instance of fraud discovered was larger than usual.

It’s the latest evidence of how the complexity of the digital advertising ecosystem—an industry where marketers and ad sellers are separated by layers of middlemen and automation—can cause tensions between Madison Avenue and big players like Google. Just a few months ago, some marketers suspended their campaigns from Google’s YouTube after revelations their ads appeared next to hateful or otherwise unsavory videos. YouTube has taken steps to assuage marketers’ concerns, and many brands have now returned to the platform. Ad agencies, too, have battled with Google to let them access more of its extensive data to help them improve how ads are targeted and measure whether they are effective.

Scott Spencer, director of product management for Google, acknowledged that refunds have been paid, but he declined to provide a dollar figure for the amount being returned. Some ad buyers said the refund amounts range from “less money than you would spend on a sandwich” to hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Some agencies and advertisers were affected more than others, depending on their level of spending during the period and the types of ads they bought.


“When people talk about [ad fraud], there’s a big specter to it and a big concern about invalid traffic in digital,” said Mr. Spencer. “It’s not that large in terms of a percentage of what people are buying, but it can be a little bit scary to buyers, and our goal is to remove that to improve the trust overall in the ecosystem.”


Possibilities for Consideration

  • What if there was a way to avoid ad fraud  effectively and accurately measuring one's ad reach and effectiveness?
  • What if there was a way to ethically advertise reaching your market through secure and search engine-free channels?
  • What if there was a way add value to the target audience's life  rather than just make them a target?

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The aim of marketing is to know and understand the customer
so well the product or service fits him and sells itself.


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FOOTNOTE of Importance

Our world is experiencing an incredible revolution powered by technology that has used its tools to:

  • deceive the public
  • disrupt tradition
  • divide the people

This has inadvertently resulted in a Fear-based Shadow Culture™ that has hurt many people.
A powerful group of influence has joined together to deliver a proven antidote by shifting from impersonal development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to replace people to utilize AI to empower Human Intelligence (HI).


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