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Why Mark Zuckerberg SHOULD NOT BE the Next President

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Opening Insights: No Value for Morals and Ethics

A New York Post article by John Crudele, dated August 27, 2017, voices a concern that many people have over the political aspirations of certain successful millennials, who value power, money and prestige over ethics, morals and people.

Informational Insights: Overlooking Facebook's Flubs

Dear John: I hope you, the voice of reason in a mad, mad world, are just as distressed as I am about the rumors of Mark Zuckerberg planning to enter the political arena.

No amount of altruism, whitewashing or spin can erase what this man is really about. The public needs to be reminded that Facebook started as a nebbish social outcast’s revenge against his classmates by creating a way to rate students “hot or not.”

Shutting down a site after beheading videos have been shown, or pornography posted, is too late. The damage has already been done.

And make no mistake, Facebook is a business. The money rolling in has allowed the public and shareholders to overlook the problems it has created.

I fear my countrymen are ignorant when it comes to this false prophet. And profit is what Facebook is really about, at the expense of our freedom. Join me in grabbing a pitchfork and storming his castle before it is too late. Mark Zuckerberg will never have my vote unless it’s for who gets thrown off the island. R.D.

Dear R.D.: Nicely written! I wish I could have shared the whole letter, but I spent too much time looking for my pitchfork.
You know what they say: In America, any boy or girl can be president.

Zuckerberg will be 34 years old next May, which will make him plenty old enough to meet the minimum age requirement of 35 to qualify for president in 2020. And he’s certainly rich enough not to need outside contributions.

Personally, like you, I’m not excited about the idea, but that’s what democracies are all about — giving people the chance to fail at running for office.

Here’s an idea. Every billionaire should be required to run for president and spend his own money. That would certainly help the media business get advertising and help the economy.

And it would be like a hidden tax on billionaires. They’d all be taking a chance on being president, and only one — thankfully — can win.

Dear John: I am a lifelong Democrat, but one who reserves the right to his opinions and feelings.

Whatever Trump’s eventual legacy, and despite the national mess and international uncertainty he may leave behind, there is one thing he’s accomplished.

He has gotten us rid for good of having to watch and hear the vapid, boring, empty, duplicitous, deceitful, manufactured, self-aggrandizing, ineffective, and thoroughly artificial public personality of Hillary Clinton.

For this single feat alone, Trump deserves a special medal that nobody else can claim and the gratitude of all those who want the political scene to be an interesting, surprising and exciting show, open and visible to all. R.B.

Dear R.B.: What would you call it, the Medal of Horror? Like one of those creatures in horror movies, Hillary Clinton just doesn’t seem to go away.
As Hollywood would say, she’s a “tentpole” — a franchise that keeps on giving.

Source: //

Possibilities for Consideration: Is Ethical Communication Even Possible?

  • What if there is a way to ensure ethical media communication and information delivery?
  • What if there is a way to effectively wake people up to reality without increasing fear and anger?
  • What if there is a way to support people in better assessing and discerning the actions and inactions of others?

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the world between us, and the world around us—and their hidden capacity to shape our every thought, feeling, and behavior.


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FOOTNOTE of Importance

Our world is experiencing an incredible revolution powered by technology that has used its tools to:

  • deceive the public
  • disrupt tradition
  • divide the people

This has inadvertently resulted in a Fear-based Shadow Culture™ that has hurt many people.
A powerful group of influence has joined together to deliver a proven antidote by shifting from impersonal development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to replace people to utilize AI to empower Human Intelligence (HI).


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