Opening Insights
Alex was raised in a high end community and wanted for nothing. With a silver spoon in her mouth she ate and lived the very best. Money was not an object. Addiction filled her life.
Informational Insights
A Commitment to Selflessness
Two years ago Alex began an adventure. She had to find a place to live without cost. She committed to becoming a dedicate caretaker of an elderly gentleman named Chris, who was dying of Parkinson’s disease.
The job came as a complete package of night cramps, catheter blockages, loss of bowel control, delusions and alcoholism. And it lasted all day and sometimes into the night.
Her Focus
This gave her the freedom to dedicate herself to learning a whole new world of technology, psychology and sociology within the AwareComm infrastructure all night (sundown to sun up).
The commitment was to apply the 4 Absolutes every hour of each day. It took discipline, and dedication to demonstrate such loyalty to herself, AwareComm, another human being and her recovery program.
A Time of Transition
On August 9th Alex left her assignment as a caretaker for Chris. She summarized her journey to Chris when she said goodbye and re-located to another location so she could devote 120% of her time to AwareComm. Here is her Goodbye to Chris.
9th August 2016
Dear Chris,
People come into our lives at different times and moments. They add to our lives and our journeys and we carry the experiences and lessons with us as we walk forward into the future. We carry the legacy of what they taught us in mind, body and spirit. It is a space and a place that we hold within ourselves, within our hearts… just for them, in honor of them. It is a space and place that we hold and walk with pride and humility living the lessons we learned, thus living their legacy in one way or another.
You have had many students in your life time and you have taught them many important foundations, principles and philosophies that have impacted their lives, their communities and the world as a whole. You have helped countries rebuild and people get connected to the digital age, near and far.
In the last 2 years I have come to know, respect and appreciate the legacy you have contributed to the world as a scientist, as a teacher, as a man, but most importantly as you.
I never experienced how to love before, a person or a father / grandfather figure… but thanks to you, now I know how to love, how to give love and how to receive love.
In walking with you these last two years, you have given me the opportunity to sever you and apply and recognize the principles that have been taught to me by Dr. Richard Jorgensen… the experience was real and undeniable.
I experienced the gifts of love, care, kindness, compassion and reality. You helped me learn what love really is: attention, respect and appreciation for another. I learnt and experienced that love is not what we get, but what we give.
Additionally, being here helped me find empathy, my voice and my boundaries.
As a result of you…
- My heart has grown,
- My sight has become more clear,
- My vision of life has expanded,
- My path to live a life of honesty, selflessness, purity of intention and reality became cemented,
- My belief in the importance of making a tangible contribution to the world (like you did) was solidified, and
- I see clearly how the legacy of great men and scientists like yourself and Dr. Jorgensen (my CEO and mentor) needs to be preserved, heard, understood and taught to the future generations –
so we become a civilization that learns from our past, instead of repeats it.
Most of all as a result of you I learnt to love a man, by the name of Chris Adams.
Thank you for being my teacher these last two years, it has been an honor and a privileged to come to know and discover Chris Adams – Professor, Philosopher, Teacher, Scientist, Leader, Dignitary, Visionary, Pioneer, Husband, Father, Grandfather, Friend, Colleague, Man, Human Being.
I wish you love, happiness, joy, good health and peace in the days to come.
May you continue to touch the hearts of those who are lucky enough to cross your path. Those that do not know you and cannot hear you yet, it is not you, it is them, it is not you that has left them, it is them that have not found you yet. They are not lost; they are simply on their journey.
All My Love
Possibilities for Consideration
Take a moment and examine…
- As you reviewed the material above, what stood out to you?
- What is the potential impact, economically and/or socially?
- What action is needed to stop or support this idea?
- You may want to consider whether you:
- want to be aware of,
- should become supportive of,
- would want to be active in this topic?
Add Your Insight
I have been impressed with the urgency of doing. Knowing is not enough; we must apply.
Being willing is not enough; we must do.