The following is a promotional video for the PLANDEMIC Series documentary.
Opening Insights:
Informational Insights:
The first installment of PLANDEMIC, a 26 minute documentary featuring celebrated virologist Judy Mikovits, has been seen by over one billion people worldwide, setting a historic record. The premiere of PLANDEMIC 2 (aka INDOCTORNATION) featuring white collar crime investigator, Dr. David Martin, also set a world record with 2 million viewers attending the global livestream.
The two part series was declared “debunked” by critics all over the world. In the name of science and public safety, the gatekeepers of free speech took unprecedented measures to censor the information they called “dangerous conspiracy theory.”
When Dr. Mikovits made the bold claim that COVID-19 was manipulated in a lab, she was smeared as “crazy.” When Dr. Martin exposed the patents and paper trail proving that Dr. Fauci was funding dangerous gain of function research at the Wuhan Lab, critics laughed.
Today, the critics are no longer laughing. Through accredited scientific studies, every major claim made within the PLANDEMIC series has been validated as accurate. PLANDEMIC is now being acknowledged for being among the first to warn the world of the agenda to reduce the liberties of citizens through medical tyranny.
Though we had no intention of receiving awards for this series, we are honored to have won the European Independent Film Award for Best Documentary, as it displays an encouraging shift in public awareness and courage.
Possibilities for Consideration:
"If I can get you to trust me, I can get you to believe the first lie.
When I get you to believe the first lie, I can get you to believe anything."
"Sometimes the 4 Social Engineering Weapons™ are in plain sight
…and other times we must learn to read between the lines.
Unprincipled use of Trusted Technology
Unethical Network Environments
Distorted and Amplified Fear
Skewed Metrics"
From eMod eBook titled: Visionaries Building a Private Value-based Commerce
Sometimes it not what you don't know that the problem...
it's the lie that you do know that ain't so that's the problem.
The miracle of Co-Lab™ Institutes is that they go beyond technology, methodology, human understanding, and data science.
Co-Lab™ Institutes attract passion-driven entrepreneurs, visionaries, and shepherds and provide a sacred gateway for their visions to reinstate faith, reinstate hope, reinstate love, …and the greatest of these is a state-of-love.

Add Your Insight:
Take a moment and examine…
- As you reviewed the material above, what stood out to you?
- What is the potential impact, economically and/or socially?
- What action is needed to stop or support this idea?
- You may want to consider whether you:
- want to be aware of,
- should become supportive of,
- would want to be active in this topic?
I have been impressed with the urgency of doing. Knowing is not enough; we must apply.
Being willing is not enough; we must do.