Ideas Worth Exploring
Problems Worth Answering
Answers Worth Implementing
PWI eMod Co-Labs Worth Activating
A Community Worth Growing with Trust/Solidarity

Our Dilemma

August 19, 2020 0

To: Community Leaders Subject:  I Think Therefore I Am Descartes said, “Cogito ergo sum” (I think, therefore I am) which was a profound thought, but before we can do as Descartes suggests, we need to [...]

Christian Communities Face Challenges

August 16, 2020 0

To: Church Leaders Subject:  Churches Today are Taking Charge of Mother Earth with: A foundation pillar of our nation, The Constitution, is being dismantled piece by piece under the guise of safety in response to [...]

Understanding How We Repeat History

August 14, 2020 0

“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”GEORGE SANTAYANA This eMod eBook™ is best viewed in full screen mode.

Oath Keepers Commitment

June 23, 2020 0

We're in a civil war.STEWART RHODES - Founder, Oath Keepers "Not on our watch." The Oath Keepers motto is more than just a statement of threat response readiness, it illustrates the intent of all Oath [...]

Developing Christian Spiritual Intelligence (SI)

May 22, 2020 0

The Purpose of the Teams 20/20 Christian Spiritual Intelligence Development Co-Lab™ is to bring together members of the spiritual guidance community to add their insight to the Spiritual Intelligence (SI) base in a Global Movement… [...]

Easter Mass With Father Santo

April 21, 2020 0

Watch as Father Santo from the Archdiocese of Gulu, Uganda honors the AwareComm® Team and their humanitarian mission on Easter Sunday.

A Spiritual Solution to Social Problems

April 1, 2020 0

A Spiritual Solution to Social Problems describes the transition from Adaptive Resistance (AdR™) to Adaptive Intelligence (AdI™) in order to create a better world.

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