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Tech Evolution / Revolution Article Series: Part 16

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Part 16: Technology Evolution-Revolution Summary


Looking Back, Moving Forward: This eMod Buddy Blog Series has walked you through some of the key problems, debates and challenges facing our Technology Evolution, and its impact on “human intelligence.” (See “Technology Seduction eMod Buddy Blog”).

A I Seducction

When America was founded, Publishing held the responsibility for awareness,  education and maintaining the moral fiber of the American culture. The Gutenberg Printing Press created trusted media. If you saw it in writing, you knew it was true. Then technology entered our life as an attraction, and without ethics and without our permission it seduced us, with promises of convenience.

The “Realities of Seduction” eMod Buddy Blog introduced us to the simple reality that we have been seduced by technology, to the point where many of us believe it is essential for our survival. We have been convinced that technology has been created to help us and make our lives easier, this is only half-true. The reality is, the very technologies we have come to depend on and trust are actually being used against us to gather data and build a weapon of deception and control.

The result of today’s Technology Evolution is a society where “everyone is connected, but no one is communicating.” We are more distrusting and disconnected from ourselves and one another than we have ever been before. This has resulted in a culture of:

  • Narcissism
  • Selfishness
  • Entitlement

Fear and Anger 

Fear and anger are killing our economies, organizations, businesses, schools, communities, family and world.

To return to the age of enlightenment we need to raise our collective human intelligence. Since, “every problem has in it the seeds of its own solution” (Norman Vincent Peale), it stands to reason that since technology was the driving force behind our cultural disconnect, we need to use technology to bring us back together… We need to take the sliver out, the same way it went in, by using the technology that created the problem, to fix the problem… to create “intelligent cultures.”

We then established that these “intelligent cultures” would stand strong with empowered individuals who shared: “Back to Basic” Values (eMod Buddy Blog) – of Participation and Contribute. At this point, the what to do to create “intelligent cultures” was becoming clearer but, the how to do it was still a blur, so our next step was to examine some core debates and challenges within our culture today: AI and FEAR.

In exploring how to create these intelligent cultures we examined issues of artificial and human intelligence (in “Man vs. Machine” eMod Buddy Blog and the Human Intelligence eBook).

Moving forward we discovered that we needed to better understand our greatest challenge to raising our collective human intelligence, before we could begin to discover how to create “intelligent cultures.” So we explored FEAR (eMod Buddy Blog) and then questioned whether we Can Fear Be Overcome (eMod Buddy Blog)?

The solution to the “Technology Seduction,” cultural problems (Narcissism, Selfishness, Entitlement, FEAR and Anger) and movement towards AI and automation (Why Human Intelligence eMod Buddy Blog) we said needed to be a holistic one that incorporated culture and technology in a systematic and systemic way.  Most importantly we needed a technology solution that could deliver / communicate in a way that would:

  • Address the “cultural” component
  • Overcome fear and ne open to trust and change
  • “Put the intelligent human experience back into the impersonal digital age”
  • Build a more intelligent market capable of assessment, discernment and reliable feedback

We discovered we needed a “Communication Ecosystem” (eMod Buddy Blog) to support industry leaders, visionaries and heroes and their followers and networks to come together:

  1. Implement effective and engaging communication and technology solutions.
  2. Partner with other like-minds and collaborate within “Intelligent Incubators” to bring effective solutions to the world today.
  3. Rebuild Trust within the market place, thus empowering individuals and collective with the resources to overcome fear.

Instead of reinventing the wheel, we introduced you to an established grassroots movement with a deliverable and viable solution to address these needs and more, Pocket Wisdom Insights (PWI). PWI, a Socially Responsible movement, powered by Awareness Communications powerful publishing platform. It is a movement looking to partner with visionaries, industry leaders and heroes to publish and support the effective dissemination of their content and message in a way that builds and empowers business, organization, school, community with HUMAN INTELLIGENT eMod Buddy Apps, Blogs and More.

Cultural Social Responsibility

The PWI Co-Lab Incubator brings together like-minded “B” Corp (See Be the Best – Better Together eMod Buddy Blog) thinkers, visionaries, industry leaders, heroes and pioneers of value and truth have come together to create and deliver “back to basic” values and solutions to their businesses, organizations and schools.

“How we Communicate is as Important as, WHY we Communicate.” Therefore, PWI Co-Lab Incubator members learn how to package and publish their products and services into eMod Buddy Apps, Blogs etc. with “Principle-Based” Communication. “Principle-Based” Communication ensures effective delivery of solutions and messages in a way that empowers, engages and inspires action (participation and contribution of the audience).

It is important to note that because Principle-Based Communication is a combines proven principles of technology, methodology and human understanding that results in: Higher Order Thinking (Intelligent Thinking) and Experiential Process, two components that are key to creating and empowering intelligent cultures.

Together PWI and its Members are taking charge of “Big Data”… by raising consciousness, overcoming fear and empowering our cultures. Together in the PWI Co-Lab Incubator.


If your sphere of influence could be driven deeper AND expanded to reach new territories…Then a membership in the Co-Lab Incubator will offer you a path of true discovery.

 Food For Thought

We are in need of responsible AI development that puts an “Intelligent Human Experience into the Impersonal Digital Age” using interactive eMod Buddy Blogs!

eMod Buddy Blogs Harness and perpetuate Word of Mouth Marketing in a way that it becomes self-funding, self-perpetuating and self-regulating. eMod Buddy Blogs are part of a system designed to open and establish a communication channel with your sphere of influence. eMod Buddy Blogs are a component of the overall Pocket Wisdom Insights (PWI) “Principle-Based Communication” system taught, designed and delivered in the Co-Lab Incubator. A few of the key components that can power your interactive Intelligent App System, that you can easily and quickly design and develop in the Co-Lab Incubator (for mass distribution and intelligent market engagement):

  • eMod Buddy Blogs introduce how principles are, or are not, active in people’s minds through the use of fully developed and illustrated stories and articles that become interactive with the reader.
  • eMod Buddy Apps deliver a true learning system creating a smarter user.
  • eMod Buddy Apps-Ons provide the user a voice and the resources to express how they have applied the insight, i.e. their own Pocket Wisdom Insight. It becomes the optimum market feedback on product value and market trends.

The Co-Lab Incubator and eMod Buddy products created there-in support the “Declaration of Interdependence” by supporting people in becoming aware of the whole truth (what is right) and thus able to recognize and understand what is wrong (the problem/s). In order to communicate in this way, we package and publish content in a way that supports people in developing the skill to see, understand, trust and embrace life – the skill to transition from Fear to Trust.

The application of Parable Story Telling is simple in theory and is incorporated into the eMod Buddy Blog and eMod Buddy App development to enhance delivery, improve retention and support long-term success. The application of Parable Story Telling is implemented through the 7 P’s of Parable Story Telling, including Key Themes (that form the foundation of a compelling story), taught in the Co-Lab Incubator:

1. Perspective – A Buddy Blog driven with a Parable Story best Illustrates Principles and illustrates how they apply to People’s Lives. There are two sides to every situation. Key Themes within Parable Stories are often based on cause and effect, and express two opposing elements that result in stress, conflict and unhappiness, for example war and peace. Here are several examples of Key Themes that form the foundation of a good story that teach and illustrate the results and consequences of life principles:

    • Secrecy and Illusions Openness and Reality
    • Anger At or Love Others
    • Passive Aggressive or Supportive
    • Hurt Others or Kindness to Others
    • Indifference or Caring of Others
    • Control Others or Take Charge of Tasks
    • Lie (Half-Truth) or Truth (Whole-Truth)
    • Emotions (Past) or Feelings (Present)
    • Less Than/Greater Than or Equal But Different
    • Prejudice (Pre-Judge) or Open to Discover
    • Take From or Exchange Based on Agreed Value
    • Perceive Our Lives as “Have-to” or “Choose-to Because…”

Note: These themes can become fully illustrated by the parable. Through interactive applications and SocraticQ Apps readers experience multiple endings. Different selections result in different outcomes through the use of integrated Boolean Logic i.e. the reader creates different outcomes as they vary the key decisions in the story flow.

2. People – A Buddy Blog driven with a Parable Story is about people so readers can personally relate to the content. The character roles, names and recognizable interaction of Persecutors, Victims and Rescuers allow for personalization that the reader will relate to i.e. “I Understand.”

3. Pictures – A Buddy Blog driven with a Parable Story uses Symbolistics, which are Dynamic Pictures that illustrate positioning and change through living pictures.

4. Psychology – A Buddy Blog driven with a Parable Story delivers an understanding of the cause and effect of the content and principles expressed: “If you don’t understand why, you won’t APPLY (what you have learned).

5. Practice – A Buddy Blog driven with a Parable Story includes how to put Principles into Action and apply them to one’s life over and over, again and again so readers develop proficiency: “If it works, DO IT AGAIN WITH EXERCISES!”

6. Perseverance – A Buddy Blog driven with a Parable Story teaches that there are only two ways to fail: don’t start OR quit before you are done. So the principles becomes a part of the reader’s daily life.

7. Partnership – A Buddy Blog driven with a Parable Story creates a place of equality – for mutual exchange and the recognition of mutual insight. Thus inviting and creating community exchange of ideas, techniques and results.

Note: The Buddy Blog creates an EXPERIENCE based on the application of principles in the parable. Thus it registers in the “Belief” part of the mind and becomes “How Life Should Be.” This is ALL part of a process that blends the top providers of technology to support the methodology and human understanding that results in… TRUE INTELLIGENCE

Prelude-True Wisdom


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 eMod SocraticQ Conversation

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FOOTNOTE of Importance

Our world is experiencing an incredible revolution powered by technology that has used its tools to:

  • 1. Disrupt tradition
  • 2. Deceive the public
  • 3. Divide the people

This has inadvertently resulted in a Fear-based Shadow Culture™ that has hurt many people.
A powerful group of influence has joined together to deliver a proven antidote by shifting from impersonal development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to replace people to utilize AI to empower Human Intelligence (HI).


To Empower The People:


Distraction Junction


What is a Modern Hero?:

We invite Heroes and Visionaries
to explore accessing these powerful methodologies and resources
to achieve their individual visions.

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