Ideas Worth Exploring
Problems Worth Answering
Answers Worth Implementing
PWI eMod Co-Labs Worth Activating
A Community Worth Growing with Trust/Solidarity

Empowering Communities with SPIRITUAL FREEDOM

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Opening Insights: Transcending Spiritual, Social and Economic Conflict with AI-HI-SI

Love and principles must drive us together in building up humanity (unity).

The Ugandan Co-Lab™ is beginning to take flight. As a priest within the Catholic Church I recognized the many lessons and opportunities I have had and that my people have within the Co-Lab™.

There is much spiritual, social and economic conflict in Uganda. We are excited to see how applying the Co-Lab™ Platform could help to empower and impact the people we are going to reach, with Artificial Intelligence (AI), Human Intelligence (HI) and Spiritual Intelligence (SI).

We are the spiritual whistle blowers. Our exercise must be based on values and we must remain as examples and models on the ground: to be the change we want to see in our world.

In spite of the drama and imperfection of the people and institutions, devout Catholics continue to demonstrate consistency and principles: The Great Commandment and 1 Corinthians 13. As we implement the Ugandan Co-Lab™ into our community and world, we work with partners around the world to re-purpose and publish education content with principles. This process allows us to become the architects to carry the message of faith, love and hope through use of education that creates a readiness for change and a preparation for empowerment: we teach rather than preach.

Informational Insights: Tending to the Spiritual Heart of The Flock

When life is perceived as a blessing, one responds with appropriate love.

Being a Catholic Priest in Northern Uganda has been a challenge at times. The political, economic and spiritual challenges of our past live firmly in the present. Yet, I see hope for my people as I experience a new found understanding of my faith through the spiritual communion and revival I experience with the Co-Lab™.

After a recent meeting in the Co-Lab™ I was left with the following insight and awareness of:

The Role of a Priest in The Vine Yard of The Lord:

The world tells us to seek success, power and money, God tells us to seek humility, service and love.

A priest is one who does not live for himself but offers his life to his flock, especially the weakest (those most in danger, who are made to feel the Lord’s concern through his gesture and words of comfort).

As a man of prayer, he always brings his people and situations before God every day. He becomes like the alter for the salvation of his flock.

The work of a priest is to also go out and proclaim the gospel in places where the Lord is not known or is disfigured and persecuted. He walks with and amongst the people, rather than remaining seated in his office like a company manager. He is a humble witness to the gospel like Jesus without giving into the temptation of power, gratification, worldliness or projecting oneself, and without watering down the crucified and risen.

A priest is a man who gathers people together to cement communion by humbly involving himself. He never tires of listening to his flock; he promotes fraternity - showing they are pastors not for prestige, confer or ambition but to lead the flock of God, not as masters but as models.

As priest and pastors one of our duties is to care for the families, young people and the poor.

The families being the first cells of every society and the first churches, as pastors we are obliged to defend the life of the conceived as that of the elders, support parents and grandparents in their mission.

Finally, as priests, our work is to fight spiritual and material poverty and dedicate our time and energy to the least; without fear of getting our hands dirty.

The Power of Union:

The plan of God regarding marriage and human relationship is that the human relationship between man and woman be a relationship of equals based on their complementary nature.

It is a relationship stronger than the one existing between parents and children, a relationship which is reciprocal.

This relationship for life is the greatest hope for humanity today and of the generations to follow.

Today marriages fail and divorces multiply because the couples fail to respect God’s Plan.

One way of dishonoring God’s plan is when men, feeling themselves physically stronger than women; acts as owners of their wives.

Second way of going against the original divine plan of God is to enter into marital relationship without love and fidelity.

The third way of despising God’s plan is to concentrate on one’s own interest without taking into account the need of one’s partner.

Another way of showing disrespect towards God’s plan is to focus on the problems rather than on the solutions in human relationship. Often married couples try to find the wrong reasons for separation while the right reasons for solutions are close by.

Finally, the failure to consider marriage as a God-given commitment and responsibility leads to separation.
Fr. Ojok Santo

Possibilities for Consideration: Spiritual Solution to Problems

Following the Co-Lab™ process we unite and bring people together under a community building platform:

We embrace spiritual principles, so that we all become followers and disciples of the values and principles of God’s plan:

  • Love the Lord, your God, with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength
  • Love your neighbor as yourself
  • Love of God and Love of Neighbor are inseparable actions, like two sides of the same coin

Following this path, we have the opportunity to experience the right relationship with God, which presupposes a right relationship with our brothers and sisters, and ourselves. Additionally, it allows us to learn forgiveness for our brothers and sisters, as well as for ourselves. Learning and cultivating the spiritual principles to know we can forgive ourselves and another because we know “it will never happen again.” Forgiveness of self and others is a precondition for obtaining forgiveness from God.

Add Your Insight: Unity By Transcending Adversity to Diversity...

Ugandan Co-Lab™
Integrating AI - HI - SI
Built on Principles of Judeo-Christian Values
Applied by the Architecture of Catholicism

eMod SocraticQ Conversation

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FOOTNOTE of Importance

Our world is experiencing an incredible revolution powered by technology that has used its tools to:

  • deceive the public
  • disrupt tradition
  • divide the people

This has inadvertently resulted in a Fear-based Shadow Culture™ that has hurt many people.
A powerful group of influence has joined together to deliver a proven antidote by shifting from impersonal development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to replace people to utilize AI to empower Human Intelligence (HI).


To Empower The People:


Distraction Junction


What is a Modern Hero?:


We invite Heroes and Visionaries
to explore accessing these powerful methodologies and resources
to achieve their individual visions.

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