The following PWI Recovery / Discovery Blogs Series if each Recovery Team Member to be able to review, reflect, examine, discuss and discover.
These Blogs provide various discussion topics to support the PWI Recovery / Discovery Process. The Blogs are used to stimulate critical thinking, intelligent communication and meaningful relationship building / re-building.
Topic Discussions:
- Discovery Recovery Buddy Program
- Learning How to Think by Re-Connecting to Intrinsic Value
- Predictable Path – Addiction Series
- Kung Fu (Pilot)
- Who Will Be There When I Change?
- PWI Recovery: Cycles of Change
- Lasting Change and Learning
- PWI Recovery: An Integrated System
- Change or Die?
- Pocket Wisdom Insights Intervention vs Traditional Intervention
- Why Do We Stay Stuck in Anger?
- Critical Thinking / Maturity and Learner-Patient Outcomes
- The Two Personalities of Alcoholism: Recovery is a Process
- Living with the Enemy – Living with Alcoholism
- Accelerated Recovery
- We encourage each member of each Recovery Team to enjoy each topic and share what you gained from the Blog in the “Capture Your Wisdom Section.”
- The Capture Your Wisdom URLS provide each Team Members a detailed SocraticQs will engage to allow for fully capturing the thoughts, wisdom and insights to share in group discussions and communications.