Watch as Nigerian Bishop, the Most Rev. Godfrey Igwebuike Onah, makes a statement to those who have taken from his people and to the youth about their loss.
If our youth get angry it will be like an avalanche of accumulated indignation, and no amount of money that you have hoarded in this country will protect you from their wrath.
You cannot dialog with a person who has nothing to lose. The youth of this country have lost everything, including their future. Their future has been mortgaged and their present has been stolen by people who keep telling them they are the leaders of the future.
I tell them, don’t listen to us anymore when we tell you, ‘you are the leaders of the future.’ You are the leaders of tomorrow. They started saying it 40 years ago, and the people who ruled us 40 years ago are still ruling us today. Where will the future be?
Most Rev. Godfrey Igwebuike Onah, Bishop of Nsukka, Nigeria