August 01, 2021
Watch as Father Santo and Dr. Richard Jorgensen discuss how spiritual principles are at the root of Co-Lab™ Commerce, with free will, reason and intention being at the center.
00:10 Scripture References: Gospel of John 6: 24-35, Bread of Life. Exodus 16: 2-4 and 12-15, Complaining of Food
1:33 Father Santo has difficulty buying food. Parishioners used to bring him fresh food as an offering before COVID. Price of food is increasing.
2:28 Breaking of bread - spiritual hungry for truth
5:45 The God Model - gifts of free will and reason. Clarity and conviction of our intention. What we give and what we receive.
10:32 Matthew 25: 14-30 The Parable of the Talents
15:14 Solution-based people take action
16:45 Father Santo talks how Richard Jorgensen is making a mark in his life
17:57 Apwoyo Matek - “Thank You Very Much”
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