The 5 Is of Communication
Life Cycle of Environments – The 5 Stages
Value-based Commerce: The God Model
Gears of Life: Living from Values
A Co-Lab™ Foundation Principle: The 5 Absolutes™
Behavior: Converting AdR™ Fear-based to AdI™ Trust-based Behavior (Control Wheel™ to the Personal Power Wheel™)
Activating Anger and Control: Triggers
Protected: Pocket Wisdom Dynamic Relational Models (DRMs) and Principles – Collection Facilitation Guide
SOS Activates Adaptive Intelligence (AdI™)
Re-Examining Our Culture
A Co-Lab™ Research Institute Perspective
We learn that we cannot change the past, but we can adjust our sails… and keep the same direction… and change the future. But in order for us to change tomorrow, we must choose to [...]
Culture Value-ation Indicator Results
Principle-based Collaboration with Dynamic Relational Models™ (DRM)
Protected: Followship-Leadership eMod Course Excerpt Viewing
Phase 1 – Resources Access
Phase 1 - Introduction to the Opportunity External Usage eMod eBooks and Videos PWI Social Projects - Direction and Strength (webpage) A Race to the Bottom of the Brainstem (blog) A Race to the Bottom [...]
8 PWI Intelligences eMod Video™
What are the Multiple Intelligences? Learn about the many ways your mind can tap into these "Q's" to transform your experience of life. Strengthen each area of intelligence within you to become a more balanced and whole person. [...]
Perception-Attitude-Thinking-Feeling-Behavior Model
Fear Thinking Model (incl. 16 Reasons) eMod Video
Social engineering has created and amplified a perpetual cycle fear, which many people learn to live in in order to survive and fulfill their basic needs. Pocket Wisdom Insights offers models and tools to understand [...]