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AwareComm – Pocket Wisdom Insights Reference Library of:
>>eMod Flip eBook
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>>>>eMod Dynamic Relational Models(tm) (DRM) Videos
Protected: Communicate with Power, Honor and Purpose
Protected: Collaboration in Action: A Discovery of Connecting the Dots
A Deliverable Answer
Opening Insights: Millennial Muck-up Coming to an organization near you, Millennial sensitivity training! Learn how to do something with the most challenging (and challenged) generation that America has ever seen. More than just a headlining […]
Protected: Co-Lab Brain Architecture eMod Flip eBook
Partnering with the BIG DOGS eMod Video
Whisper Technology Partnering with Social Media eMod Video
AwareComm eModLook Book
Social Engineering eMod™ Flip eBook™
Humanity is struggling with the greatest challenges of its time. We have been socially conditioned over generations to accept and allow the gradual and subtle elimination of our freedoms. The most effective tools used in [...]
The Millennial Struggle
Opening Insights: The Millennial Struggle My mentor, who I’ll refer to as my Co-Lab Grandpa (A Grandpa’s Blog), recently asked me to do a brief write-up regarding what it’s like to be a Millennial. What […]
Make Organization Solidarity a Reality eMod Flip eBook™
The Organization Players – All of ‘em
Opening Insights: The Players – All of ‘em While participating in Co-Lab research to examine the leadership framework of medium to large-sized organizations, a moment of clarity gripped me. This concept of communicating across three […]
PWI 5 Dimensions of Long-term Sobriety eMod™ eBook
Traditional sobriety is focused on stopping the use of the physical substance, behavior or process. The problem is physical sobriety is only one part of the solution. Long-term sobriety and maturity require 5 key aspects [...]
Judeo-Christian Values Collaboration Laboratory (Co-Lab™)
Opening Insights: Complacency and Wishful Thinking First they came for the Jews and I did not speak out because I was not a Jew. Then they came for the Communists and I did not speak [...]
Whole Brain Thinking Flip eMod eBook™
Oxford Community Collaboration Laboratory (Co-Lab™)
Opening Insights: City of Oxford: Latin motto “Fortis est Veritas” means “The truth is strong.” Homelessness and addiction is out of control within the UK. Social benefits and homeless entitlements within certain communities, like Oxford, [...]
PWI Collaborative Recovery – 5 Dimensions of Long-term Recovery
Welcome to the Pocket Wisdom Insights Recovery Co-Lab Institute featuring PWI Recovery – 5 Dimensions of Recovery. Long-term recovery is something that many people seek, yet few people find. What if we could turn the tide? PWI Recovery […]