Ideas Worth Exploring
Problems Worth Answering
Answers Worth Implementing
PWI eMod Co-Labs Worth Activating
A Community Worth Growing with Trust/Solidarity

Oxford Community Collaboration Laboratory (Co-Lab™)

October 3, 2017 0

Opening Insights: City of Oxford: Latin motto “Fortis est Veritas” means “The truth is strong.” Homelessness and addiction is out of control within the UK. Social benefits and homeless entitlements within certain communities, like Oxford, [...]

Should We Fear ‘the End of Work’?

October 1, 2017 0

Opening Insights: Making Sen$e In a 2012 report on the show "Making Sen$e" by Paul Solman explored “Man vs. Machine.” In this report he examined the future of the American worker and asked the question: Will Human [...]

The Testing Time – By Paul Harvey

September 30, 2017 0

Opening Insights: Reality of War, Taxes and Government Paul Harvey Aurandt (September 4, 1918 – February 28, 2009), better known as Paul Harvey, was an American radio broadcaster for the ABC Radio Networks. He was [...]

Your Beliefs Are No Longer Allowed

September 25, 2017 0

Opening Insights: Battle for Your Thoughts There is a war going on. There is a war going on that is much more insidious than the likes of physical and racial violence. There is a war [...]

Digital Transformation: Catch the Wave!

September 21, 2017 0

Opening Insights: Ready for Change? Change is on the horizon. Are you and your organization ready to not only implement digital transformation, but to become a part of it?   Informational Insights: Digital Transformation is Today [...]

How to Build a Company Where the Best Ideas Win

September 15, 2017 0

Opening Insights Ray Dalio is the founder, chair and co-chief investment officer of Bridgewater Associates, the biggest hedge fund in the world, and leader in portfolio management. In his TED Talk titled How to build [...]

Face-reading AI Will Be Able to Detect Your Politics and IQ

September 13, 2017 0

Opening Insights: Dangers of Technology In 2012, a U.S. Army Research Laboratory funded study, led by Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, presented a paper demonstrating how activity forecasting would work. The study focused on the "automatic detection [...]

Problem vs. Dilemma

August 26, 2017 0

 Opening Insights Many of us often find ourselves between a rock and a hard-place. In those situations, it is important to understand the difference between a problem and a dilemma. Informational Insights A Problem is [...]

7 Sure Signs That Your Workplace Is Toxic

August 23, 2017 0

Opening Insights Take a moment, close your eyes and reflect on your work environment, remembering that we spend more than 50% of our waking hours at work: Is it a place of discovery, profitability, productivity, [...]

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