The Future of Arizona, The Republicans and the Nation
Opening Insights: No Fear to Speak, At Deaths Door The reality of mortality leaves us in a place of deep reflection and candor. To avoid regrets, no holds are barred and no truth is too [...]
Opening Insights: No Fear to Speak, At Deaths Door The reality of mortality leaves us in a place of deep reflection and candor. To avoid regrets, no holds are barred and no truth is too [...]
Opening Insights: Seeking Clarity A moment's insight is sometimes worth a life's experience. OLIVER WENDELL HOLMES A Collaboration Laboratory Institute (Co-Lab™) focuses on empowering cultural transformation, raising human intelligence (with experiential learning) and restoring solidarity [...]
Opening Insights: From the Cockpit to the Conference Room Creative minds don't follow rules, they follow will.AMIT KALANTRI A Collaboration Laboratory Institute (Co-Lab™) focuses on empowering cultural transformation, raising human intelligence (with experiential learning) and [...]
Opening Insights: A Co-Lab™ Awakens One of the newest figures to emerge on the world stage in recent years is the social entrepreneur. This is usually someone who burns with desire to make a positive [...]
Opening Insights: Employee Problems Believe it or not there are employees out there who struggle with personal issues and bring them into the workplace. We all know what these issues bring to the workplace... lost [...]
Opening Insights: Employees Matter Too Employees are people too, they are not just a robot their to server. Like you they have their own thought and feelings. When we go to the store have you [...]
Opening Insights: Economic Realities ... Do you ever feel—despite the supposed economic "recovery" of recent years—that something in America is still not quite right? If so, you are not alone. After all, how can things [...]
Opening Insights: The Great Takeover Once one has accumulated enough monetary wealth the continued accumulation of wealth loses its excitement and purpose. The drive to make more money becomes replaced with the hunger for power, […]
Opening Insights: Let’s Collaborate Our world is so divided and disconnected. We all know that’s part of the problem, so we are all looking for ways to correct the problem. Years ago, it was all [...]
Opening Insights: From Bad to Worse Leadership, direction and marketing are terms that are incredibly important and interdependent. The leadership of a company drives the direction and marketing with the mission, vision and goals of [...]
Opening Insights: Adapt or Die We are in the midst of the 4th Industrial Revolution where technology and data continuously reshape the way we interact with our world. The times have changed and us with [...]
Opening Insights: Houston we have a GLOBAL PROBLEM An over-indulgence of anything, even something as pure as water, can intoxicate. CRISS JAMI We have a global pandemic and it's only getting worse. If we think [...]
Opening Insights: The Right to Choose The role of a creative leader is not to have all the ideas; it's to create a culture where everyone can have ideas and feel that they're valued. KEN [...]
Opening Insights: Today? Everyone today is concerned and talking about the problems and challenges that technology has brought to our cultures today. Many people are researching the problems and seeking answers. They form groups of [...]
Opening Insights: The Glory Days Are GONE Gone are the days that tech giants and their CEOs can rely on the naive optimism of the politicians, academics and the media. The concerns and research about [...]
Opening Insights: Millennial Muck-up Coming to an organization near you, Millennial sensitivity training! Learn how to do something with the most challenging (and challenged) generation that America has ever seen. More than just a headlining […]
Monday's 1 Minute Inspiration ~ ONE DAY AT TIME “Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.” - Buddha POCKET WISDOM INSIGHTS for ORGANIZATION CULTURES [...]
Opening Insights: Embracing the Right Brain We often hear about people who have experienced a stroke. However, many of us are ignorant to their experience, the recovery process and the journey they go on as [...]
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