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Who’s Hovering Above?

October 28, 2019 0

Opening Insights: The Future, Delivered We live in a society exquisitely dependent on science and technology,in which hardly anyone knows anything about science and technology.CARL SAGAN An old man sits on a creaking rocking chair […]

AI | Not What We Expected

October 26, 2019 0

Opening Insights: Artificial, Yes. Intelligence, well… By far, the greatest danger of Artificial Intelligence is that people conclude too early that they understand it.ELIEZER YUDKOWSKY The Artificial Intelligence (AI) of science fiction has given us […]

Robot Priest? Yup, That’s Right

September 22, 2019 0

Opening Insights: AI-Delivered Faith, Delivered Better By far, the greatest danger of Artificial Intelligence is that people conclude too early that they understand it.ELIEZER YUDKOWSKY The calling of a priesthood is said to be an […]

5G Drones Over Lanai

September 22, 2019 0

Opening Insights: Cultural Destruction There is no worse tyranny than to force a man to pay for what he does not wantmerely because you think it would be good for him.ROBERT A. HEINLEIN, THE MOON […]

In a Nutshell

September 20, 2019 0

AwareComm’s most important attributes are: Position of strength in the marketplace Ability to accurately identify people problems in any group (large or small) Know-how to introduce and implement solutions to identified people problems We make […]

Own Your Thoughts?

August 30, 2019 0

Opening Insights: Give Facebook Full Access to Your Thoughts? Cogito, ergo sum.(I think, therefore I am)RENE DESCARTES The only property which any person truly owns is their own thoughts. Sharing our thoughts is something done […]

Truth – An Introduction

August 29, 2019 0

As the old saying goes, “there are three types of people”:

1. People who don’t know there’s a problem
2. People who just talk a lot about the problem
3. People who really do something about the problem

Which type are you? […]

When Elon Met Jack

August 29, 2019 0

Opening Insights: The Future is Now; Are We Ready? The saddest aspect of life right now is that science gathers knowledgefaster than society gathers wisdom.ISAAC ASIMOV Anyone who has read a science fiction novel or […]

Global Concerns: Tools and Weapons

August 15, 2019 0

On the Same Team – Joining Forces with Microsoft In 2019 AwareComm® finds itself on the same Team with Brad Smith, “Putting ethics back into technology.” Explore the Following Articles: Click Here for: The NEW [...]

Amazon’s Rekognition Software Can Now Spot Fear

August 14, 2019 0

Opening Insights: Facial Recognition Tech is Getting Better Big Brother is Watching You.GEORGE ORWELL, 1984 Anyone who has read a science fiction novel or watched a sci-fi action movie can tell you exactly what happens […]

Elon Musk’s ‘Brain Chip’

August 14, 2019 0

Opening Insights: Merging Intelligence Any man could, if he were so inclined, be the sculptor of his own brain.SANTIAGO RAMON Y CAJAL Elon Musk’s neurotechnology startup, Neuralink, is seemingly on-track to birthing the sci-fi phenomenon […]

Create Classroom Cultures Responsive to Change

April 20, 2019 0
Suggested Program Creating a Classroom Culture Responsive to Change Teaching the Core Principles of Thinking, Behavior and Emotional Maturity Foundation Premise One of the biggest challenges educators today face is the behavior of students, ranging from bullying and anger, to lack of focus and no sense of accountability. Just as a foundation must be laid before a house can be built, a foundational classroom culture must be established before true and lasting learning can occur. By creating a cohesive classroom culture, where student are responsive to change, self-0authority, responsibility and accountability can be woven into an applied to everyday classroom life. When students learn no just WHAT to think but HOW to think they are empowered to: [...]

The Power of Partnership

January 31, 2019 0

An evolving technological landscape and accelerating cultural decay have combined to leave the younger generations with an inability to partner and learn. AwareComm® has a plan for turning this trend up-side down and returning collective strength to all. [...]

Big Tech Controls

January 26, 2019 0

Opening Insights: We are losing... Big Brother is watching you.GEORGE ORWELL We are losing control. We all know, but who really cares? Who has the power to stop the speeding train? The Big Tech powerhouses [...]

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