Opening Insights
All addiction is rooted in fear-based thinking and control.
We must come face to face with:
Informational Insights
PWI Recovery Goes Beyond:
Being Heard
Being Understood
Getting Attention
PWI Recovery is not about talking the walk.
PWI Recovery is about walking the talk
That is why we have the 12 Steps
Rooted in the 5 Absolutes!
PWI Recovery takes us back to basics:
1. Assessment of situations (all the facts) to see the CHOICES we have. No hidden agendas and lying to ourselves by omission. We must consider the short and long-term consequences (results) to you and others.
2. Make the “right” DECISION, not just what feels good. The decision process must be rooted in our values and consider our past, present and future as a guiding compass.
3. Re-Examine your decisions to see if you have the COURAGE to implement your decisions:
- Clarity in the problem, answer and solution
- Conviction in your commitment to truly let go of old thinking and behavior
4. Willingness to start the LETTING GO process using the PWI 5 Gears of Life Exercise and Honest Writing using the 4 Absolutes as your template:
- Denial
- Bargaining
- Anger - Depression
- Hopeless - Helplessness
- Surrender To Another Way
- Open-Mindedness and Acceptance
- Write and Publish PWI eMod Blogs
- Volunteer Buddy Support Commitment
- Publish and Teach eMod Buddy App-Ons in Recovery Classes

Letting Go
5. Find TRUST in your recovery process and see the intrinsic value (love), as well as the benefits to you
6. Experience that ACCEPTANCE is what you give to others and not what you seek from others
7. Discover that FAITH is a path to a new and enriching life
“Practicing these principles in all of our affairs” means we incorporate all dimensions of sobriety into our lives:
- Dimension 1 Physical Sobriety
- Dimension 2 Emotional Sobriety
- Dimension 3 Financial Sobriety
- Dimension 4 Relational Sobriety
- Dimension 5 Social Responsibility Sobriety
PWI Co-Labs
Collectively Create
Social-Cultural Responsibility
At Work, At Home, At Worship and At Play
PWI Recovery Co-Lab Institutes
People, Communities and Organizations
in Discovering
Emotional Resolution
and Finding Personal Freedom!
PWI Recovery is a Journey, Not a Destination.
Enjoy the Journey…
Research Based PWI Recovery
Discover the Next Evolution and Advancement of Learning Technology that enhances information delivering in the same way EMDR balances the brain and supports emotional and cognitive growth and development [...]
"It is not necessary to change. Survival is not mandatory." W. Edwards Deming. Change is an uncomfortable topic for many of us because many of us have come to believe that it is impossible. However, believable and achievable change is real within the Co-Lab [...]
Click Here to Explore More PWI Recovery Resources
Possibilities for Consideration
Take a moment and examine…
- As you reviewed the material above, what stood out to you?
- What is the potential impact, economically and/or socially?
- What action is needed to stop or support this idea?
- You may want to consider whether you:
- want to be aware of,
- should become supportive of,
- would want to be active in this topic?
Add Your Insight
I have been impressed with the urgency of doing. Knowing is not enough; we must apply.
Being willing is not enough; we must do.