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Evangelist’s Big Challenge to Christians: “Get out more”

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Opening Insights

Popular evangelist Christine Caine travels more than 300,000 miles each year, cross-crossing the globe as she addresses diverse Christian audiences and runs A21, her international nonprofit aimed at combating human trafficking.

Informational Insights

It’s a dynamic that gives Caine, author of the new book “Unashamed,” a unique perspective on the state of the Christian church. So, when she was recently asked how she responds to those who claim that faith is dying and on the decline, the evangelist erupted with laughter.

“They need to get out more. That’s my reaction … you are in such a small little circle,” she told The Church Boys podcast of such critics. “The church has never been more vibrant on the Earth, the church has never been more alive on the Earth, the church has never been more widespread on the Earth, we’ve never been reaching more people as we are today, there have never been the numbers coming to faith as there are today.”

And Caine wasn’t done there, saying that this is “the greatest time on Earth, in history to be part of the church of Jesus Christ.”


Listen to Caine discuss the state of the Christian church at the 25:00-mark below:


As for genuine Christianity, Caine said that the collective church is “glorious” and flourishing across the world. While she said that Christianity is in good shape overall, Caine also issued a warning when it comes to the current state of culture in North America.


“We’re not in Kansas anymore. I think Christianity — particularly here as we’ve known it in America … we have to be living a dynamic, vibrant everyday faith, not a sunday faith, not a fake faith, not a religious faith that’s based on rules and relations,” she said. “And we have to learn what it truly means to love our neighbor as ourselves.”


Caine called on Christians to engage the world and not run from it, while helping to usher in biblical transformation, saying that such a balance can be achieved when each believer has a genuine and “interconnected faith life.”
“We cannot be saying one thing out there and living another thing internally,” she said.


Wise words, the problem is that telling people about what is wrong and what is right is not going to change anything, it never has. We need a structured process to support people in unlearning the sins of our culture and relearning their way back to Christ. This cannot be done through traditional preaching, we need to, as Caine suggests step into the world and speak to people where they are, in a way that befriends their fears and speaks to their soul, heart and values – individually and collectively. We can find this technology in the PWI Christian Co-Lab Incubator – the time is NOW!

Source: //

Possibilities for Consideration

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  • As you reviewed the material above, what stood out to you?
  • What is the potential impact, economically and/or socially?
  • What action is needed to stop or support this idea?
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    • should become supportive of,
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I have been impressed with the urgency of doing. Knowing is not enough; we must apply.
Being willing is not enough; we must do.

eMod SocraticQ Conversation

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FOOTNOTE of Importance

Our world is experiencing an incredible revolution powered by technology that has used its tools to:

  • deceive the public
  • disrupt tradition
  • divide the people

This has inadvertently resulted in a Fear-based Shadow Culture™ that has hurt many people.
A powerful group of influence has joined together to deliver a proven antidote by shifting from impersonal development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to replace people to utilize AI to empower Human Intelligence (HI).


To Empower The People:


Distraction Junction


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We invite Heroes and Visionaries
to explore accessing these powerful methodologies and resources
to achieve their individual visions.

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