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The Next Evolution of Education and Research: PWI University Co-Lab

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Opening Insights: Monopoly Education

There is a huge employment crisis, a growing talent shortage and an amazing opportunity for universities to correct this problem, quickly!

The education market is a disaster.

Universities all over the world are engaged in a crisis or aware that one is coming. Enrollment is down. Leadership is only concerned about the bottom line. Students are angry. Businesses and the economies are suffering.

Many businesses and universities are turning to robotics and engineering for funds and innovations to fuel their workforce. Soon businesses will not need people, and people will not need a university education. What happens then?

We can either remain in the market, and watch our institutions and societies crumble, or... we can change the market!

Informational Insights: Goldfish Beats Human

Technology has infected and affected our classrooms and lecture halls. The education standard of the entry level university student has fallen significantly, along with the average human attention span, which is now less than a Goldfish, according to Microsoft’s latest research  at a whopping 8 seconds and falling.

However, traditional education had problems before the technology revolution (and they have only become more problematic):

  • Traditional teaching and lecturing is designed to support the instructor, not the student.
  • Traditional education models are based on teaching/preaching rather than mentoring and facilitating.
  • Traditional educational models are dependent on enrollment funding rather than research and development.
  • Traditional teaching and lecturing does not gain the students' trust or attention – thus learning is impossible.
  • Traditional teaching and lecturing does not overcome barriers to learning that students have, such as fear of learning, anger, prejudice (towards the teacher), learning challenges like ADD/ADHD, dyslexia, etc.

The education problem is systemic and cultural, and if we do nothing to change it, things will continue to change, for the worse.

  • Students will continue to blame.
  • Students will continue be and get angry.
  • Students will continue to seek solutions in the only way they have been conditioned to – by force, bullying (violence) and rage.

Again, if we do nothing, things will change, but not for the better!

We have to ask ourselves, are we willing to do nothing? Like the German’s back in the 1930’s, are we willing to keep standing by in denial or illusion and watch things get worse? Or, will we take a leadership position, do something and be a part of reversing the social engineering and cultural trend of entitlement, narcissism and rage that has infected our youth and disrupted our economies.

Possibilities for Consideration: Learn to Swim

  • What if universities could initiate a shift in the educational paradigm – students are our future, rather than students are our income?
  • What if universities could initiate a new paradigm of education – mentorship, rather than lecturing, teaching or preaching?
  • What if universities could once again empower political debate, rather than inhibit with political correctness?
  • What if universities could once again be experienced as a compounding asset, rather than a compounding debt?
  • What if universities could once again empower students with the value of learning from history, rather than denying it and becoming doomed to repeat it?
  • What if universities could once again fuel businesses and the economy with a workforce that is mature, capable, creative and hardworking, rather than the work-phobic, talent-less labor force we currently see?
  • What if universities could once again be the respected institutions that create environments that support, liberate and teach principles, values and heritage rather than provide environments of entitlement, narcissism and crowd conditioning?


The only universities that will survive the coming robotic revolution are those that not only provide true educational solutions and value, but offer advance research strategies and secure repeat research grants.

However, like most things in life, the question is often not what, but how…

Here is the simple process any consultant would follow:

  • Bring people of influence and power together, who agree change is needed
  • Collaborate and get them to agree on the problems
  • Collaborate and find answers to the problems
  • Assess results and reengage in the collaboration process to refine and improve the solution

SIMPLE! ... Right?

NO, not quite...

We all know that collaboration is no easy task in today’s ego-based and narcissistic world.

We need experts to facilitate the communication process…

  • Experts that have a proven process, platform and managed service to overcome the thinking and communication challenges we face on a cultural level so that we can effectively come together and collaborate…
  • Experts that have a proven process, platform and managed service to address the problem, answer and solution…
  • Experts that have a proven process, platform and managed service to gain data intelligence for constant research, improvement and sustainability…

Add Your Insight: Power of Integrity

Microsoft's new focus:

  • Re-Energize
  • Re-New
  • Re-Frame
  • Re-Think
  • Re-Fresh

Awareness Communication Technology, LLC (AwareComm®), a Quad Gold Microsoft R&D partners brings the power to Re-Build... 

AwareComm® is part of a global Microsoft movement in partnership with the 430,000 Microsoft Partner Network – supporting the implementation of what Satya Nadella, stated we must do: take responsibility for our world and the freedoms we have before “there is no one left to speak for me.”

AwareComm’s mission, like Microsoft’s, is to empower people. As a front-runner and leader in Cloud Application Development, Cloud Infrastructure and Intelligent Data Science Platforms (cutting edge research), AwareComm® is a quiet force within the IT (AI) industry, holding an advisory position with Microsoft.

AwareComm’s past 30 years of research and testing have culminated in a platform, known as the Collaboration Laboratory (Co-Lab). Co-Labs integrate technology, methodology, human understanding and intelligent data science to measure, assess and create cultural change that is accepted and supported by all stakeholders. The Co-Lab platform supports the development of critical thinking skills, effective ethical communication and social cultural responsibility.


AwareComm® offers a unique symbiotic model that supports all stakeholders as depicted in the figure above. Universities, Alumni, students, the community and the economy all benefit for the Co-Lab approach to rebuilding.

AwareComm® is a research partner, and in the spirit of partnership, is run independently from the university, but in alignment with the shared goals and interests of both parties. This positions the AwareComm® team outside the internal political struggles within the partnering organization.

To promote the platform within research environments AwareComm® is looking for ethical, influential and evidence-based visionaries to partner with in select areas.

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FOOTNOTE of Importance

Our world is experiencing an incredible revolution powered by technology that has used its tools to:

  • deceive the public
  • disrupt tradition
  • divide the people

This has inadvertently resulted in a Fear-based Shadow Culture™ that has hurt many people.
A powerful group of influence has joined together to deliver a proven antidote by shifting from impersonal development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to replace people to utilize AI to empower Human Intelligence (HI).


To Empower The People:


Distraction Junction


What is a Modern Hero?:


We invite Heroes and Visionaries
to explore accessing these powerful methodologies and resources
to achieve their individual visions.

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