The Psychology of Manipulation
Deceive – Divide – Conquer
Regardless of the outcome of this election,
the next four years will be a demonstration of
managing the problems we have, not overcoming them.
If we do not reestablish an entrepreneurial mindset and
an accompanying skill set to implement new ideas as a basis for commerce,
our country will only move backwards.
The following models illustrate the psychology of fear and control
being used to force America to its knees.

Great Minds Have Warned Us
America will not be destroyed from the outside.
If we falter and lose our freedom, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.
A Republic, if you can keep it.
We Did Not Heed The Warnings
The results of America's November 2020 election are in... well, sort of. Reports of election tampering are streaming in from both independent and mainstream media sources alike, leading many Americans to believe that a reliable count of votes was not performed.
Figures don't lie, but liars figure.
Breitbart: Software that ‘Glitched’ in MI, GA, Incorrectly Gave Biden 1000s of Votes, Used in 28 States
The software company, Dominion Voting Systems, “glitched” in Michigan, causing thousands of ballots that were meant for Republican candidates to be wrongly counted for Democrats in the state’s Antrim County. Antrim is also one of 47 counties in Michigan that uses the same software that experienced this “glitch.”
NY Post: Confessions of a voter fraud: I was a master at fixing mail-in ballots
Forbes: Election Fraud In America
The simple reason is that mail-in ballots are as close to a sure thing as a politician can get. It allows campaign workers to “help,” harangue, or harass voters into voting the “correct” way and, if not, to substitute the “correct” ballot for the voter’s own—or toss away an “incorrect” ballot.
Daily Signal: Database Swells to 1,285 Proven Cases of Voter Fraud in America
Examples include impersonation fraud at the polls; false voter registrations; duplicate voting; fraudulent absentee ballots; vote buying; illegal assistance and intimidation of voters; ineligible voting, such as by aliens; altering of vote counts; and ballot petition fraud.
The New American: Voter Fraud: Pennsylvania Democrats Caught Throwing Out Trump Votes
This reality represents the undeniable, unstoppable adversity that exists where emotion overrides all reason, but it has not stopped supporters of the apparent winner of the election from celebrating in the streets.
...but not everyone is convinced. As many world leaders assume a similar congratulatory stance on the now widely contested election results, America's southern neighbor shares practical insight.
No Clear Winner Yet
The following article was published by The Post Millennial, a "reasonable alternative" to Canada's mainstream media. It was written by Ian Miles Cheong, managing editor for Human Events, "a conservative American political news and analysis website."
Mexico’s President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador has refused to congratulate Joe Biden on his potential victory in the US 2020 Elections, breaking ranks from his counterparts in the United Kingdom, Canada, and France.
Earlier today, the leaders of the UK, Canada, and France offered their congratulations to Joe Biden and Kamala Harris for their apparent victory at the polls after the Associated Press, CNN, and other mainstream news outlets called the race for the Biden-Harris campaign against President Donald Trump.
Speaking to the press, the Mexican president said that he was unable to offer his congratulations until all legal proceedings are concluded, calling his decision “politically prudent.”
According to the AP, Joe Biden won the election on Saturday after they called the hotly contested state of Pennsylvania in his favor, claming that it put him over the threshold of 270 Electoral College votes. President Trump, his campaign, and the Republican Party are currently contesting the results in Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, Nevada, and Arizona.
“With regard to the U.S. election, we are going to wait until all the legal matters have been resolved,” Lopez Obrador said at a news conference, adding that he enjoyed a good relationship with President Trump and with former VP Joe Biden, whom he had known for a decade.
Lopez Obrador had himself faced two contentious elections in the Mexico, in 2006 and 2012, before winning his third bid for the role in 2018.
This article originally appeared in THE POST MILLENNIAL: BREAKING: Mexico’s president refuses to congratulate Joe Biden
President Obrador's political prudence is a model for others to follow and an article by Just Facts Daily lends strength to his reservation.
Based on current population data from the Census Bureau and voting data from previous elections, Just Facts has conducted a study to estimate the number of votes illegally cast by non-citizens in the battleground states of the 2020 election.
The article went on to describe a citizenship requirement for voting:
All 50 states require people to be U.S. citizens in order to register to vote in federal elections, and federal law forbids non-citizens from falsely claiming U.S. citizenship to register to vote. However, enforcement mechanisms for such laws are limited, and opportunities to get around them are ample.
The federal voter registration form requires people to declare under penalty of perjury that they are U.S. citizens, but it does not require them to provide documentary evidence that they are citizens. Several states, including Arizona and Georgia, tried to implement such a requirement, but they were blocked from doing so by court rulings backed by the Obama administration.
The enforcement situation was aptly summarized by Barack Obama shortly before the 2016 U.S. presidential election when actress Gina Rodriguez asked him if “Dreamers” and “undocumented citizens” would be deported if they voted. Obama replied:
'Not true. And the reason is, first of all, when you vote, you are a citizen yourself. And there is not a situation where the voting rolls somehow are transferred over, and people start investigating, etcetera.'
After dodging the fact that Dreamers and undocumented immigrants are not citizens, Obama’s clear message was that there is no effective way to enforce the law that prohibits them from voting.
Look at the Facts
The fact is, as of November 8, 2020, the election is not over and neither is the infighting. America is at a precipitous point, where the actions of a few could lead to disaster for us all. Let us not forget to keep our wits about us.
In a lot of ways, what happened Tuesday night could not have been worse for this country or its future. The outcome of our presidential election was seized from the hands of voters, where it rightly belongs, and now resides in the control of lawyers and courts -- and highly partisan, clearly corrupt big city bureaucrats.
No matter what happens next, that is a tragedy. Many Americans will never again accept the results of a presidential election. That story is still unfolding and we will follow it as honestly as we can wherever it leads.

Tucker Carlson reviews election results
A Fox News article by Ben Shapiro stated:
America is divided, and it is not growing less divided just out of the elitists' overwrought and hysterical mewling about Trump. This is still a country that is one-third conservative, one-third liberal and one-third in the middle.
Regardless of the final outcome of the 2020 presidential election, it is clear that America hasn't been this divided since the American civil war in the 1860's. If we continue to broaden the divide, the sick and dying America of today will never be returned to the world-leading nation that it once was, rather it will falter, wither and die. To survive as a nation of free people we must implement a solution to our epidemic-level division.
A Spiritual Battle
"The Scream" image Courtesy of www.EdvardMunch.org
In 1893, Edvard Munch painted The Scream symbolizing the “anxiety of the human condition”. I can’t think of a better painting to represent the pulse of the entire world right now. This is exactly the outcome wanted from those who live in darkness in this realm and above who are scripting everything around us. It is so easy to get sucked into the drama, to fight the wrong fight, to slowly lose your sense of direction and vision over to anger and misunderstanding, to seek out division rather than union. ⠀
Being human is tough. We were given the gift of powerful emotions, but sometimes those feelings blind the truth. Right now the whole world is on one global stage. And while we may all be unwilling participants, never forget what we do have in our control. We have and have always had our free will. We can choose how to react. We can choose when to participate, or if at all. We can choose our own musical vibration. ⠀
Take a moment. Family fighting family. Neighbors fighting neighbors. Communities at war with surrounding towns. And within each dividing faction are good people. BOTH sides. So I ask you, is it really possible that everyone on the opposing team is a bad person? Your favorite aunt is now the enemy? ⠀
See the agenda. ⠀
Divide and conquer the people. ⠀
Distract them from the true storyline. ⠀
Poison the air we breathe, the food we eat, the body we were given, hide the answers for healing, have them forget who they truly are in attempt to erase our birthright, and then go for the soul. ⠀
It is a battle, my friends, but be clear on which battle you are fighting. Let us be in service to each other to raise the vibration of this planet so evolution can happen. ⠀
May we all hold a little piece of peace in our hearts and may love conquer all. ⠀
God bless the Angels.@mcculloughmiranda (Instagram)
...but we need to learn how to do this. AwareComm® offers a platform that provides the resources and the guidance to meet this challenge.
It’s not just that we need a solution, in this new environment nobody will trust, everybody is angry, nobody listens, commerce stops, efficiency diminishes, nobody cares.
Our culture consists of perception, attitude, thinking and behavior and we have created a culture now rooted in distrust, fear and anger.
The following models illustrate the psychology of fear and control
being used to force America to its knees.

Whatever we do, however we do it, this becomes the basis for how we will build relationships at home, work, worship and play. These models will permeate all dimensions of our lives and must be reversed if our communities and our country to survive
The Real Solution
Founded in Spiritual Principles
A real solution, fully developed (tested, proven and paid for), is found in AwareComm's proprietary Adaptive Intelligence (AdI™) algorithm.

The AdI™ algorithm aligns with the intent of Pope Francis's call for a 'Good Algorithm', to reverse the damage done by the irresponsible use of technology.

Rebuilding Community Commerce - - Rebuilding the Soul of a Community
AwareComm's AdI™ algorithm is available in a community Collaboration Laboratory (Co-Lab™) Research and ePublishing Institute, where people learn to take charge of their communities by transcending adversity to diversity and solidarity through the application of responsible commerce. Success is assured by applying the principles of Adaptive Intelligence to entrepreneurial thinking using socially responsible capitalism.

What comes from an established foundation of commerce rooted in spiritual principles and AdI™ is a new business model. This business model, for the application of Socially Responsible Capitalism, is our theme and driving inspiration.
A Co-Lab™ is the implementation mechanism of the result of 30+ years of field research.
Co-Labs™ create an environment conducive to learning, solidarity and change (old ideas are more quickly learned and new ideas are more quickly accepted and implemented).
Next Step
The AwareComm® Team is attracting partners in order to awaken in the people a desire for peace and solidarity as a way to fulfill their personal needs.
Through a careful blend of AI + BI + HI + SI the Co-Lab™ Research Institute has the correct balance of technology, methodology, human understanding, spiritual principles and data science to put us on the right track to individual social and cultural empowerment.
Due Diligence classes offer a deeper dive into the Co-Lab™ Research and ePublishing Institute to determine if this philosophy is effective for your community. You will learn:
- The logical power of the AI + BI + HI + SI = AdI™ algorithm for communication and learning
- The communication power of Co-Lab™ Research and ePublishing Institute to provide secure:
- self-funding
- self-perpetuating
- self-regulating networks
- The commerce power of Socially Responsible Capitalism, blending nonprofit and commercial applications
- The application of Social Partnerships, bringing ethical business principles to overcome social challenges
- The joy, satisfaction and pride of taking a role in returning our world to a state of freedom and opportunity - being proud to be a patriot

For more information and to receive your invitation
to a Due Diligence class
email: Della@AwareComm.com