Sunday's 1 Minute Message
“Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow.
The important thing is not to stop questioning.”
- Albert Einstein
Our “Beliefs” (formed by the age of 6) define how we believe the world is. It is the cumulative picture of how we believe the world is as it relates to ourselves.
Once we decide something is true (a drink makes the world a better place) our automatic gyro inside takes us back to that “solution” over and over and over. That is why we say, “History does not repeat itself, but we repeat history.”
We fail to notice that it was YESTERDAY’S SOLUTION
that becomes TODAY’S PROBLEM.
We have learned that to change a belief we must engage in a process. Pocket Wisdom Insights for Discovery focuses on Emotional Maturity and the process of Un-learning and Re-learning. The use of computer viewings, interactive workbooks, interactive SocraticQ’s and classroom discussion groups all support the ability to better understand how PRINCIPLES inter-relate to each other, providing the foundation needed for true Un-learning and Re-learning to occur.
This allows us to:
- Recognize exactly what is not working
- Better define what it is that we are trying to achieve
- Develop an understanding of an alternative way to achieve the goal
- Experience and acknowledge that the new approach is working for you
THEN… the old belief will change and the belief that was working against you now works for you.
- Purity of Intent (we put our agendas on the table)
- Living in Reality (we return to love-attention, respect and appreciation)
May today's reflection aid you on your journey
"Your vision will become clear
only when you can look into your own heart.
Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.”
-Carl Jung