Ideas Worth Exploring
Problems Worth Answering
Answers Worth Implementing
PWI eMod Co-Labs Worth Activating
A Community Worth Growing with Trust/Solidarity

PWI Recovery Co-Lab 101

Every Perspective Counts
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Empower Our World

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Opening Insights


Informational Insights

Does Man Create the Environment or
Does the Environment Create Man?

The PWI Recovery approach deals with addiction as a cultural, family and social problem.  In order for the addict to consider change, there needs to be somewhere for them to change and an environment where they can sustain the change within each aspect of their life. There needs to be a core team that supports the change within the addicts life: business, family, social, spiritual and play.

Addiction is a result of both nature and nurture, genetics and environment. The biological functions can often be redirected easily, when the addict is within a functional environment. If the addict remains (or returns after treatment) to a dysfunctional environment, they will revert to their old was of controlling and managing the dysfunction, in order to survive.

Many people in addiction resist change as they fear “who will be there when I change?” This is why the PWI Recovery approach builds a core team around the recovering person before they enter the process… to invite them in, and sustain, maintain and grow the culture from all perspectives, so there is no where the recovering person wants or needs to hide.

Intervention is a process of recognizing the true cost of a way of living:

  • Socially – What others think about you.
  • Spiritually – What you think God thinks about you.
  • Personally – What you think about your self-esteem.
  • Economically – What you think about your ability to provide for yourself.

Recovery is based on four key principles of living life:

  • Honesty – Communicating with everybody in a way that includes ALL pertinent information and leaves nothing out.
  • Selflessness – So you can know who others are and recognize how you can be of service and help them.
  • Purity and Openness of Your Intentions – Communicating humility of who you are and who you are not.
    • People can trust you
    • People can depend on you
    • People will not expect more of you than you can deliver

Reality/Community based on:

  • Attention – Including ALL the facts
  • Respect – Examination of ALL contempt before examination
  • Appreciation – Discovering intrinsic value in ALL elements for ALL Stakeholders

Aftercare that is integrated into all aspects of life is the key to long-term sobriety:

  • Family
  • Friends
  • Intimate Relationships
  • Employment and Social Team Projects

Putting The Plan Into Action

Recovery is a Serious Process and Requires a Real Commitment, from ALL Stakeholders.
Are You Ready for Recovery?

Although it is the sole responsibility of the recovering individual (Recovery Buddy Participant) to decide and direct their own life, it is the responsibility of the individual to choose and select the community (environment) in which they will live. This environment needs real consideration as it will define the greatest influence on long-term sobriety, both physical and emotional, i.e. to create their support team community.

We Can All Acknowledge That
Change is Hard and You Can’t Do It Alone –
90% of People Won’t Change.

How Does It Work?

Once the Intervention – Treatment – Aftercare Team (Recovery Buddy Team) has been established and defined, and the recovering addict has selected and joined the team, they are effectively stepping out of intervention and into recovery.

In most cases, the Recovery/Treatment Process requires a Retreat for the whole Recovery Buddy Team.

In many cases there is an allocated time between the Intervention and Recovery Retreat (a qualification period), in which a routine is designed and maintained in order for the recovering alcoholic addict to prove ability to participation and willingness to apply. This routine includes: assignments are allocated in a sequential order, as well as other activities toward maintaining physical and developing emotional sobriety.

Each assignment is monitored daily by a Certified Facilitator as a Buddy Coach. All sessions are recorded and available for viewing by the Recovery Buddy Team to watch and understand the process.

Prior to (and following) the Retreat, the Recovery Buddy Team Member’s Schedule will include:

  • Daily Group Morning Meeting with Recovery Buddy Participant
  • Scheduled Touch Bases with Recovery Buddy Participant Throughout the Day
  • Attend Meetings Several Time a Week to meet and evaluate the recovery candidate for:
    • Willingness to Participate
    • Ability to Apply New Content

Prior to the Retreat, the Recovery Buddy Participant will:

  • Define and Share Daily Activities
  • Follow Through with Daily Assignments
  • Straighten Up and Clean
  • Identify Job Potential
  • Daily Connect in the Recovery
  • Touch ‘n Go
  • Breathalyzer

Setting the Stage
Pre-Retreat Example Recovery Path Agenda

–> Inspirational eMod Books, eMod Videos, Movies and more, are often assigned to set the mood and support recovery principles and lessons. Assignments are often customized to the Recovery Buddy Participant.

–> Understand what is meant that “The Path of Life” is a choice (The Recovery Buddy Team and Recovery Buddy Participants complete the “Paths of Life” Course)

Personal Power Wheel









–> Begin Recovery by Understanding the 12 Steps and Recognizing Destructive Thinking and Behaviors

Read Defining Material – Defining Addictive Behavior. You can’t change what you don’t own. The more you own, the more you can change. This is the basis for the 4th Step. Follow the 12 Step Evaluation Buddy App.

–> The Recovery Buddy Participant relates the new insight to their 4, 5, 6th Step and their Recovery Buddy Team Members.

Making Your Dream of Recovery a Reality
…Big Enough for Everybody
The Intent and Invitation to the Retreat

Now a real Emotional Sobriety Process begins. Having presented the 4, 5, 6th Step, the The Recovery Buddy Participant invites Recovery Buddy Team Members to participate with him/her to jointly resolve the past and begin a new life together.

  • The Recovery Buddy Participant Co-Facilitates a Workshop with the Recovery Buddy Team in a
    7 day Retreat.
  • Passage to Adulthood
  • Stress and Conflict in Relationships
  • Resolving Past
    • Emotions
    • Behaviors
    • Relationships and Forgiveness
  • Applying Recovery Principles and Creating a Team Culture at Work, Home, Worship and Play

Dreams to Reality into Daily Life
Creating the Life with AfterCare,
Team Follow-On and App-Ons

Return home and continue with the Recovery Buddy Team to integrate the principles into daily life and integrate recovery into your life to have a life.

Each program is personalized, however the following is a general foundation of process.

  • Obtain employment (if currently not)
  • Regular Team Meetings to support life and multiple perspectives
  • As a Team continue eMods to reapply the principle as life unfolds
  • Continue as a Team to Apply the Principles of Courseware and Recovery to Daily activities
    • Utilizing the Many PWI Resources including but not limited to:
      • PWI 5 Gears in Action Exercise
      • PWI Value Intelligence Exercise
      • SocraticQs
      • Follow-on eMod Courseware
  • Execute the plans laid out in the retreat for additional amends as needed
  • Follow-on Coaching with an Certified Buddy Coach
  • Expand ones skill set, solidify the life application of the principles and perspectives by creating App-Ons to express the applications

Possibilities for Consideration

Take a moment and examine…

  • As you reviewed the material above, what stood out to you?
  • What is the potential impact, economically and/or socially?
  • What action is needed to stop or support this idea?
  • You may want to consider whether you:
    • want to be aware of,
    • should become supportive of,
    • would want to be active in this topic?

Add Your Insight

I have been impressed with the urgency of doing. Knowing is not enough; we must apply.
Being willing is not enough; we must do.

eMod SocraticQ Conversation

Every Perspective Counts
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FOOTNOTE of Importance

Our world is experiencing an incredible revolution powered by technology that has used its tools to:

  • deceive the public
  • disrupt tradition
  • divide the people

This has inadvertently resulted in a Fear-based Shadow Culture™ that has hurt many people.
A powerful group of influence has joined together to deliver a proven antidote by shifting from impersonal development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to replace people to utilize AI to empower Human Intelligence (HI).


To Empower The People:


Distraction Junction


What is a Modern Hero?:


We invite Heroes and Visionaries
to explore accessing these powerful methodologies and resources
to achieve their individual visions.

Every Perspective Counts
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