Opening Insights
Pocket Wisdom Insights offers an integrated and systematic approach to recovery that engages all stakeholders in the process for long-term recovery success. Pocket Wisdom Insights saw the problems and the gaps within the traditional recovery and treatment models and as such defined a step-by-step process to support addiction recovery from prevention – to intervention – to treatment – to aftercare – to long-term success.
Informational Insights
What is the PWI Integrated System for Life?
This 4 Step inclusionary model works by gaining the investment and commitment of the intervention team, the addict, the treatment team and the aftercare team through a supported and guided process that enhances traditional recovery models and practices with a proven blend of METHODOLOGY – TECHNOLOGY – HUMAN UNDERSTANDING.
What are the PWI Integrated System for Life Steps?
Step 1: The intervention team is assembled. The intervention team comprises of people committed to the addicts recovery, so much so that they are willing to invest in the program both personally, collectively and financially. Therefore, the intervention team is not just a team of people that come together to support the addict in getting into recovery, the intervention team comes together to actively and interactively walk with the addict through their recovery process. Thus, the intervention team provides a consistent environment of recovery and support, so when the addict goes back home or to work, they remain within a recovery culture.
Step 2: Intervention Based on Interest and Engagement Rather than Compliance. Using a structured list of resources delivered through convenient, efficient and easy to use technology the addict becomes engaged in a learning process that builds a sense of trust and confidence within the environment, culture and team. This approach results in the addict entering recovery as a result of awareness, acceptance and choice (free will) rather than passive compliance and agreement.
Step 3: Enhanced Education With Emotional Sobriety, Maturity and Life Skills. The treatment process comprises of both physical and emotional sobriety, supporting the addict in letting go of their use of external stimuli (behaviors, processes and / or substances), while simultaneously supporting the addict with the emotional resilience, value and conviction to stay stopped. Through traditional treatment protocols (be it 12 Step, EMDR and or cognitive behavior based) along with Pocket Wisdom Insights, addicts and the intervention team together engage in educational courseware, called eMod Buddy Apps which provide the addicts and team with the “Personal Emotional Strength” and intelligence to support the addicts process as well as support their life processes in general. The intention of this stage is to lay a foundation of the recovery principles that define and enhance the culture.
Step 4: Aftercare Protocol and Maintenance. Traditional addiction programs are compartmentalized, separating: prevention, intervention, treatment and aftercare. Pocket Wisdom Insights works because it supports a process of support and guidance that results not only in a shift in behavior, thinking, attitudes, perceptions, beliefs and values, but a positive and long-lasting change in the environment and the culture as a whole. Thus, the aftercare program provides opportunities for the recovering addict, the intervention team and the treatment team to periodically connect, engage, evolve and grow their community, culture and environment by contributing their experience and stories in the form of App-Ons that are shared with the world, so the message is carried on.
Possibilities for Consideration
Take a moment and examine…
- As you reviewed the material above, what stood out to you?
- What is the potential impact, economically and/or socially?
- What action is needed to stop or support this idea?
- You may want to consider whether you:
- want to be aware of,
- should become supportive of,
- would want to be active in this topic?
Add Your Insight
I have been impressed with the urgency of doing. Knowing is not enough; we must apply.
Being willing is not enough; we must do.