Opening Insights
There are many different types of addiction. There are many different classifications and labels. Yet in the world of addiction, all addictions like people are equal but different. While each addiction represents itself in a unique way, with its own unique flavor, behavior or process, the underlying cause of addiction is the same in all cases.
Informational Insights
Addiction is a genetic condition in which there are more negative receptors in the brain than positive receptors. Thus, the natural state of the addicted brain without any stimulus is fear. This is a scientific fact.
The brains of addicted people “have been modified by the drug in such a way that absence of the drug makes a signal to their brain that is equivalent to the signal of when you are starving,” says National Institute on Drug Abuse Director Dr. Nora Volkow. It is “as if the individual was in a state of deprivation, where taking the drug is indispensable for survival. It’s as powerful as that.”
There are two ways to medicate the addicted (fear-based) brain: we either magnify the positive or minimize the negative.
- To Magnify the Positive: We use uppers to enhance the experience to override the negativity, to magnify the limited number of positive sensors in the brain. This makes the positive sensors more active. This increases the experience of pleasure. More pleasure. More adrenalin. More sex. More excitement. More sense of control and drama. Thus, we use these triggers to elevate our sense of power and grandiosity if we have these genetics.
- To Minimize the Negative: We use depressants to minimize the negative. Therefore, we use downers. So when you give a depressant to an alcoholic it minimizes their negativenesss or you take alcoholic which is a depressant, it is a chemical depressant and it makes you feel better
Either of these two “medications” creates a chemical dependency. Thus, to summarize, in order for us as addicts to feel better we have to do one of the two: maximize the level of positivity or minimize the low level of negativity, it’s all pretty simple. Alternatively, in the very center of the brain in the middle of the hypothalamus there is what is known as my spiritual center of the brain. One can heighten their awareness of their spiritual center and it will take care of the balancing act between the emotions and the logic and one can live a centered life, with a centered sense of self.
The Three Forms of Dependency
There are three forms of dependency: chemical, behavioral, or psychological. Alcoholism as it is defined is all three: chemical, behavioral or psychological. It results in a lack of spiritual connectedness, an allergy of the body and an obsession of the mind.
It’s not that one is an alcoholic, that’s just one way to look at it. It is not that one is a codependent that is just one way to look at it. It is not that one is a gambler that is just one way to look at it. It is not that one is a sex addict that is just one way to look at it. The reality of addiction goes back to what Deming said: we have to stop classifying it, labeling it and defining it and we need to start solving it. We don’t need to put any more labels on it. The psychiatric industry wants to label it- that’s all they can do is label and re-label, because they have no real solutions.
The work that Dr. Jorgensen has done (now delivered and offered in the Pocket Wisdom Insights Co-Lab for application and or licensing) for 30 years puts solutions, viable solutions on the table.
Physical, chemical, or emotional dependence prevents a person from growing up, creates, and perpetuates eternal immaturity. This phenomenon has been scientifically documented in the Reward Deficient Syndrome. The Reward Deficient Syndrome defined the problem with Nobel accuracy, yet they failed to solve the problem.
All of the work we do in IQ, EQ, and SQ creates a complete solution. The process works, because it addresses each component of addiction each level, each effect, and each cause. Yet when we take out any of the pieces, it doesn’t work. If we have all of the pieces in and it works
Genes lead to certain conditions. We have learned to treat those conditions. When we treat these conditions with religion and not spirituality people get sicker. When we treat these conditions with drugs not spirituality addiction progresses.
Possibilities for Consideration
Take a moment and examine…
- As you reviewed the material above, what stood out to you?
- What is the potential impact, economically and/or socially?
- What action is needed to stop or support this idea?
- You may want to consider whether you:
- want to be aware of,
- should become supportive of,
- would want to be active in this topic?
Add Your Insight
I have been impressed with the urgency of doing. Knowing is not enough; we must apply.
Being willing is not enough; we must do.