Opening Insights: Daily Gifts
Everyday, every minute, every moment, we are give a gift... the gift of free will and choice. The gift to decided no matter the circumstances we find ourselves in, how we will live and experience each TODAY!
Yet, many times we find ourselves traveling down the road of life and we come to a fork in the road.
- How do we decide which way to go?
- What criteria do we use to assess and discern which way to go?
- What thinking and whose thinking do we use to assess and discern our decision?
Robert Frost, in his poem "The Road Not Taken", suggests we should take the one less taken:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.
Robert Frost has a point, going against the grain often does make a difference, but where do we draw the line between discovery and defiance? It all comes down to INTENT.
Taking considerations and emotions out of the equation for a minute consider the following dilemma...
Informational Insights: What if we want to go BOTH ways?
How do we decide which way to go? How do we decide which direction is best for us? How do we know which road to take when both directions look equally appealing?
Some may say combine them:
- Define your own path and walk straight between the two paths, creating a third path.
How do we combine our different paths?
The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge
but imagination.Albert Einstein
Sometimes we have to consider that maybe the answer we are looking for is not there, sometimes we have to consider that we need to create our own path. As Frank Sinatra said "do it my way."
Combining is a process of creation... creativity. Creativity as defined by Richard Jorgensen is the "putting together of two or more unrelated thoughts or ideas to form something new and unique." It is a process of imagination and the willingness to consider and conceive of the unknown. Or to use Walt Disney’s term: Imagineering
What if combining our paths is difficult?
“What if when I get to the fork in the road and their is a canyon between the two paths?”
Some may say give up, others may say pick a path, others may say get a plan and fly over the canyon or find a way to walk through it.
While the paths we choose to take may not be easy at times, the reality is that it is often not about the path, but about the journey and experiences we have along the way.
The Spiritual Path
The Spiritual path is not one of whimsy and chance. The true spiritual journey is one of intelligence, discovery and careful consideration and contemplation of factors, principles and choices.
Each step we take and define the experiences we will have and the identity we have the opportunity to form and discover. However, when we choose a path some of the most important questions we need to assess are:
- Do we have all the information?
- Do we see all the paths?
- Who am I getting feedback and input from on the paths?
- What have other people who have walked these paths experienced?
- Are we making the decision with the end in mind?
Thus, while it is wonderful to want to be a trail blazer, we have to consider the limits of that doing it "our way." may not always be the right way and that we may like the Native Americans on the shores of South America, be blind to what we do not know or cannot conceive of: i.e. the Spanish ships.
Possibilities for Consideration: What are your measures of success?
True success is not measured by the assets we accumulate
or the green in our pocket.
True success is our ability to "be."
Thus, our measures of success are dependent more often than not,
NOT on the roads we take but rather
WHY we take that road
WHO we take the journey it with.
Take a moment and examine…
- As you reviewed the material above, what stood out to you?
- What is the potential impact, economically and/or socially?
- What action is needed to stop or support this idea?
- You may want to consider whether you:
- want to be aware of,
- should become supportive of,
- would want to be active in this topic?
Add Your Insight
I have been impressed with the urgency of doing. Knowing is not enough; we must apply.
Being willing is not enough; we must do.