Opening Insights
Scientists at Virginia Tech have created an AI brain scanning system which can predict whether volunteers knowingly carried drugs during a simulated border smuggling operation.
Informational Insights
Something on your mind? AI can read your thoughts and tell whether you are guilty of committing a crime
- Virginia Tech set up a simulated drug smuggling ring involving 40 volunteers
- Each was given a suitcase that might contain drugs to carry across the border
- Brain scans were then processed using machine learning to detect data patterns
- AI determined who 'knew' they were carrying illicit substances and who didn't
A superhuman skill once the preserve of comic book heroes could soon become a reality.
Scientists have used a combination of brain scanning and artificial intelligence to read the minds of 'criminals' to determine whether they are guilty of knowingly committing a crime.
This is the first time that neurobiological readings alone have been used to determine guilt, according to the study, and the findings could impact how we judge criminal responsibility in the future.
A 2013 study found that researchers could predict how likely prisoners were to re-offend through brain scans.
A team of neuroscientists at the Mind Research Network in Albuquerque studied a group of 96 male prisoners shortly before they were due to be released.
They scanned prisoners brains while they were carrying out computer tasks in which subjects had to make quick decisions and inhibit impulsive reactions.
They then followed the subjects for four years.
Among the ex-criminals studied, those showing low activity in an area of the brain associated with decision-making and action are more likely to be arrested again.
Source: Mind-reading AI knows whether you are guilty or innocent | Daily Mail Online
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