Opening Insights
Awareness Communication Technology LLC, a Microsoft Partner with Quad Gold Competencies, is announcing the integration of the Cloud Partners in Finance-Banking Collaboration Laboratory Institute (Co-Lab).
Informational Insights
Collaboration (Co-Lab) Solutions
Come and explore financial and banking solutions in the Cloud Partners in Finance-Banking Co-Lab Institute.
The Cloud Partners in Finance-Banking Co-Lab Institute expands the Microsoft Cloud Banking program, offering a platform for joining together in collaborative efforts to bring collaboration and scalability to the financial and banking arenas.
The Co-Lab Institute supports its partners in better differentiating themselves and addressing the financial – banking needs of their customers and their customer’s customers on a systemic level.
Collaborative, scalable and sustainable business solutions to address “A Cultural Transition” can be packaged along with their products and services, supporting profitable Social-Cultural Responsibility – delivering collaborative resources and trusted solutions to define and create customers for life.
Rooted in the principles of solidarity, Co-Lab Institutes bring together collective thinking into a structured process of collectively grasping and implementing solutions for the betterment of ALL STAKEHOLDERS.
Topic for Collaboration
We Welcome
Microsoft Partners, Evangelists and Industry Partners
To Join Us in this Mission!
Possibilities for Consideration
Take a moment and examine…
- As you reviewed the material above, what stood out to you?
- What is the potential impact, economically and/or socially?
- What action is needed to stop or support this idea?
- You may want to consider whether you:
- want to be aware of,
- should become supportive of,
- would want to be active in this topic?
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I have been impressed with the urgency of doing. Knowing is not enough; we must apply.
Being willing is not enough; we must do.