Opening Insights
PWI Co-Lab Consultation is different and unique in that it works within a simple yet complex network process to define, identify and capture individual and collective goals and objects. This allows for collective agreement and acceptance of the common goal.
Traditional consulting and collaboration today has several problems. Many of them stemming from the attitude, experience and humility of the consultants themselves. The divide between generations makes for an interesting climate of collaboration and communication, which many consultants fail to understand, recognize or most importantly, address.
Some consultants may recognize the challenges and offer superficial solutions to address pressing social cultural problems. However, the reality is without a defined process and strategy to communicate with people in a way that supports people of all ages, generations and backgrounds in hearing, seeing, understanding and communicating - effective consultation falls short in its ability to effectively gather reliable and usable data.
Informational Insights
Richard Branson in an article entitled: My problem with consultants listed 4 questions to consider in picking a good consultant:
1. Have they ran their own business (self-starter)?
2. Have they experienced failure (learn from mistakes)?
3. Do they know a bad idea when they see one (wisdom)?
4. Are they hungry for knowledge (passion)?
Branson makes excellent points. However, he is missing 3 key pieces, according to the founder and CEO of PWI Co-Labs, Dr Richard Jorgensen PhD:
5. Are they able to effectively gather accurate, and assess and discern data?
6. Are they able to effectively communicate and evoke an environment of collaboration (Bottom-up Level 5 Followship-Leadership)?
7. Are they able to offer implementable and maintain evidenced-based ROI solutions?
PWI Co-Labs offer a unique consulting experience, under the leadership and guidance of Dr Richard Jorgensen, with over 60 years of experience in business, consulting, venture capital, artificial intelligence, machine learning, data science and human science.
Using a calculated and defined process of collaboration, Co-Labs gather data in a scientific and structured way. This process gathers all the individual goals and objectives of the organization.
The Co-Lab process then refines and processes the data in a way that accounts for both individual and collective goals.
Thus, even-though there may be differences with groups and goals, collectively the common goals are found, assessed and brought to the group for collaboration and finalization.
This process works with even the most dysfunctional and divided of communities (i.e. the senate / parliament). It supports an environment where teams are brought together and common thread of principles, goals and objectives are discovered and agreed upon. Thus, Answers can be defined and Deliverable Solutions implemented with collective support and drive.
Possibilities for Consideration
Take a moment and examine…
- As you reviewed the material above, what stood out to you?
- What is the potential impact, economically and/or socially?
- What action is needed to stop or support this idea?
- You may want to consider whether you:
- want to be aware of,
- should become supportive of,
- would want to be active in this topic?
Add Your Insight
I have been impressed with the urgency of doing. Knowing is not enough; we must apply.
Being willing is not enough; we must do.