Ideas Worth Exploring
Problems Worth Answering
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Stand Up America

April 13, 2021 0

Former HUD secretary says it's 'offensive' to claim Black people can't find ID on 'Hannity.' The following video was borrowed from and posted by Fox News. The Power to Stand To stand [...]

A Brother’s Goodbye

April 10, 2021 0

Opening Insights: …and this is the man millions have been conditioned to hate?RICHARD JORGENSEN, PH.D. (HC) The following article was published by PJ Media, "focused on the news from a center-right perspective." It was written [...]

AZ Defies Federal Gun Control Overreach

April 10, 2021 0

Opening Insights: Here He Comes America will not be destroyed from the outside.If we falter and lose our freedom, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.ABRAHAM LINCOLN The legislation was drawn up after President Joe [...]

To Be, is to Be Racist – Apparently

April 10, 2021 0

Opening Insights: It Doesn't Take Much Hypocrisy is the audacity to preach integrity from a den of corruption.WES FESLER It doesn't take much to be labelled as racist these days. The foaming-at-the-mouth, politically-correct, totalitarian powers-that-be [...]

Biden to Reform Supreme Court

April 10, 2021 0

Opening Insights: Hypocrisy For the powerful, crimes are those that others commit.NOAM CHOMSKY The following article was published by the American Military News, "one of the most read military and foreign affairs news outlets in [...]

Masks for Fear and Obedience

April 8, 2021 0

Opening Insights: Choice? I was not born to be forced. I will breathe after my own fashion. Let us see who is the strongest.HENRY DAVID THOREAU During the ongoing COVID-19 nightmare many individuals are compelled [...]

A Catholic Priest Discusses Joe Biden

April 7, 2021 0

Watch as a Catholic Priest tells the truth about Joe Biden and the Roman Catholic Church. The following video was borrowed from and posted by TheValvefan. The Power to Stand To stand against [...]

Distanced – Connecting Without Connection

April 6, 2021 0

Opening Insights: Friendship is always a sweet responsibility, never an opportunity.KHALIL GIBRAN The following article was published by The Western Journal, a "established to provide an alternative for readers fed up with the overt leftism [...]

Racially Discriminating Healthcare

March 30, 2021 0

Opening Insights: Justice is Blind I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skinbut by the [...]

The Shrinking Church

March 30, 2021 0

Opening Insights: Church Attendance Drops No evil dooms us hopelessly except the evil we love,and desire to continue in,and make no effort to escape from.GEORGE ELLIOT, Daniel Deronda What used to be at the center of [...]

Confirmation of the Mutual Commitment

March 20, 2021 0

Listen as Father Santo acknowledges Dr. Richard Jorgensen for his wisdom and leadership as they partner to rebuild a community in Awach, Uganda. The love you continue showing me has me moved, and I have [...]

Facing the Facts

March 19, 2021 0

This eMod eBook™ is best viewed in full screen mode. Adderall - A Research Perspective

Conservative Tech Ecosystem

February 18, 2021 0

Opening Insights: Never Again First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—Because I was not a Socialist.Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—Because I was [...]

Quotable Rush

February 18, 2021 0

Opening Insights: Source of the Light Enlightenment is not what we choose to shine the light on.Enlightenment is the discovery of the source of the light.RICHARD JORGENSEN The following article was published by The Dan [...]

Unmasking the Other Pandemic

February 17, 2021 0

Opening Insights: Not All Right America will not be destroyed from the outside.If we falter and lose our freedom, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.ABRAHAM LINCOLN The following article was published by The Blaze, [...]

Destructive Policies

February 17, 2021 0

Opening Insights: One More Thing America will not be destroyed from the outside.If we falter and lose our freedom, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.ABRAHAM LINCOLN The following article was published by The Blaze, [...]

“Shut Down Fox.” Says the Billionaire Class

February 13, 2021 0

Every other media organization takes its orders from the billionaire class The following video from The Fox News Channel's Tucker Carlson Tonight was borrowed from and hosted by Tucker Carlson, host and contributor for [...]

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