Medical Device Co-Lab
AAMI Conference Presentation Video Presentation
Video of Power Point Presentation Medical Device Co-Lab Institute Medical Device Interoperability Research Summary AAMI Conference Presentation: Medical Device Co-Lab and the Actual Paper Presented at the AAMI Conference The Actual Paper (eMod eBook Format) [...]
Protected: Power and Positioning: Big Challenges – Big Partners
Preventable Medical Errors
AAMI Conference Presentation: Medical Device Co-Lab and the Actual Paper Presented at the AAMI Conference The Actual Paper (eMod eBook Format) Presented at the AAMI Conference The Power Point (in Video Format) Presented at the [...]
Whisper Technology Partnering with Social Media eMod Video
AwareComm eModLook Book
Social Engineering eMod™ Flip eBook™
Humanity is struggling with the greatest challenges of its time. We have been socially conditioned over generations to accept and allow the gradual and subtle elimination of our freedoms. The most effective tools used in [...]
Make Organization Solidarity a Reality eMod Flip eBook™
PWI 5 Dimensions of Long-term Sobriety eMod™ eBook
Traditional sobriety is focused on stopping the use of the physical substance, behavior or process. The problem is physical sobriety is only one part of the solution. Long-term sobriety and maturity require 5 key aspects [...]
Gartner’s Top 10 Tech Trends for 2018
Opening Insights: Digital Revolution Unfortunately, the clock is ticking, the hours are going by. The past increases, the future recedes. Possibilities decreasing, regrets mounting. HARUKI MURAKAMI Digital transformation is happening, we can either catch the [...]
A Third of Men and One in Five Women say They Would Have Sex with a ROBOT, According to German Survey
Opening Insights: Robosexual? Are we echoing in a new era of hedonistic and decadence, failing to learn from the Roman times? Are we watching the Brave New World unfold where monogamy is not only discouraged, but [...]
White, Rural Americans Going to Prison at Larger Rates in Opioid Epidemic
Opening Insights The opioid epidemic continues to infect and affect America in surprising ways, with an increase in the number of "white, rural Americans going to prison." Read more below... Pocket Wisdom Insights (PWI) invites [...]
Doctor Cuts Out Third Parties and Cuts Costs for Patients Despite Obamacare
Opening Insights Pocket Wisdom Insights (PWI) invites you to explore the following Co-Lab Blog. This blog features part of an influential and insightful article written outside of the PWI Co-Lab by Chris Salcedo on April 14, 2017, [...]
5 Foods, You Would Have Never Guessed Are Bad For You
Opening Insights Are strawberries dangerous? What about tomatoes? Watch the video below to gain insight into what foods are deceptively dangerous. Pocket Wisdom Insights (PWI) invites you to explore the following Co-Lab Blog. This blog […]
Bio X4 Video With Dr. Amy Lee
Opening Insights You thought that diet soda was safe, think again. In the video below learn about foods, what they do to you and how to take charge of your health. Informational Insights Bio X4 […]
Medical Device Co-Lab Institute
Opening Insights Awareness Communication Technology LLC, a Microsoft Partner with Quad Gold Competencies, is announcing the integration of the Cloud Partners in Medical Device Collaboration Laboratory Institute (Co-Lab). Informational Insights Collaboration (Co-Lab) Solution Come and explore medical device healthcare solutions (interoperability) […]
Any Problem, One Solution
Opening Insights: Any Problem… One Solution Sometimes in life it’s hard to see the silver lining. As people we experience a variety of problems, stresses and challenges as part of our life experience. Sometimes we find ourselves […]
HealthCare and Technology – The Greatest Challenges
Opening Insights Technology enters our life at an ever-increasing rate. WHAT IF Healthcare was as connected to our life as the rest of the world …only better? Informational Insights Within the miracles of technology, our […]
An Invitation to a Purpose-based Partnership
All of This Didn’t Just Happen by Chance Now, for a bit more of the story… The vision of a Co-Lab Institute started about 30 years ago. When after a death experience, in which [...]