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A Third of Men and One in Five Women say They Would Have Sex with a ROBOT, According to German Survey

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Opening Insights: Robosexual?

Are we echoing in a new era of hedonistic and decadence, failing to learn from the Roman times? Are we watching the Brave New World unfold where monogamy is not only discouraged, but culturally illegal?!?

William Crisp of the Daily Mail UK, reported on the Germany study that echo's in a frightening reality regarding our social, moral and relational future, if something doesn't change quickly. The highlights of Crisp's article:

  • Data about possible sexual relationships with robots was gathered by YouGov
  • The questions about robot romance were part of a poll looking at attitudes to sex
  • The survey found that Germans are 'very ready' to try new sexual experiences

Informational Insights: Expectation of Monogamy is Unrealistic

One in three men would be interested in having sex with a robot, if it was technically possible and would feel real, according to a survey conducted by YouGov in Germany.

Women were less interested in the idea, with just a fifth of women who responded to the poll saying they could imagine having sex with a robot.

The data about possible sexual relationships with robots was gathered as part of a wider survey looking at German attitudes to sex. It found that Germans are 'very ready' to try new sexual experiences.

Among those that responded to the poll 17 percent had used role play in a sexual scenario, 16 percent had participated in a threesome, and 6 percent had tried partner swapping.

The poll found that one in ten German men believed they were addicted to sex. Two in five said they needed to have sex at least ten times a month.

One third of those polled admitted to cheating on their partner.

Many said an expectation of monogamy was unrealistic, with 40 percent of men and 28 percent of women saying that humans are not suited to be monogamous.

The reasons for infidelity differed between the sexes, with men saying they were more likely to have an affair because they wanted a new sexual experience or they were not satisfied with the amount of sex having with their partner.

The most common reason cited by women was that they needed confirmation that other men still found them attractive.

Source: //

Possibilities for Consideration: Bring Love and Intimacy Back

  • What if there is a way to understand why many people are becoming more willing to accept the intimacy and companionship of a machine over another human being?
  • What if there is a way to for people to learn how to love one another again and be ready not for a "new sexual experience" but find true relationships and the human (sentient) connection?
  • What if there is a way to reverse the replacement of the human touch that is quickly encroaching our lives as THE NEW TREND, rather than the moral or ethical imperative?

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Whether we are based on carbon or on silicon makes no fundamental difference;
we should each be treated with appropriate respect.


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FOOTNOTE of Importance

Our world is experiencing an incredible revolution powered by technology that has used its tools to:

  • deceive the public
  • disrupt tradition
  • divide the people

This has inadvertently resulted in a Fear-based Shadow Culture™ that has hurt many people.
A powerful group of influence has joined together to deliver a proven antidote by shifting from impersonal development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to replace people to utilize AI to empower Human Intelligence (HI).


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