Ideas Worth Exploring
Problems Worth Answering
Answers Worth Implementing
PWI eMod Co-Labs Worth Activating
A Community Worth Growing with Trust/Solidarity

The Millennial Struggle

December 15, 2017 0

Opening Insights: The Millennial Struggle My mentor, who I’ll refer to as my Co-Lab Grandpa (A Grandpa’s Blog), recently asked me to do a brief write-up regarding what it’s like to be a Millennial. What […]

Digital Junkies: Main-lining Heroin

September 3, 2016 0

Opening Insights: Digital-ization Our world has and is becoming increasingly digitized, with people become more and more reliant and in many cases dependent on technology.  As visionaries like Elon Musk, Bill Gates and many others […]

Sex on the Brain

August 27, 2016 0

Opening Insights: What Happens During an Orgasm? …nerves sending impulses back to the spinal cord and brain, an orgasm wouldn’t be possible. Just like any other area of the body, the genitalia contain different nerves […]

What Would You Do?

June 18, 2016 0

Opening Insights Consider what would happen if all government-mandated responsibility and accountability (rules) were removed from people. There would be no consequences for their actions, other than community response. They would be legally free to […]

Kung Fu (Pilot)

May 15, 2016 0

Opening Insights Inspirational Movies, such as Kung Fu, are often assigned to set the mood and support recovery principles and lessons. Informational Insights Assignments are often customized to the Recovery Buddy Participant. Here is an […]

He Had It All and It Was Real

April 23, 2016 2

Opening Insights The roar of the engine awoke a lucid sea. She was a sight to see at 68 feet. Crew member Benny had christened her with a helping of fresh water and she glistened […]

Smart People Make Mistakes to Get Smarter

April 2, 2016 0

Opening Insights When I look back at my life, I realized that I never learned anything new from the things I did right. I only learned something new when I did something wrong… AND LEARNED […]