Ideas Worth Exploring
Problems Worth Answering
Answers Worth Implementing
PWI eMod Co-Labs Worth Activating
A Community Worth Growing with Trust/Solidarity

Direction and Strength – Uganda

October 18, 2019 0

My name is Richard Jorgensen. I am the CEO of AwareComm®, an independent multi-gold Microsoft research and development partner specializing in the establishment of Social Cultural Responsibility on a global level. My current work in […]

Truth – An Introduction

August 29, 2019 0

As the old saying goes, “there are three types of people”:

1. People who don’t know there’s a problem
2. People who just talk a lot about the problem
3. People who really do something about the problem

Which type are you? […]

Online Due Diligence Discussion

June 22, 2019 0
You are invited to join an Online Due Diligence Discussion hosted in the AwareComm® Co-Lab™ platform. The intention of the discussion is not to sell. We will explore mutual compatibility to achieve individual goals by collectively contributing to the common good. [...]

Pickup Truck of the Skies

May 18, 2019 0
Opening Insights - Asset to Earning If you find yourself in the midst of economic peril, and you’re looking for a way make a quick buck, all you really need to get started is a [...]

Create Classroom Cultures Responsive to Change

April 20, 2019 0
Suggested Program Creating a Classroom Culture Responsive to Change Teaching the Core Principles of Thinking, Behavior and Emotional Maturity Foundation Premise One of the biggest challenges educators today face is the behavior of students, ranging from bullying and anger, to lack of focus and no sense of accountability. Just as a foundation must be laid before a house can be built, a foundational classroom culture must be established before true and lasting learning can occur. By creating a cohesive classroom culture, where student are responsive to change, self-0authority, responsibility and accountability can be woven into an applied to everyday classroom life. When students learn no just WHAT to think but HOW to think they are empowered to: [...]

The Power of Partnership

January 31, 2019 0

An evolving technological landscape and accelerating cultural decay have combined to leave the younger generations with an inability to partner and learn. AwareComm® has a plan for turning this trend up-side down and returning collective strength to all. [...]

SOS Solutions Oriented Support

December 10, 2018 0

Blending Philosophy, Sociology and Theology Data Science ManualsAI + BI + HI + SI = AdI™ PWI Courseware The Power of AdI™ and The Power of Thought Overcoming Generational Issues SOS CareerManuals and Guides   [...]

SOS Chat Manual 101

December 9, 2018 0

Your single source for understanding the ins and outs of SOS Support from a practical sense - how to do it.
This manual includes SOS protocols, suggested chat checklists, chats and more. [...]

SOS Career Path

December 9, 2018 0

This handbook illustrates the SOS Career Pathway and describes the Intelligent Human Support provided by SOS agents.
What Would It Be Like to become an SOS member? [...]

SOS Millennial Interaction Guide

December 9, 2018 0

The Millennial Interaction Guide provides the knowledge necessary to Recognize Severe Challenges within the millennial generation and to discover what can be done about them. [...]

Forgiveness and The Promise of Tomorrow

December 8, 2018 0

Opening Insights: In the Face of Darkness There are many ways we can deal with trauma. The modern way is to hold on and retain the anger. When in the face of country wide violence [...]

Empowering Communities with SPIRITUAL FREEDOM

November 29, 2018 0

Opening Insights: Transcending Spiritual, Social and Economic Conflict with AI-HI-SI Love and principles must drive us together in building up humanity (unity). The Ugandan Co-Lab™ is beginning to take flight. As a priest within the [...]

Hogs Have a Problem!

November 13, 2018 0

Opening Insights: Planned Obsolescence We have all heard, experienced and said: "Things aren't made like they used to be." This is true for many products and organizations, however, NOT ALL. Some things are still made [...]

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