If Japan Can, Why Can’t We? (Story of Deming)
Courtesy of Clare Mason, the Journalist responsible for developing American awareness of W. Edwards Deming and this NBC documentary.
Courtesy of Clare Mason, the Journalist responsible for developing American awareness of W. Edwards Deming and this NBC documentary.
Gain a 30,000 ft view of publishing’s importance to our foundation of freedom. Learn why we need a publishing platform that weaves spiritual principles into content to build commerce-based communities that support the betterment of mankind. [...]
The power of technology is upon us. It’s imprinted on almost every facet of our lives… yet with all this technology, a paradox exists. Learn how the misuse of technology perpetuates cultural decay and see a bold new direction for curtailing its destruction. [...]
An evolving technological landscape and accelerating cultural decay have combined to leave the younger generations with an inability to partner and learn. AwareComm® has a plan for turning this trend up-side down and returning collective strength to all. [...]
Blending Philosophy, Sociology and Theology Data Science ManualsAI + BI + HI + SI = AdI™ PWI Courseware The Power of AdI™ and The Power of Thought Overcoming Generational Issues SOS CareerManuals and Guides [...]
Your single source for understanding the ins and outs of SOS Support from a practical sense - how to do it.
This manual includes SOS protocols, suggested chat checklists, chats and more. [...]
This handbook illustrates the SOS Career Pathway and describes the Intelligent Human Support provided by SOS agents.
What Would It Be Like to become an SOS member? [...]
The Millennial Interaction Guide provides the knowledge necessary to Recognize Severe Challenges within the millennial generation and to discover what can be done about them. [...]
Opening Insights: In the Face of Darkness There are many ways we can deal with trauma. The modern way is to hold on and retain the anger. When in the face of country wide violence [...]
Opening Insights: Transcending Spiritual, Social and Economic Conflict with AI-HI-SI Love and principles must drive us together in building up humanity (unity). The Ugandan Co-Lab™ is beginning to take flight. As a priest within the [...]
For more than 20 years the Acoli people of Northern Uganda have not known peace. A spiritual war stabbed at the heart and soul of this region. A few seized power at the expense of the many. Learn about an inspiring answer to reverse this cultural genocide. [...]
Opening Insights: A Viking CEO and A Catholic Priest We are not pursuing Artificial Intelligence to beat humans... we are pursuing AI so that we can empower every person and institution that people build with tools of [...]
In order for businesses, organizations and schools to expand and grow we are faced with many challenges - economically, socially and culturally... we search for the resources.
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