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YouTube Bans Life

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Opening Insights: Big Tech Censorship

America will not be destroyed from the outside.
If we falter and lose our freedom, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.

The following article was published by The Blaze, “one of the nation's largest independent media companies.” It was written by Chris Pandolfo, staff writer for The Blaze.

This is the latest act of Big Tech censorship

In another act of Big Tech censorship, YouTube has banned the popular pro-life website LifeSiteNews from its platform and completely removed all of the videos posted on its channel.

Informational Insights: 3 Strikes

"YouTube just completely removed the LifeSiteNews YouTube channel. This isn't a temporary ban; every single one of our videos is completely gone," LifeSiteNews reported Wednesday.

"Thankfully, we have backups of all our videos, but this means hundreds of thousands of people have lost access to our truth-telling content," staff writers said in an article describing what happened.

The article directs users to watch LifeSiteNews videos on Rumble, a YouTube competitor favored by conservatives concerned about censorship from other social media platforms.

According to LifeSiteNews, the website lost access to "more than 300,000 followers" after being removed from YouTube.

Previously, YouTube suspended LifeSite's channel for one week last November after allegations of "medical misinformation" were made against a video featuring comments from a medical doctor. The comments were made by Dr. Roger Hodkinson, MA, MB, FRCPC, FCAP, CEO and medical director of Western Medical Assessments, who said there was "utterly unfounded public hysteria driven by the media and politicians" about the coronavirus. He went on to say that the media reaction to and the politics of the coronavirus were "the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on an unsuspecting public." He also said that masks were "utterly useless."

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that people wear masks in public settings, at events, and gatherings, or anywhere else they are around people to limit the potential spread of the coronavirus.

On Nov. 18, YouTube also flagged another LifeSite video, titled "Catholic Christmas traditions to instill faith in your kids." According to LifeSiteNews, that video also received a "medical misinformation" label before YouTube removed the video.

"In accordance with our long standing strikes system, we terminated the channel LifeSite News Media for repeatedly violating our COVID-19 misinformation policy, which prohibits content that promotes prevention methods that contradict local health authorities or WHO. Any channel that violates our COVID-19 misinformation policy will receive a strike, which temporarily restricts uploading or live-streaming. Channels that receive three strikes in the same 90-day period will be permanently removed from YouTube," a spokesperson for Google told TheBlaze.

In a statement made to the Media Research Center, LifeSiteNews editor in chief and co-founder John-Henry Westen said the website remains undaunted by YouTube's censorship.

"The Lord gives and the Lord takes away. Blessed be the Lord! With just over 314,000 subscribers and an average of 50K+ views on each episode of our flagship show, with some of our shows reaching over 2 million views, YouTube de-platformed LifeSiteNews, the world's #1 pro-life news website," Westen said.

"LifeSite's video content can still be accessed directly at, of course. We will continue to speak the truth of Christ and will not give in to the threats of Big Tech and the censors who wish to remove Biblical truths [from] the public square. God's Word will spread over the whole earth whether Google likes it or not. We are taking legal steps too, of course, so we would appreciate your prayers and any support that you feel called to give."

YouTube has previously come under fire from conservatives for taking action to suppress content it deems misleading to viewers.

Editor's Note: This article was updated on Jan. 10 at 3:57 p.m. to include a comment from YouTube.

This article originally appeared in THE BLAZE: YouTube completely bans LifeSiteNews, removes all videos

Possibilities for Consideration: Tools for Success

To stand against the immense power behind the technology, internet and financial organizations in charge of our government and education institutions we must get smarter and do it together.

A select group of top Microsoft data scientists have developed a comprehensive preemployment program to arm patriots with new entrepreneurial tools in order to more effectively utilize the online world and become a key element in the reconstruction of the commerce that has been lost due to the engineered COVID-19 panic/lockdown.

AwareComm® offers a platform that provides the resources and the guidance to meet this challenge.

It’s not just that we need a solution, in this new environment nobody will trust, everybody is angry, nobody listens, commerce stops, efficiency diminishes, nobody cares.

Our culture consists of perception, attitude, thinking and behavior and we have created a culture now rooted in distrust, fear and anger.

The following models illustrate the psychology of fear and control
being used to force America to its knees.

Whatever we do, however we do it, this becomes the basis for how we will build relationships at home, work, worship and play. These models will permeate all dimensions of our lives and must be reversed if our communities and our country are to survive.

The Real Solution: Founded in Spiritual Principles

A real solution, fully developed (tested, proven and paid for), is found in AwareComm's proprietary Adaptive Intelligence (AdI™) algorithm.

The AdI™ algorithm aligns with the intent of Pope Francis's call for a 'Good Algorithm,' to reverse the damage done by the irresponsible use of technology.

Rebuilding Community Commerce - - Rebuilding the Soul of a Community

AwareComm's AdI™ algorithm is available in a community Collaboration Laboratory (Co-Lab™) Research and ePublishing Institute, where people learn to take charge of their communities by transcending adversity to diversity and solidarity through the application of responsible commerce. Success is assured by applying the principles of Adaptive Intelligence to entrepreneurial thinking using socially responsible capitalism.

What comes from an established foundation of commerce rooted in spiritual principles and AdI™ is a new business model. This business model, for the application of Socially Responsible Capitalism, is our theme and driving inspiration.

A Co-Lab™ is the implementation mechanism of the result of 30+ years of field research.

Co-Labs™ create an environment conducive to learning, solidarity and change (old ideas are more quickly learned and new ideas are more quickly accepted and implemented).

Our Next Step

The AwareComm® Team is attracting partners in order to awaken in the people a desire for peace and solidarity as a way to fulfill their personal needs.

Through a careful blend of AI + BI + HI + SI the Co-Lab™ Research Institute has the correct balance of technology, methodology, human understanding, spiritual principles and data science to put us on the right track to individual social and cultural empowerment.

Due Diligence classes offer a deeper dive into the Co-Lab™ Research and ePublishing Institute to determine if this philosophy is effective for your community. You will learn:

  • The logical power of the AI + BI + HI + SI = AdI™ algorithm for communication and learning
  • The communication power of Co-Lab™ Research and ePublishing Institute to provide secure:
    • self-funding
    • self-perpetuating
    • self-regulating networks
  • The commerce power of Socially Responsible Capitalism, blending nonprofit and commercial applications
  • The application of Social Partnerships, bringing ethical business principles to overcome social challenges
  • The joy, satisfaction and pride of taking a role in returning our world to a state of freedom and opportunity - being proud to be a patriot

Inviting Potential Partners

For more information
and to receive your invitation to a Due Diligence class

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FOOTNOTE of Importance

Our world is experiencing an incredible revolution powered by technology that has used its tools to:

  • deceive the public
  • disrupt tradition
  • divide the people

This has inadvertently resulted in a Fear-based Shadow Culture™ that has hurt many people.
A powerful group of influence has joined together to deliver a proven antidote by shifting from impersonal development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to replace people to utilize AI to empower Human Intelligence (HI).


To Empower The People:


Distraction Junction


What is a Modern Hero?:


We invite Heroes and Visionaries
to explore accessing these powerful methodologies and resources
to achieve their individual visions.

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