Phase 1 - Introduction to the Opportunity
External Usage eMod eBooks and Videos
- PWI Social Projects - Direction and Strength (webpage)
- A Race to the Bottom of the Brainstem (blog)
- AwareComm Homepage (webpage)
- AwareComm at a Glance, It Began on the Other Side (eMod Flip eBook™)
- Team 20/20 Advisors including Heroes Video (eMod Flip eBook™)
- Harnessing the Power of Microsoft (eMod Flip eBook™)
- Global Concerns Tools or Weapon Publishers Summary (Blog and eMod Flip eBook™) Tools or Weapons By Brad Smith President of Microsoft
- Tools or Weapon Publishers Summary (Direct Link eMod Flip eBook™)
- Business and Socially Responsible Entrepreneurs (eMod Flip eBook™)
- Partners for the Future (eMod Flip eBook™)
- Data Science and Beyond (eMod Flip eBook™)
- Symbiotic Community Partnerships (eMod Flip eBook™)
Internal Team 20/20 Videos
- Followship Leadership Chapter 5 (PLT Video - eMod Course Excerpt)
- Building a People Foundation (Team 2020 Meeting Richard Julia Recording)
- Strategy Discussion: Adaptive Intelligence (AdI™) Overcoming Adaptive Resistance (AdR™) (BI Strategy Meeting Richard Jose Della Recording 2020-01-21)
- Uganda Co-Lab™ Institute - The Simplicity to Read, Understand and Apply (Meeting Opening Comments, Father Santo 2020-01-25)
- Power of Thought - short (video - eMod Course Excerpt)
- Opening Presentation Including Power of Thought and Relationship with God (video - eMod Course FULL)
- Do What You Love, So You Can Love What You Do (video - eMod Course Excerpt)
- Uganda Co-Lab™ Institute - The Simplicity to Read, Understand and Apply (Meeting Opening Comments, Father Santo 2020-01-25)
- eBook Review in Recording Human Understanding Courseware Descriptions (eMod Flip eBook™) no password
- Uganda Co-Lab™ Institute: Methodologies and PWI Foundation Courseware Descriptions (video - Brief Overview of PWI Foundation DRM™ Courseware 2020-01-26)
- Uganda Co-Lab™ Institute: Methodologies and PWI Foundation Courseware Descriptions - Opening Excerpt (video - Brief Overview of PWI Foundation DRM™ Courseware 2020-01-26)
- eBook Review in Recording Human Understanding Courseware Descriptions (eMod Flip eBook™) no password
- Uganda Co-Lab™ Institute – Third Synod Slide and Presentation Collaboration – Excerpt – Jan 27, 2020 (video)
- Uganda Co-Lab™ Institute – Third Synod Slide and Presentation Collaboration – Jan 27, 2020 (video)
Uganda Third Archdiocesan Synod Implementation Training
(no passwords)
- Uganda Third Archdiocesan Synod Implementation Training (eMod Flip eBook™)