Technology Evolution or Revolution? Part 4 – Seduction Drives Solutions
Taking the Sliver Out the Same Way It Went In!
Looking Back, Moving Forward: In the last eMod Buddy Blog we were left with the question of “NOT WHAT to do, BUT HOW to do it?” How do we reverse the “Age of Narcissism” and reshape the culture from one rooted in fear, selfishness, control and entitlement to one of trust, empowerment and personal power?
Since we know that the problem relates to our culture(s), and is a result of the Technology Seduction, we need to turn to technology for the solution… “taking the sliver out the same way it went in.”
CULTURE: The problem is one of culture. Therefore, we need a solution that addresses cultures and empowers cultures in our businesses, organizations, schools, spiritual institutions, communities, families and so on.
TECHNOLOGY: The most effective communication and delivery mechanism available today is technology. Yet, technology which was originally created to help us, has been used to control and compensate for our shortcomings (rather than empower and raise our human intelligence). We therefore need a solution that empowers and raises our individual and collective human intelligence.
CULTURE + TECHNOLOGY = POWER: We must rebuild our culture through a process of applying interdependent business practices and effective communication (technology) to our current value proposition business. That means making our ideas, products and services come alive with culture-driven applications and processes that empower people with:
- Connection
- Companionship
- Communication
- Safety – Security – Privacy
- The POWER To Say What Needs To Be Said
- The POWER To Hear What Needs To Be Heard
- The POWER To Believe and Trust What is Real
- The POWER To Get Basic to Basics and Back to Our Values
The implementation of the above solution may appear complicated and even impossible to some, yet it can be likened to building a cathedral. As long as you have the right architect, design, tools, team and materials… the impossible becomes reality.
Learn more about “Back to Basic” Values in the next eMod Buddy Blog!