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American Dream

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The American Dream
Gone for Millennials

( no courage ) - ( no vision ) - ( no skill )

Opening Insights: A Dream that Never Came True

Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent.
It takes a touch of genius — and a lot of courage to move in the opposite direction.


  • The Bad News is: This Problem is Now Everybody's Problem
  • The Good News is: There is a Solution to This Problem
  • The Best New is: The Solution is Available Today
  • Available From: Credentials of Success (Heroes)

( Proven courage ) - ( Proven vision ) - ( Proven skill )

America is currently smack in the middle of the COVID-19 crisis. The virus itself is a very real threat, but isn't the principle enemy of the people. The manner in which governments have instituted measures to curtail the spread of infection is what has crippled our nation and left us divided. As a result, fear and anger are spreading like wildfire.

To make matters worse, America's most prominent generation, the millennials, are now in their thirties and have began assuming the leadership and influencing positions that will shape the trajectory and speed of change in our nation.

As illustrated in a recent video with Ron Paul, Millennials make up the majority of the voting population. They face crushing debt from an expensive education that got them nowhere and from the pursuit of an American dream that never comes true. They can't afford to invest. They can't afford to buy their own home. They're too broke to get married or have children.

They are angry and resentful toward the previous generations, who they blame for the sad state of the economy.

Now they are facing COVID-19 and the systematic destruction of their basic civil liberties.

They are caught like rats in a trap – there is no way out.

COVID-19 attacks those with preexisting conditions the hardest. Consider then, if a preexisting state of unrest due to the Millennial condition was already at the ignition point, then the COVID-19 crisis would serve to further divide the generations and amplify the millennial fear and anger thus pushing an entire generation over the edge.

A recent promotional article from Stansberry Research featuring presidential candidate and 22-year congressman Dr. Ron Paul illustrates the real danger that we as Americans will face in the coming months. What can we do to prevent the collapse of what was, not that long ago, the most powerful nation in the world? How do we help others to avoid falling into the same trap?

Informational Insights: Introducing Ron Paul

The following excerpt was taken from a promotional article produced by Stansberry Research, providing "actionable investment recommendation and research for individuals self-managing their portfolios."

Hi, I’m Ron Paul.

You might recognize me as the Congressman who spent 22 years defending American liberty.

Or maybe you’ve read my bestselling book End the Fed.

But my first passion was actually medicine!

Old picture of Doctor Ron Paul
Image Source:

In fact, I’ve been a Medical Doctor for nearly 60 years.

So I view the coronavirus pandemic through a different lens than most politicians, and certainly different than the experts you see on TV right now.

Which is why I’m reaching out to you today, through this homemade online video.

There’s an important message I worry is lost on those who are listening to the media’s hysterics.

What I’m about to share might sound controversial…

But I’m not trying to scare anyone.

I’ve always tried to be a voice of sanity and reason. Even in turbulent times.

But my beliefs often run counter to the mainstream narrative.

I simply want to let you know what’s really happening… and show you something you and your family can do today to protect yourselves from what’s really lurking around the corner.

Because no matter how you look at it… the government is going to use this crisis to gain even more power and control of our lives.

See, right now we’re hearing it all…

Everything from “oh, the coronavirus is just like the flu” … to an estimate that more than 100 million Americans will be infected!

At this point – it’s unclear how the coronavirus will ultimately shake out.

Either way, one thing is certain: This pandemic is being used by those who want to profit politically from the panic.

I realize this might seem shocking, given everything we’ve been told in recent weeks.

But just look at the facts…

Since September, the common flu has infected 36 million Americans and killed an estimated 22,000.

But nobody ever suggested a fall or winter quarantine.

Same with tuberculosis – a disease few of us worry about.

More than 10 million people worldwide fell ill with tuberculosis in 2018. And it killed 1.5 million.

Or consider the fact that 38,000 Americans die every year in car accidents.

Nobody has EVER used that as a reason why Americans should stay off the streets!

Historic Pandemic Death Tolls
Image Source:

The coronavirus is a drop in the bucket compared to the worst pandemics in history, too.

The Spanish flu, for example, left 50 million dead! The Black Plague killed as much as 60% of Europe.

Why is there so much fear and panic, then?

Well, I think it has everything to do with this:

Covid-19 Media Mentions
Image Source:

The media has created a terrifying narrative… having mentioned this virus 2.1 billion times, just by the end of March!

Scaring anyone who watches the news that this is the apocalypse.

But even the academic research is reaching the conclusion that this crisis is blown out of proportion…

It was barely reported anywhere in the news… but Nobel laureate and Stanford biophysicist Michael Levitt says there’s NO statistical support for the government’s prediction that millions of Americans will die.

His conclusion? “We’re going to be fine.”

And the epidemiologist who created the main coronavirus model that’s been cited in The New York Times and used by government health organizations worldwide drastically downgraded his previous projections based on new data.

He says he’s “reasonably confident” the medical system will be able keep up with the virus.

But none of these facts matter to the elected officials who overreact with easy-money handouts… or the fearmongers who dream of martial law.

To them, this health crisis is a perfect opportunity to steal even more of our constitutional freedoms… and set America up for a socialist future.

For example, did you know that the Department of Justice recently asked Congress for the ability to detain Americans — without trial — during “emergencies” like this?

If granted, you or I could be arrested and jailed for months, even years, until the government deems the emergency is over!

Others have proposed we “eliminate all political borders.” I guess this would somehow magically eliminate the virus.

And according to a recent story in Politico, the White House Coronavirus Task Force is considering creating a national surveillance system to track Americans’ health information – essentially a health care Patriot Act.

The truth is, after so many years in Washington, I thought I was immune to being shocked by what our government does.

But the actions that our elected officials… the Fed… even the medical community have taken in the past few weeks have gone beyond anything I could have imagined.

Look at what happened in just ONE WEEK:

·        The Senate reactivated the Patriot Act, the biggest destruction of the 4th Amendment our nation has ever seen – all because of a virus.

·        Congress passed a $2.2 trillion bailout package. The biggest EVER in history. Bigger than the 2008 banking bailout and 2009 recovery act, combined. Of course, with $23.5 trillion in debt, our government doesn’t have the money to actually pay for all this. But that’s not a problem for the Federal Reserve. After cutting rates to zero percent, they quickly opened the door to unlimited quantitative easing, and are now “printing” $125 billion a day!

·        As part of this bailout, the government is also sending checks to most Americans – no strings attached. Virtually identical to the socialist “universal basic income” idea on which Andrew Yang based his failed presidential run. And it might not be the last time the government uses this strategy!

Of course, we all realize the money will largely end up in the hands of the well-connected, rather than those who most need it.

See, the biggest problem with a “crisis” like this is that nobody stops to ask the real questions.

Like: “How does the financial system get so bad that a virus can collapse the entire U.S. economy?”

Or: “Will one-time stimulus actually fix the economy – or just make Americans even more dependent on the government?”

Or even: “What is the dollar actually worth if we can print an unlimited number of them?”

But none of this matters...

Everyone just wants a quick fix.

An easy handout.

And politicians are happy to oblige.

Unfortunately, these policies – and those that are sure to follow in the coming weeks and months – will cause even greater damage to the Americans they are designed to help.

So please, as a citizen of this country – pay attention to what your government is doing right now.

The people running our country today are living in a fantasy world.

And if you’re not careful, YOU could be the one who pays the price.

Don’t get me wrong – I’m not saying that the coronavirus is harmless.

People will continue dying, as it continues to spread.

And I agree that those most vulnerable should take precautions to limit their risk of exposure.

The latest numbers from Italy’s National Institute of Health show that 99% of those who died from coronavirus had at least one preexisting condition.

So people like this should definitely use common sense, and exercise caution.

But not everyone who gets coronavirus will die!

Even more surprising: Not everyone even shows symptoms, as the research and anecdotal experience is now showing.

Bottom line: I believe this virus has been over-hyped by government officials.

And the result, which we’ve only begun to see, will be to spend more money than they ever have before. And wipe out even more of our freedom.

It will take time, and happen slowly – but it’s all part of their plan to make Americans totally dependent on the government.

But this is an attack on our civil liberties!

You see, the reality is, these “emergency” measures that get passed never actually go away.

Their long-term financial consequences continue to grow and get even worse.

And if you’re not prepared, what’s happening today will create a nightmare for Baby Boomers and others who are retired or nearing retirement.

What our government is trying to do today has been tried many times before, in dozens of countries.

Hitler… Mao… Mussolini… Stalin.

No matter who’s in charge, these socialist policies ALWAYS lead to disaster.

If you think this sounds extreme, just look at what’s already happening to our most basic constitutional rights…

Corona Tracking Headline
Image Source:

According to the Wall Street Journal:

'Data-mining firm Palantir, which was credited with helping find Osama bin Laden, is working with the Centers for Disease Control to model the virus outbreak.

Other companies that scrape public social-media data have contracts in place with the agency and the National Institutes of Health, documents show.'

So much for the Fourth Amendment!

I guess it doesn’t apply when you have Facebook on your phone.

And guess what – if they could locate bin Laden in a remote compound in Pakistan, you and I don’t stand a chance.

Then there’s all the shutdowns, curfews, and quarantine orders that have swept the nation – in clear violation of our Fifth Amendment rights.

In many states – it is now illegal to publicly worship at a church.

First Amendment
Image Source:

A blatant disregard for the First Amendment. (And many state constitutions, as well.)

I’ve never seen anything like it, in all my years in government…

For years, I opposed these policies in Washington.

I never voted for more debt.

I tried to audit and even put an end to the Federal Reserve.

I swore to uphold the Constitution – an oath I took seriously.

But what the folks in Washington are doing today puts us on a course for another financial crisis – even worse than the huge stock market drop we’ve seen in recent weeks, or the crisis of 2008.

And it will ultimately result in the most dramatic presidential election of our generation.

You can ignore that ugly fact…

Or you can take the necessary steps to protect yourself.

The choice is yours.

But you’ve got to take action personally.

Get the facts for yourself. Learn the steps necessary. Protect yourself and your family from what’s coming next.

And that’s why I put together this short message for you today.

It’s something you and your family can do in your own home – even if you’re on government-mandated lockdown.

Right now, hardly anyone in Washington is talking about this situation honestly with the American public.

Most Americans still have absolutely no clue what’s actually going on.

But I’m hoping to change that today.

I spent 22 years in Congress.

I served on the House Banking Committee and the Committee on Foreign Affairs.

I sponsored well over 600 legislative bills.

I’ve met with every president of the past 40 years and every Fed chairman.

I’ve spent many hours in top-secret, closed-door meetings in Washington.

And today, I’m going to show you what’s REALLY happening in our country.

I’m also going to recommend a great way for you to protect yourself and your family.

Most people I’ve heard from in recent weeks correctly sense that there’s something big happening in our country right now. A huge shift taking place. But they don’t know how to make sense of it.

And it’s ultimately because with crisis after crisis… 9/11… the 2008 financial crisis… to the coronavirus panic of today… our government has embarked on an out-of-control experiment, printing absurd amounts of money to bail out whoever needs it.

Borrowing so much money our country can never, ever hope to legitimately pay it back to our creditors.

Of course, this was going on long before the coronavirus ever appeared…

Even before the panic started, 74% of Americans were living paycheck to paycheck.

And even though you might assume that refers to low-wage earners… 1 out of 4 families making $150,000 or more a year were in the same boat.

Given this, it’s no surprise that almost a third of American adults had no emergency savings.

Or that 70% of Americans have cried about money.

It also explains why household debt recently crossed the $14 trillion mark – the highest ever on record.

And why, at the bottom end, roughly 40 million Americans are on food stamps. Nearly one-sixth of all children living in homes that rely on them.

The latest numbers from the Congressional Budget Office show that more than half of all citizens now receive more money from government handouts than they pay in federal taxes!

Perhaps this explains why membership in the Democratic Socialists of America jumped nearly 500% in the past two years...

And why 43% of Americans now say socialism would be good for the country.

But today’s panic will have even more disastrous effects.

Most folks don’t realize that the real yield on savings right now is negative. 

We’ve already seen the stock market collapse – erasing all of the gains that have accrued since President Trump took office.

Goldman Sachs predicts the economic impact will cause GDP to drop 2.5 times as much as any other decline in history.

Unemployment numbers are now beginning to skyrocket.

Right out of the gate, unemployment filings were 20 times higher than normal in states like Michigan. And 40 times higher than normal in Louisiana.

And these are likely to get much worse.

49% of companies are considering layoffs. And the Fed now estimates unemployment could eventually reach as high as 32%.

With workers out of a paycheck, they will be forced to spend money they don’t have – just to get by.

What happens then?

The poorest 50% of the country already has a negative net worth.

One former Trump advisor is warning that this could spark the next Great Depression.

But I think the results could be even worse

Because I think the panic we’re seeing, along with the economic turmoil that’s growing, creates an ideal scenario for a socialist to eventually win the White House.

See, when the rich – a very small percentage of the population – get in trouble with debt, it’s an economic problem.

But when the poor and middle class – a huge percentage of the population – get in trouble with debt, it’s a political problem.

THIS is what the 2020 election and every election for the forseeable future will be all about.

Because unless something changes, the youngest generation is in serious trouble.

You see, according to the Wall Street Journal, Millennials are “in worse financial shape” than every generation that came before them.

And I believe they will look to the government to fill this gap this fall.

For one, these young Americans owe the bulk of the $1.6 trillion of student loan debt outstanding.

And because wages have stagnated, they’re making about 20% less than we were paid for the same work, at the same age.

Of course, the cost of living has soared…

Today, the average young American spends half his paycheck or more on rent.

Health insurance premiums have more than doubled since Obamacare, too.

And even though 50% of Millennials work two jobs, most are really only getting by with debt.

Get this: The average Millennial now owes more than $60,000.

They’re drowning – with no escape in sight.

A $1,200 check isn’t going to make a lick of difference.

It used to be the case that hard-working Americans could find a job… buy a home… and save for retirement.

That’s the promise Millennials were given.

It’s why they went to college and took out huge loans.

But that’s NOT the case anymore.

It’s impossible for them to break into the middle class.

For Millennials, the American Dream is dead.

And these are the “lucky” ones…

From 1979 to 2014, the poverty rate among young Americans without a college degree has more than tripled.

And again… there’s no escape.

The future is bleak. Especially when as many as 49% of companies will have layoffs this year.

The only “hope” for this new generation is a Socialist politician who will free them from their financial nightmare.

Which is why Millennials will be the target of the most radical political campaigns in history.

And they are going to eat it up.

Don’t forget that at one point, Socialist Bernie Sanders had as much as 84% of the Millennial vote.

Pew Research calls it the most left-leaning generation in U.S. history.

And now, for the first time ever, there will be more of these young voters than older voters deciding a presidential election… putting an end to four decades of Boomer control of the polls.

What do these young voters want?

Well, consider how this liberal generation spent their formative years. Active in all of the major recent protests: Occupy Wall Street, Black Lives Matter, “dreamers,” #MeToo, March for Our Lives.

Now, these angry, debt-ridden young voters will decide who the next U.S. President will be.

Even scarier?

According to them, this economy they’ve inherited is OUR fault.

So please pay close attention to what I’m telling you.

You’ve got to take action personally.

This article was published by STANSBERRY RESEARCH: Dr. Ron Paul’s Urgent Coronavirus Message for Every American

Possibilities for Consideration: Develop Entrepreneurial Skills: Teamwork & Self-Sufficiency

The unavoidable reality is, the only way out for millennials is for them to grow up and develop entrepreneurial skills. Just what do we mean by entrepreneurial skills? Simple.

AwareComm® developed the term Adaptive Intelligence (AdI™) to describe this blend of traits. Somebody with a high AdI™ would be at the vanguard for implementing new policies/procedures at their organization. Their skills would include:

  • Honesty - they live in reality and have an open relationship with the whole truth
  • Selflessness - the ability to see opportunities that aren't necessarily about you
  • Pure Intentions - clear and open in their intended course of action and desired end
  • Trust/Love/Reality - a blend of Attention, Respect and Appreciation

As well as:

  • Self and Shared-Authority - ability to see ALL your choices and make a decision
  • Self and Shared-Responsibility - ability to see your decision through to implementation - taking charge
  • Self and Shared-Accountability - ability to own the results of your actions based on a clear relationship with reality

Millennials are missing this special blend of principles and maturity. They have become institutionalized by a system of control designed to leave them powerless, to remove their self-authority and to leave them wholly susceptible to manipulation and propaganda. Technology, the internet and the media are the principle tools in the undoing of a whole generation of individuals.

For resolution, millennials need a non-confrontational approach to address the critical sensitive problems created by institutionalization. The AwareComm® Co-Lab™ Research Institutes have a field-proven, transferable and scalable solution that has a history of resolving the challenges of institutionalized individuals by creating cultures of change, interdependence and accountability.

When topics like dis-empowerment, entitlement and control are approached by a collaborative environment and discussed openly from a perspective of, there are many answers to the problem, then we can begin to explore the root cause and collaborate on the complementary cure. The principle idea here is to get people together to clearly define the root problem. Only then will the many answers to counter the damage of institutionalization be revealed.

When the answers are known, then a real solution may be chosen and implemented, therefore resolving the root cause. The challenge behind a culture of fear and control is, thinking stops and emotional reactions rule the day.

The want for somebody else to fix the problem is due to a blend of entitlement and dis-empowerment. The obvious answer is to promote the opposing ideals, but this answer is of no use without an implementable solution.

The AwareComm® Co-Lab™ Research Institute – An Implementable Solution

Note: the picture above was taken from the A Dream Awakened eMod eBook™.

AwareComm® offers a collaborative solution in its ePublishing methodology, founded on a unique principle based process that changes adversity to diversity to community prosperity through commerce. In the eyes of their creator, all people are equal, but for economic disparities to be resolved, we walk the path of commerce.

The real strength behind the AwareComm® solution is that it isn't a single, one-size-fits-all approach, nor is it a list of answers to problems, it is a Process of Discernment.

The Process is what must be practiced and mastered. The memorization of answers will not be helpful, as our environment constantly shifts and new problems are constantly introduced. Without a Process of true resolution, today's solution becomes tomorrow's problem.

AwareComm's discernment process is illustrated by Adaptive Intelligence (AdI™) models.

The successful adoption and implementation of the AdI™ models creates both a personal and organization culture responsive to change; builds a foundation of principles; and establishes a state of maturity.

Raising AdI™ – Applying Our Strategy

With the global disruption of COVID-19 came the government enforced necessity for us to congregate over distance by digital means in online video conference rooms.

Many people adopted a work-from-home approach to accomplishing their job responsibilities and many traditionally in-person meetings have evolved into online encounters.

We lack the AdI Tele-Skills™ to replace face-to-face interactions and methodologies with online technology.

The physical distance may help prevent the spread of disease but it is costing us our humanity. Without the physical proximity we lose out on the warmth of touch – a firm handshake; the face-to-face expression; the expression and witnessing of emotion; the sharing of a space and the energy we create within it.

The challenges of millennial disconnection from others and their work environment, as well as the challenges of social distancing are addressed by a process of developing AdI™ by building a strategy of Tele-Skill™ adoption and implementation.

First, we develop an awareness of what guides our perception, then nurture an ability to identify ALL our choices so we can make the best decision to take the appropriate action, then become accountable for the results.

We are born with a set of values: good, kindness, gentleness, gratitude, curiosity, and the list goes on and on. If you doubt that, simply look into the face of an infant or a puppy’s eyes. Notice what they respond to. Beliefs, on the other hand are the decisions that we make about ourselves in relationship to the world around us. Based upon our experiences.

A set of values and accompanying belief structure are established by the age of 7. For many, the childhood experience was less than ideal and resulted in things learned that aren't necessarily true. An awareness of that which directs our Perception, Attitude, Thinking and Beliefs grants us the ability to stop what doesn't work and replace it with something that does.

In order to be accountable (recognized) for the results of our actions there must be a foundation of maturity, which is created from a process of: Authority, Responsibility and Accountability. Those three elements come together to create emotional maturity.

With a foundation of emotional maturity we are able to adopt a thinking process that takes into account each element of the equation and presents a process that makes sense of a swirling cloud of information and choices.

Now, with a strong foundation in thinking and maturity we can better assess the real problem behind our challenges. This process empowers us to identify ALL the possible answers and to see ALL of our choices. As a result, with a mature thinking process, a decision can be made and an implementable solution is chosen and applied, thus correcting the root cause of the problem.

This is the process that we implemented into the AI+BI+HI+SI = Adaptive Intelligence (AdI™) Algorithm and built a gateway to it in the Microsoft teams program.

By using these basic strategy models we are able to enlighten others and to help expand their reach, gaining an awareness of cause and effect and getting to the real truth. When the Tele-Skills™ process is learned and applied, individuals will no longer require an outside authority to fix their problems for them. They will possess the tools to band together and apply the synergistic strength of a united people with collaborative goals.

Now we can face the challenges of disparity from a common foundation and process of thinking.

Partnering with God

Called on or not, God is always present.

Now that we understand the foundation thinking process and the algorithm for maturity we are ready to put it all into action. This is how the AwareComm® leadership partners with God. This is how others may become partners with AwareComm®.

AwareComm® establishes the Co-lab™ Research Institute in partnership with spiritual leadership to offer the power of technology to support the message of solidarity.

Inequality can be resolved with equality. Equality comes from Love. The Graphic above depicts the roadmap to putting inequality behind us and implementing Love. Many areas currently face the need to grow equality, for instance, the graphic above lists: unemployment, homelessness and economic imbalance, which are framed by Skills, opportunity and the collaboration of a team.

This is what the AwareComm® founder, Richard Jorgensen, Ph.D. (hc), had to say,

"If, or even though, we attempt to fulfill the needs of adversity without collaboration, our folly becomes clear. We assess how these needs must be fulfilled, then when they are fulfilled, we discover the fulfillment is not adequate. For those whose needs/wants are fulfilled by another, too much will never be enough. We forget that they must be the instruments of their own salvation. Otherwise they will resent the change and never be satisfied.

Being right prevents you from changing anything. Being wrong gives you the power to change everything."

Richard Jorgensen, Ph.D. (hc)

We don’t just train people and create teams. What AwareComm® does is to build team skills with AdI™. Any organization will build specialized teams for specific purposes. Therefore, as we train teams of individuals, they adopt a mindset of shared-authority, shared-responsibility and shared-accountability. Individuals are accountable to the team and the team is accountable to the organization.

In doing so, we reduce the managing challenges of authority conflicts, power struggles, and personality differences that commonly arise within and infect organizations.

Implementing the Ecosystem – A Model Community

Bringing Churches together through:

  • Faith - Hope - Love
  • Human Development

AwareComm initiated this ecosystem with a partner in Uganda. The problems to overcome are immense. Within great adversity comes great opportunity. AwareComm is banding together with Churches for practical application of this ecosystem and its associated collection of models and methodology.

The incredible complexities of the political web become overwhelming.

Only undeniable principle based Boolean Logic can effectively communicate the real and whole truth.

The above insight forms a foundation from which common people can learn how to transcend an original thought into a thinking process. Following this process enables each person to recognize the deception behind the divide and resulting defeat.

Add Your Insight

Take a moment and examine…

  • As you reviewed the material above, what stood out to you?
  • What is the potential impact, economically and/or socially?
  • What action is needed to stop or support this idea?
  • You may want to consider whether you:
    • want to be aware of,
    • should become supportive of,
    • would want to be active in this topic?

I have been impressed with the urgency of doing. Knowing is not enough; we must apply.
Being willing is not enough; we must do.


eMod SocraticQ Conversation

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FOOTNOTE of Importance

Our world is experiencing an incredible revolution powered by technology that has used its tools to:

  • deceive the public
  • disrupt tradition
  • divide the people

This has inadvertently resulted in a Fear-based Shadow Culture™ that has hurt many people.
A powerful group of influence has joined together to deliver a proven antidote by shifting from impersonal development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to replace people to utilize AI to empower Human Intelligence (HI).


To Empower The People:


Distraction Junction


What is a Modern Hero?:


We invite Heroes and Visionaries
to explore accessing these powerful methodologies and resources
to achieve their individual visions.

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