Ideas Worth Exploring
Problems Worth Answering
Answers Worth Implementing
PWI eMod Co-Labs Worth Activating
A Community Worth Growing with Trust/Solidarity

Employee Empowered Co-Lab™: Followship Discovers

April 29, 2018 0

Opening Insights: Seeking Clarity A moment's insight is sometimes worth a life's experience. OLIVER WENDELL HOLMES A Collaboration Laboratory Institute (Co-Lab™) focuses on empowering cultural transformation, raising human intelligence (with experiential learning) and restoring solidarity [...]

Employee Empowered Co-Lab™: Followship Takes Flight

April 26, 2018 0

Opening Insights: From the Cockpit to the Conference Room Creative minds don't follow rules, they follow will.AMIT KALANTRI A Collaboration Laboratory Institute (Co-Lab™) focuses on empowering cultural transformation, raising human intelligence (with experiential learning) and [...]

Creating Responsible UAS Operators

April 22, 2018 0

Opening Insights: Learn It by Doing It In many ways, education makes or breaks us. Unfortunately, traditional/industrialized education teaches us what to think and how to be like everybody else. Individual intellect, creativity and problem-solving [...]

Co-Lab Millennial Discovery

April 17, 2018 0

Opening Insights: Employee Problems Believe it or not there are employees out there who struggle with personal issues and bring them into the workplace. We all know what these issues bring to the workplace... lost [...]

True Collaboration

April 3, 2018 0

Opening Insights: Let’s Collaborate Our world is so divided and disconnected. We all know that’s part of the problem, so we are all looking for ways to correct the problem. Years ago, it was all [...]

Oxford Community Collaboration Laboratory (Co-Lab™)

October 3, 2017 0

Opening Insights: City of Oxford: Latin motto “Fortis est Veritas” means “The truth is strong.” Homelessness and addiction is out of control within the UK. Social benefits and homeless entitlements within certain communities, like Oxford, [...]

A Co-Lab Perspective

March 3, 2017 0

Opening Insights: Three Positions of Decision Making Fear, Trust, and Courage were discussed in a recent Co-Lab team meeting. Those topics are of great interest to me. Fear of rejection, due to my lack of […]