Ideas Worth Exploring
Problems Worth Answering
Answers Worth Implementing
PWI eMod Co-Labs Worth Activating
A Community Worth Growing with Trust/Solidarity

Maasai Conservation Collaboration Laboratory

Every Perspective Counts
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Opening Insights: Story (Culture) to be Shared

The memory of those who have been lost can be seen in what future generations can make of either the fortunes or the moral debts in the legacy that was left to them.1

The Maasai people are a unique people. While their traditions are ancient, they adapt to ensure and support the conservation of the land and animals. They respect the predators who may seek to kill their cattle, not because they want to but because they choose to: the predators where there first. So, when a farmer loses one of his cows to a lion, instead of seeking revenge and going to hunt the killers they pool their limited resources and compensate the farmer for their loss.

The Maasai are a respectful people, whose wisdom, culture and ways need to be shared with the world... transferred and learned by people near and far.

This blog memorializes the developing partnership between AwareComm® and conservation organizations and groups committed to the Maasai people, culture, legacy and land. It encompasses the development of the Maasai Conservation Co-Lab™. Together we create an environment of success and empowerment for the Maasai, Kenya, Africa and beyond.

Informational Insights: United WE STAND

The Maasai Conservation Co-Labunites the organizations, groups, communities, schools and individuals dedicated to education and conservation of the Maasai people and culture. Our goals are to conserve, preserve and promote the culture, heritage and legacy of the Maasai People.

We realize:

  • Maasai have incredible wisdom to share with the world about life, animals and nature
  • Conservation of land, animals, people (cultures) is the responsibility and accountability of humanity
  • Conservation abuse and negligence are people and cultural problems rather than conservation problems

We seek to support and secure the heritage of this wise and respected culture, and empower the people with tools and resources to enhance sustainability and self-sufficiency, while sharing (transferring) their wisdom with the world and supporting the conservation of the Maasai land and the animals and resources that live within.

Together we seek to provide a sustainable research network for:

  • Maasai Cultural Insight and Understanding
  • Maasai Stories, Folktales and Animal Appreciation Education
  • Maasai and Kenyan Businesses

Additionally, we seek to research and implement effective Applied Knowledge Transfer through teaching and re-education – teaching soft skills to boost human intelligence, cultural appreciation and intelligence, compassion, care and awareness of self and others.

Animals are just pure, uncomplicated entities of creation from God.
They live like the Maasai do in Kenya-for each day is forever to them and the "Now" is what they live in.
You can get aggravated with your pets and yell at them, but in a matter of minutes they are licking your hand again in love.


  • AwareComm’s Mission is to partner with organizations to identify the roots of the Problems, achieve Answers, and implement sustainable Solutions. We provide a platform, process and environment (Co-Lab™) that empowers people and organizations, while silently reversing the negative impact of technology and social engineering. Social Cultural Responsibility in action!  //
  • Maasai Conservation Co-Lab™ Mission is to conserve and preserve not just the land, plants and animals, but the culture and people, by uniting Maasai people, supporters and organizations around the world - empowering the Maasai people with the education, job and career development, products and resources to ensure the growth and sustainability of their legacy and culture, and support the conservation of their land and animals.

Let’s explore what the Maasai Conservation Co-Lab is all about…

Maasai Conservation Co-Lab™ Problems – Answers – Solutions

Problems We Seek to Overcome:

  • Technology challenges
  • Dependability of funding
  • Gender disparities and discrimination
  • Poverty, hunger and disempowerment
  • Conservation challenges – poaching, etc.
  • Addiction and dependencies (i.e. Alcohol)
  • International reach and brand awareness
  • Dilution of the culture - infiltration of technology
  • Positioning in the saturated conservation marketplace
  • Educational challenges, inequalities and illiteracy 
  • Capturing, packaging and transferring the wisdom of the elders
  • Social and economic problems in a measurable, evidence-based way


  • Formalize the Co-Lab™ and the core team
  • Advance education & research methodology and analysis
  • Capture, package, publish, transfer the wisdom of Maasai Elders and Maasai Pastoralists
  • Publish educational courses (eMods) to standardize, scale & effectively transfer knowledge
  • Promote conservation & Maasai Cultural Education through Co-Lab™ outreach (E.A.R.)
  • Expand sustainable sponsorship and funding solutions, resources and partnerships
  • Implement Readiness for Change program - enhance skill, business & economic development
  • Partner with local & international organizations and business - provide talented & skilled laborers
  • Integrate mentorship program - Maasai culture experience, training, education and tips - Applied Knowledge Transfer™

Solution: Co-Lab Process (Platform + Managed Services)

Overview Of The Maasai Conservation Co-Lab™

The Maasai Conservation Co-Lab™ is an app-based platform + process + managed service. The collaborative platform provides the optimum environment to:

This allows for an eco-system system of support in which all participants experience unity and empowerment.

The Co-Lab™ platform plus process includes deliverable eModular Apps (eMods™) that support perceptions, thinking and communicating with proven and accepted values, principles and relational models, which guide a project to bring forth a structure for effortless collaboration.

The Co-Lab™ architecture allows us to seamlessly connect and integrate multiple complex platforms into a single eco-system: Communication Tracking, Analytics and Reporting (complete with sentience measurement).

The Executive Co-Lab™ team is being  assembled as illustrated below:

I am in favor of animal rights as well as human rights.
That is the way of a whole human being.


Research-Driven: Social Culturally Responsible Projects

The battle to find funding for social projects is becoming increasingly difficult in today’s world. What would it be like to have access to reliable funding sources? What if we could fund research to develop solutions to our social problems that would result in a duplicatable, transferable and scalable methodology (packaged and deliverable) that would become:

  • Self-Funding (By Private Donations)
  • Self-Perpetuating (Attraction Based on Proven Success)
  • Self-Regulating (Resulting in Active Membership Contribution)

This approach would attract purpose-driven investors wanting to experience their seed funding result in ongoing benefits capable of becoming self-sustaining after the initial startup phase. Seed not Feed.

Their approach would clearly define:

  • The Problem
  • The Cause of the Problem
  • The Cost of the Problem
    • Socially
    • Individually
  • The Social Benefits of the Planned Outcome to:
    • The Community
    • Individual Participants
  • The Return on Investment (ROI)
    • The Community
    • Individual Participants
  • Research Analytics with Elements of Influence
    • Beginning Sentience
    • Progress Sentience
    • Conclusion Sentience
    • Ongoing Implementation

This solution would enable Social Entrepreneurs to obtain a sustainable Maasai Conservation Co-Lab™.

Research Considerations

AwareComm® is revolutionizing the data science world with its patent-pending Sentient Analysis™ data gathering and analysis process. The process incorporates the Socratic Method and copyrighted relational models to effectively quantify human behavior – to support and empower rather than manipulate like contemporary data analysis methods.

Conservation and the implementation of (Maasai) education relies on research and evidence-based practices. Today, we see the need for data science to go beyond algorithms and focus on how we collect data to ensure confirmation bias is reduced and skewed data minimized.

Encouraging research and development, AwareComm® provides a quick, easy and effective way (see model below) for Co-Labs to get established and funded as research institutes. The model ensures Co-Labs are implemented, funded and sustained through businesses and universities. This symbiotic relationship ensures sustainability of all stakeholders through re-investment and recurring benefits from the partnership.

The Mentoring Component of The Maasai Conservation Co-Lab™

The wisdom of the Maasai needs to be captured, measured, packaged, published, EFFECTIVELY transferred and shared with the world. It is important that we not only package and present the content, but transfer the wisdom in a way that it can be applied to the lives of people: young and old, near and far.

The Maasai Conservation Co-Lab™ provides a mentorship model that supports Applied Knowledge Transfer™ through transformational and experiential learning. This model also serves to add economic and social benefit to the Maasai people, animal, land, country and conservation.

Possibilities for Consideration: The Opportunity of Unity

We all have passion that we hold near and dear to our hearts and at the forefront of our minds.

  • What if you could give back to the Maasai as they have given to you!?
  • What if you could be a part of securing & ensuring the protection and Maasai people and land?
  • What if you could do something of value for the wild animals, treasured natural resources and land?
  • What if you could be a part of a movement to unite the Maasai and those who care about conservation?
  • What if you could share your wisdom, insight, knowledge and experience to help educate others in the application?

Add Your Insight: Living Your Passion…

Every man is a quotation from all his ancestors.

Let’s start listening. Let's start preserving! Let's start capturing and effectively learning from the Maasai. Let’s start giving!

We share a common cause and love for conservation and the Maasai culture, people, animals and land.

Let’s unite and give back to the Maasai people, who have been the protectors of conservation for centuries. Let's join together, not in words but in action. There are many like us. The question is not why to explore the Maasai Conservation Co-Lab™, the question is why not?


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eMod SocraticQ Conversation

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FOOTNOTE of Importance

Our world is experiencing an incredible revolution powered by technology that has used its tools to:

  • deceive the public
  • disrupt tradition
  • divide the people

This has inadvertently resulted in a Fear-based Shadow Culture™ that has hurt many people.
A powerful group of influence has joined together to deliver a proven antidote by shifting from impersonal development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to replace people to utilize AI to empower Human Intelligence (HI).


To Empower The People:


Distraction Junction


What is a Modern Hero?:


We invite Heroes and Visionaries
to explore accessing these powerful methodologies and resources
to achieve their individual visions.

Every Perspective Counts
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