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AwareComm eModLook Book

December 22, 2017 0
Discover the world of AwareComm. Get a glimpse at the technology, methodology, human understanding, data science and street smarts behind AwareComm's Powerful Platform + Service. Uncover the movement to empower our world and reverse social [...]

Social Engineering eMod™ Flip eBook™

December 16, 2017 0

Humanity is struggling with the greatest challenges of its time. We have been socially conditioned over generations to accept and allow the gradual and subtle elimination of our freedoms. The most effective tools used in [...]

Philanthropic Thanksgiving Thoughts

November 24, 2017 0

Opening Insights: The Art of Giving Thanks Thanksgiving is a time of gratitude, for what we have and for the opportunities that lie in front of us. Opportunities hold the grace, so we can observe [...]

The Corporate-to-Customer Disconnect

October 12, 2017 0

Opening Insights: Rocket Science of Data Analysis For organizations today, information is easy to come by. Customers create accounts and profiles Automatic reporting is generated from advertising, marketing, sales, customer feedback and reports and internal [...]

Gartner’s Top 10 Tech Trends for 2018

October 8, 2017 0

Opening Insights: Digital Revolution Unfortunately, the clock is ticking, the hours are going by. The past increases, the future recedes. Possibilities decreasing, regrets mounting. HARUKI MURAKAMI Digital transformation is happening, we can either catch the [...]

Should We Fear ‘the End of Work’?

October 1, 2017 0

Opening Insights: Making Sen$e In a 2012 report on the show "Making Sen$e" by Paul Solman explored “Man vs. Machine.” In this report he examined the future of the American worker and asked the question: Will Human [...]

Digital Transformation: Catch the Wave!

September 21, 2017 0

Opening Insights: Ready for Change? Change is on the horizon. Are you and your organization ready to not only implement digital transformation, but to become a part of it?   Informational Insights: Digital Transformation is Today [...]

How to Build a Company Where the Best Ideas Win

September 15, 2017 0

Opening Insights Ray Dalio is the founder, chair and co-chief investment officer of Bridgewater Associates, the biggest hedge fund in the world, and leader in portfolio management. In his TED Talk titled How to build [...]

Face-reading AI Will Be Able to Detect Your Politics and IQ

September 13, 2017 0

Opening Insights: Dangers of Technology In 2012, a U.S. Army Research Laboratory funded study, led by Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, presented a paper demonstrating how activity forecasting would work. The study focused on the "automatic detection [...]

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