Customer Care Co-Lab
Co-Lab At A Glance eMod Flip eBook
SOS Center of Excellence
SOS Center of Excellence SOS Institute™ Resources guide and empower peopleto go beyond what they can't do,to strive for and to achieve those things they can do. SOS in Action(click to experience the SOS ecosystem)
Create Classroom Cultures Responsive to Change
If Japan Can, Why Can’t We? (Story of Deming)
Courtesy of Clare Mason, the Journalist responsible for developing American awareness of W. Edwards Deming and this NBC documentary.
Enhancing Human Intelligence Through Responsible Co-Lab™ Publishing Partnerships
Gain a 30,000 ft view of publishing’s importance to our foundation of freedom. Learn why we need a publishing platform that weaves spiritual principles into content to build commerce-based communities that support the betterment of mankind. [...]
Enhancing Human Intelligence (HI) Through Responsible Machine Learning Application
The power of technology is upon us. It’s imprinted on almost every facet of our lives… yet with all this technology, a paradox exists. Learn how the misuse of technology perpetuates cultural decay and see a bold new direction for curtailing its destruction. [...]
The Power of Partnership
An evolving technological landscape and accelerating cultural decay have combined to leave the younger generations with an inability to partner and learn. AwareComm® has a plan for turning this trend up-side down and returning collective strength to all. [...]
Protected: Partners for the Future
SOS Career Path
This handbook illustrates the SOS Career Pathway and describes the Intelligent Human Support provided by SOS agents.
What Would It Be Like to become an SOS member? [...]
When Retention and Results Count!
Opening Insights: Employee Crisis There is a global talent shortage and employment crisis. It is the new pandemic of our times - affected and infected by our socio-cultural. In a new Korn Ferry study that [...]
The End of a Legacy… WHO CARES!?!
Opening Insights: An Empire ...Once a pioneer to the department store industry, Sears struggled in a quickly shifting retail environment, battered by competition from big-box stores and then by the meteoric rise of Amazon and [...]
A Corporate Response to The Millennial Challenge
Opening Insights: A Cultural Challenge Instant gratification. That is what drives the personal computer / smartphone generation. Technology conditioned them to need to instantly (without cost or effort) find the answers to all their questions. [...]
Costco Employees Share 21 Things They’d Love to Tell Shoppers BUT CAN’T
Opening Insights: Employees Matter Too Employees are people too, they are not just a robot their to server. Like you they have their own thought and feelings. When we go to the store have you [...]
Whisper Technology Partnering with Social Media eMod Video
Make Organization Solidarity a Reality eMod Flip eBook™
PWI 5 Dimensions of Long-term Sobriety eMod™ eBook
Traditional sobriety is focused on stopping the use of the physical substance, behavior or process. The problem is physical sobriety is only one part of the solution. Long-term sobriety and maturity require 5 key aspects [...]
The Corporate-to-Customer Disconnect
Opening Insights: Rocket Science of Data Analysis For organizations today, information is easy to come by. Customers create accounts and profiles Automatic reporting is generated from advertising, marketing, sales, customer feedback and reports and internal [...]
Should We Fear ‘the End of Work’?
Opening Insights: Making Sen$e In a 2012 report on the show "Making Sen$e" by Paul Solman explored “Man vs. Machine.” In this report he examined the future of the American worker and asked the question: Will Human [...]
Humans Have 27 Distinct Emotional States, Study Finds
Opening Insights: How Many Emotions? We are a very feeling/emotional driven world, at least we have been socially engineered to be. Our vulnerability to emotion has been used on a macro (government, media, entertainment, marketing and [...]