Uganda Co-Lab™ Primary Resources
Updated (April 23, 2020)
The Underlying Problem
Where it all Began
Although the COVID-19 crisis is very real,
the virus itself has little to do with the trouble facing our world.
Click to read A Race to the Bottom of the Brainstem to find out how people have been manipulated and conditioned to be susceptible to an engineered crisis.
Building on A Race to the Bottom of the Brainstem (fear), the real PROBLEM is being amplified by creating a complete focus on the COVID-19 Pandemic.
- What is it? (amplifying uncertainty, fear, distrust)
- Who Has it? (amplifying uncertainty, fear, distrust)
- How do We Cure it? (amplifying uncertainty, fear, distrust)
- How do We Prevent it? (amplifying uncertainty, fear, distrust)
- Certainty of the Destruction of Survival, Freedom, Usefulness, Love and Self-Identity by amplifying uncertainty, fear, distrust
We are being made to look at the effects and to ignore the real cause.
Thus we are unable to focus on the real SOLUTION.
"The data is in — stop the panic and end the total isolation"
An article from The Hill describes,
"Five key facts are being ignored by those calling for continuing the near-total lockdown.
Fact 1: The overwhelming majority of people do not have any significant risk of dying from COVID-19.
Fact 2: Protecting older, at-risk people eliminates hospital overcrowding.
Fact 3: Vital population immunity is prevented by total isolation policies, prolonging the problem.
Fact 4: People are dying because other medical care is not getting done due to hypothetical projections.
Fact 5: We have a clearly defined population at risk who can be [more effectively] protected with targeted measures.
Department of Homeland Security Threat Assessment
Watch the full Coronavirus White House press conference here.
We've Only Just Begun
An article from the Mirror (mirror.co.uk)
discusses the WHO position on
making this climate of virus-driven fear permanent.
Get used to it.
Coronavirus: WHO warns people will need to get used to 'a new way of living'
The World Health Organization has warned that a "new way of living" will be needed until a coronavirus vaccine is ready.
Takeshi Kasai, the WHO's regional director for the Western Pacific, has said that lifting lockdown measures too quickly will leave countries vulnerable to new surges of infections.
The body has urged governments to lift social distancing measures gradually, to keep the deadly bug in check.
Speaking at an online press conference, Dr Kasai added that no country is safe from a potentially overwhelming outbreak if Covid-19 is still circulating.
As a result, ordinary people's lives and health systems will both need to adapt because of the global pandemic.
"At least until a vaccine, or a very effective treatment, is found, this process will need to become our new normal," he said.
The Real Problem is:
This problem didn't start today... it goes back a long time.
When There is Profit (Greed)
There is No Compassion

Medical Device
- Healthcare is the 3rd Leading Cause of Death From Preventable Medical Errors
- Hospitals receive government monies for each COVID-19 Death
- Hospitals receive $13,000 for each COVID-19 admission
- There is a $39,000 pay-off if the person was put on a ventilator
Senator Dr. Scott Jensen: Right now Medicare is determining that if you have a COVID-19 admission to the hospital you get $13,000. If that COVID-19 patient goes on a ventilator you get $39,000, three times as much. Nobody can tell me after 35 years in the world of medicine that sometimes those kinds of things impact on what we do.
Freedom is being transformed from a RIGHT to a PRIVILEGE, and that's a real problem.
Ronald Reagan, who also has a statue on Hillsdale’s Liberty Walk, once said: “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction.” What Reagan meant is that it is not enough to pass liberty on to the next generation—we must also prepare that generation to preserve and pass on liberty themselves.
We are failing at that duty if we do nothing to combat the teaching of biased and distorted history to young Americans.
Larry P. Arnn, President, Hillsdale College

Data Science And Beyond
A group of top Microsoft Partners
developed a proven solution to this crisis:
AI + BI + HI + SI =
Adaptive Intelligence (AdI™)
(what people will do and what they won't do)
A movement of returning to our foundational basics has already begun.

Committed to God

Committed to Freedom
we will overcome
the virus and its 'Syndrome Residue'
Never Forget!
Now it's time for today's faith-based communities to step up to the plate,
take their position, and hit the ball.
...and Americans are ready for it!

Half of Americans still say
the Bible should influence our laws: poll
from: The Blaze
Half of polled Americas indicate they "still want the bible to have some influence on the laws of our country."
We are beginning to recognize the social conditioning that infects and affects us all every day. The once-trusted institutions that we relied on for empowerment have become part of the force behind our subversion.
We are ready to return to the spiritual guidance that before led us all to prosperity.
The Catholic Church and Microsoft Partners
With a Collaboration Laboratory (Co-Lab™)
Responded to the Cry for Help in Uganda

Reversing Social Spiritual Cultural Manipulation
"As believers, the Pope said, we ought to allow ourselves to be challenged, so that the word of God and our faith tradition can help us interpret the phenomena of our world and identify paths of humanization.

At the conclusion of the Vatican workshop on Friday, the Pontifical Academy for Life, Microsoft, IBM, the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the Italian government, signed the “Call for an AI Ethics”, a document developed to support an ethical approach to Artificial Intelligence and promote a sense of responsibility among organizations, governments and institution with the aim to create a future in which digital innovation and technological progress serve human genius and creativity and not their gradual replacement."
Connecting to the Hand of God

Easter Mass with Fr. Santo – Introduction

(Full) Easter Mass with
Father Santo - Gulu, Uganda

Uganda Team 20/20
Third Archdiocesan Synod
Keynote Speech
Opening the Door to a Spiritual Channel
(A door that has never been locked)
A Thought to Meditate On by Father Santo Ojok:
As they were going out, they met a man from Cyrene named Simon, and the soldiers forced him to carry Jesus' cross. (Matthew 27:32, Good News Bible)
"Love is doing for someone something that they cannot do for themselves[...]" (Leo Buscaglia, Ph.D.)
"...in the moment, and doing it in a way that does not make them helpless or dependent." (Richard Jorgensen, Ph.D. (hc))
Awareness of What We are Doing With the Church
Reinstate Moral Values:
- Education for Interdependent Relationships
- Education for Change Rooted in Spiritual Principles

Creating a Culture of Love

Creating a Culture of Change

Microsoft Partners Raising AdI™
For Churches and Families
Building a World of Solidarity for All

We Have a Dream
(To Build the Three Cardinal Virtues: Faith - Hope - Charity)

Global Friendship
We Share a Commitment

Transcending Adversity to Commerce to Community

How We Do It
To meet the horrendous challenges facing our world today
we must establish powerful tools that are usable by the average person.

You Don't Have to Be A Data Scientist
With This in Place...
Here is What We Can Do
The Strategy

Fully Developed Solutions for the
COVID-19 Uncertainty, Fear and Distrust 'Syndrome Residue'

Our Strength

Tap Into an Elite Source of Know-how and Wisdom

SOS Career Path
A Comprehensive SOS Orientation and Training

Career Path
AdI™ Certification

Intelligence Support
Applied Knowledge
Transfer™ (AKT)

Chat Manual 101
Taking Care of

Millennial Interaction Guide
the Mystery
Adopting the Intelligence of Mother Nature


Wolf Pack
Developing UAS for COVID-19 Recovery Agriculture
(Unmanned Aircraft Systems)
Look inside the Collaborative UAS eMod eBook™ to discover the theory behind the learning technology/methodology, then take a look at the first two lessons (out of 15) which put the theory into practice. Keep in mind, this learning methodology is not exclusive to UAS. Any content may be woven within the Collaborative Publishing architecture – be it pilot training, farming, forestry, studying for the bar exam, or any organization-specific employee training.

5 Dimensions of
Good Pilot Solutions
Lesson 1 introduces the Co-Lab™ principles and models and familiarizes the reader with the learning methodology through use of an engaging narrative structure. This eMod eBook™ discusses the 5 Dimensions of Good Pilot Solutions – How We Learn is More Important Than What We Learn. Learn how to learn so you can learn how to be a UAS operator. Take a look!
Lesson 2 builds on Lesson 1 and carries forward the narrative theme while demonstrating how the PWI principles, models and learning methodology are essential parts of individual development and maturity. Take a look!
Completing lessons 1 - 15 will walk students through all the steps necessary for becoming a licensed UAS operator while providing tools for life and living.
The Result
A Strategic Global Business Ecosystem
Creating Socially Responsible Power

Principle-Based Radio
Radio still plays an important role in shaping the culture. Radio is effective if it contains the resources to fill the mind with a series of steps that result in discovery.
Online Broadcast Radio - - - - - - - Handbook - - - - - - - Online Broadcast Radio

Creating a Culture of Love

Creating a Culture of Change

Pocket Wisdom for Life

Raising AdI™
For Churches and Families
Building a Teams 20/20 Co-Lab™ Unity Center
First, we create Adaptive Collective Power (ACP) – Teams 20/20
Using Private and Confidential Telepresence

Your Story Within

Modern Day Heroes
Transforming Your Content with AdI™ Power

We Begin With Completely Knowing Your Audience

The 5 Dimensions of
Collaborative Recovery

You Are Known By
The Company You Keep

Dynamic Relational Models
Instructional eModular (eMod™) Courseware

Co-Lab™ Members
Attend Live Interactive
Online Teams 20/20 Workshops

Transforming Existing Content
Into AdI™ - Excerpt

Build Your Dream - Excerpt

AI-BI-HI Study Guide Flow
Responding to COVID-19
Providing Commerce Revitalization with AdI™
The COVID-19 pandemic has created a devastating toll on our global economy. A select group of Microsoft Partners has developed a platform to overcome the cultural impact of FEAR, loss of income, security, unity and freedom.
Microsoft Partners offer a new AdI™ Tele-Culture™ Platform to overcome the COVID-19 Fear Culture with testing for readiness for work and providing Support Recovery Programs to reopen community economies for business, organizations and schools.
Supported by an elite group of top data scientists, AwareComm® (a Microsoft Multi-Gold software developer) created a unique balance of AI – BI – HI – SI to assist people in raising their Adaptive Intelligence (AdI™).

Providing COVID-19 Commerce Revitalization
Distributing Topics of Interest with AdI™
What the Church Can Do for Commerce – Reinstate Moral Values
at a Business Level to Create Healthy and Responsible Commerce

Raising AdI™
For Business and Sales
Microsoft Outreach to COVID-19

AwareComm®– Proposal to Overcome Fear

AwareComm® – News Release
Mission eMod eBooks™, Videos and Direction
(no passwords)
- Direction and Strength – Uganda (webpage)
- Team 20/20 Advisors including Heroes Video (eMod Flip eBook™)
- Reversing Social Spiritual Cultural Manipulation in Uganda (eMod Flip eBook™)
- Uganda Pilot Co-Lab™ A Collective Vision Reaching Around the World (eMod Flip eBook™)
- Acholi Language Manual - 2009 (eMod Flip eBook™)
Uganda Third Archdiocesan Synod Implementation Training
(no passwords)
- The Initial Training of the Lay Faithful – eMod eBook Presentation (eMod Flip eBook™)
- Uganda Third Archdiocesan Synod Implementation Training - Recordings (eMod Flip eBook™)
Internal Team Development
password required
- Uganda Co-Lab™ Institute - The Simplicity to Read, Understand and Apply (Meeting Opening Comments, Father Santo 2020-01-25)
- eBook Review in Recording Human Understanding Courseware Descriptions (eMod Flip eBook™) no password
- Uganda Co-Lab™ Institute: Methodologies and PWI Foundation Courseware Descriptions (video - Brief Overview of PWI Foundation DRM™ Courseware 2020-01-26)
- Uganda Co-Lab™ Institute: Methodologies and PWI Foundation Courseware Descriptions - Opening Excerpt (video - Brief Overview of PWI Foundation DRM™ Courseware 2020-01-26)
- PWI Content Integration Guide (eMod Flip eBook™)
Internal Teams: Create a Culture Responsive to Change eMod Course - Excerpts
- Opening Presentation Including Power of Thought and Relationship with God (Video - eMod™ Course FULL)
- Chapter 5 Followship-Leadership Video Facilitation Review (eMod™ Course Excerpt)
- Chapter 6 Empowerment Video Facilitation Review (eMod™ Course Excerpt)