My name is Richard Jorgensen. I am the CEO of AwareComm®, an independent multi-gold Microsoft research and development partner specializing in the establishment of Social Cultural Responsibility on a global level.
My current work in AI opens the door to opportunities for those in correctional institutions to recover from the cause of their institutionalization – not erasing the crime, but correcting the behavior that resulted in a crime. We identify the Shadow Culture™ (fear and anger) and evolve the cultural climate from one of discord to one of trust and empowerment. This paradigm shift invokes a new level of Emotional Maturity and Intelligent Creativity that provides the skills and resources to support responsible empowerment – correcting the cause.
In 2016 there was a reported 2,121,600 individuals incarcerated in United States prisons (U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics – 704,500 in local jails, 1,228,800 in state prisons, 188,300 federal prisoners. In addition, there are prisoners in the 80 Indian Country Jails (2,540 at mid-year 2016) and the 1,852 juvenile facilities (50,821 at 2014).). https://prisonstudies.org/country/united-states-america
The Forgotten People
Our society develops various flavors and versions of a correctional system. The nature of the correctional system (total control) creates an individual who, instead of being corrected, could well be described as conditioned (trained, like an animal) to do and say the right thing.
The result of this form of corrections is that authority is removed from the individual; responsibility is replaced with unconditional obedience; and accountability is exclusively focused on reward and punishment. Thus the correctional system, when successful, results in a situation where the operation was successful (by the book) but the individual’s identity dies.
To build healthy communities we must offer systems that rehabilitate, or recover, people from this correctional action. This can only be done when led by people who have engaged in the process of criminal corrections and have chosen to become advocates and evangelists for maintaining the lessons of the correctional system while re-developing a true sense of:
- self-authority based upon principles of discernment (right and wrong)
- self-responsibility to take action only on the decisions that were made
- self-accountability that focuses on learning and improvement rather than reward and punishment
Many in corrections have been conditioned to quote the bible, to say whatever they have been conditioned to say, so they sound rehabilitated – meaning they know the right answer.
However, without the re-establishment of self-authority, self-responsibility, self-accountability they will only live in a state of fear and can only return to their prior learned behavior when faced with a dilemma for which there is no immediate solution.
By bringing rehabilitation back to the maturity cycle, both the residents and their children (who grew up without that parent) can jointly rebuild their lives from the bottom up. It’s not just for the rehabilitation of the inmate, but it allows the parents to initiate a process that includes the children. Everybody can rebuild their lives on the same page.
Back to Basics
The AwareComm® story started over 30 years ago.
The phoenix rose from its own ashes. It began a journey of commitment.
Click for the whole story.
We have lost the spiritual foundation in our culture. We have lost our ability to cope with reality. We have lost our connection with the planet, the animals and with other people. We are lost!
AwareComm® is a Microsoft Multi-Gold Research and Development firm that has dedicated 30 years to translating the following spiritual principles into:
- Dynamic Relational Models™ (what we see), and then
- Converting them to Symbolic Reasoning Models (how we think), and then
- Incorporating them into today’s new and exploding world of Artificial Intelligence (AI).
This results in the evolution of a new and higher level of intelligence, Human Intelligence (HI).
The Critical Thinking principles are foundational to the evolution of man and civilization.
- Clarity in Perception of all the facts
- Clarity in Thinking connecting all the facts
- Exploring Creative solutions by out-of-the-box thinking
- Implementing Creative solutions to solve critical problems
- Critically test the solution to validate the desired outcome results
Rather than pontificating rules and procedures to an audience that can’t hear, doesn’t care and has lost hope (fear, anger, immaturity), we package and present the principles as practical applications. Then when it works, we demonstrate why it worked!
Using AI–BI–HI technology to support communication, this process offers a resource that enables re-searching data to uncover and discover false truth created by today’s media. This approach opens the door to communication that presents not just the what, but the why and the how.
This is our strategy to PROVE PRINCIPLES. First, we demonstrate the results (it works!) and second, we tell them the principles behind WHY it worked (shine the light on the source!).
We DON’T share a theory first, then work to prove it. People lack CONFIDENCE, they have lost hope and have forgotten what love really is (not just feel good). We demonstrate the proof FIRST and then tell others why it works every time. The TRUTH is undeniable!
The architecture of this approach integrates the above principles into a process of perception, thinking (with creative solutions), communication and scientific validation for solutions to the challenges found when new ideas are implemented into a community or group.
A proprietary publishing system that uses this technology enables content creators (visionaries and authors) to expand their existing work into eModular (eMod™) AI–BI–HI Study Guide Apps to support the process of learning and the application of ideas and concepts found in the original work. In this process, ideas take on a life of their own.
AI–BI–HI eMod Apps™ offer powerful advantages to traditional publishing:
- Accuracy in Packaging with Sentience
- Intentions – clearly communicated
- See ALL related elements (seeing beyond personal bias)
- Hear ALL perspective without discounting conflicting views
- Understand – Know – Believe (opening the door to discovery)
- Consistency in Content Transfer-ability (creating a foundation for data neutrality)
- Strength in Audience Engagement (to transcend participation into contribution)
- Power in Distribution and Scalability (creates the platform for social cultural change)
- Empower/Unite multiple generations through foundation principles to meet with changing times
- Application of content to expand the impact and effectiveness (HI)
- Research rooted in Sentience understanding and measurement

This research process is now a part of a proprietary plug-in within the Microsoft Teams application that is distributed globally.
The research plug-in is administered by privately held nonprofit organizations called Collaboration Laboratory (Co-Lab™) Research Institutes that are responsible for the application and integrity of this powerful technology tool as a solution for offering Social Cultural Responsibility in community development.
Co-Lab™ Research Institutes sponsor individual Mission Co-Labs™ to offer Topics of Interest with embedded spiritual principles to the world. Co-Lab™ Research Institutes are established via a partnership agreement between the AwareComm® foundation and community leaders committed to Social Cultural Responsibility, both locally and globally.

Once initial funding is complete, Co-Lab™ Research Institutes and their Mission Co-Labs™ maintain themselves using a proven subscription model that provides responsible help for under $1/day per person.
How WE Do It
We take excerpts from existing literature (books, articles, etc.) and RE-PUBLISH the key content as Study Guides that integrate:
- Artificial Intelligence (AI) to amplify learning,
- Business Intelligence (BI) for effectiveness and efficiency, and
- Human Intelligence (HI) to understand human weakness and provide support to overcome learning challenges.
These powerful principle-based AI–BI–HI Study Guides are packaged as Co-Lab™ eMod Apps™ and included as solutions in our Microsoft Teams AI–BI–HI App as a plug-in.
Our Power

Microsoft Teams is currently installed and operating as the primary collaboration tool for over 80% of the Fortune 500 companies world-wide. Our Microsoft Teams AI–BI–HI App is an approved research plug-in available for use. Once we throw the switch and activate the AwareComm® partnership program, we will be connected to the POWER and INFLUENCE of organizations all over the globe.

The Microsoft Teams AI–BI–HI App plug-in includes a Personal Empowerment Dashboard (Employee Assistance Resource, also known as the “E.A.R.”) which is a personal empowerment / knowledge publication for employees/students/knowledge-seekers in businesses, organizations and schools.

The E.A.R. introduces users to a FREE Personal Pocket App where they can download and manage the numerous AI–BI–HI Study Guides, making it accessible to those in the correctional system AND all members of their families. Not only do we reach business, organizations and schools, we also reach the homes.

Inmates and correctional staff members can join in taking advantage of Co-Lab™ resources, enabling cross-generation solutions (grandparents, parents and children) to re-stabilize the health of the individuals as well as their work and home culture in their communities.
The following is an excerpt from a live co-facilitation in a Social Model Program with institutionalized men.
This is not rehabilitation but rebuilding lives. Using the AwareComm® Co-Lab™ platform we not only give those who have entered the correctional system a method by which to rebuild their lives, the support extends into their family and creates a common position for relationships to be rebuilt. Additionally, it allows all family members to break the hereditary cycle of crime/violence.

We make this real by developing Topics of Interest that are packaged as AI–BI–HI Study Guides, available in the PWI Store and downloaded via a FREE Personal Pocket desktop app.

This process provides Intelligent Feedback to both
Leadership and Followship
All Stakeholders

Support – Support – Support

The Forgotten People Co-Lab™ will be the first pilot Co-Lab™ (though only one of many) being supported by the Recovery Co-Lab™ Institute. Through this action, the important result is outreach to the Corrections Inmates and Staff resulting in actual corrections and, as a result, strengthening our country.

Support is just a click away. Any time someone has a problem, a built-in Solutions Oriented Support (SOS) system is there to help using on-demand AI response. SOS support is backed up with a well-trained “Buddy” System that is comprised of people who are gathering experience for new careers in the future of Data Science and Beyond and delivering Symbiotic Community Relationships (i.e. people who really care).
This system builds Human Intelligence (HI) within individuals, not just provide job skills training.
Our Business Plan

Symbiotic Community Partnerships
With Microsoft behind me
(and our software integrated
I bring a lot of power
to the table, therefore
we must choose
our partners carefully.
I only do Good Partnerships
that do “Good Business.”
Good Business is about
Effectiveness, Efficiency,
Growth, Fairness and Respect
for all stakeholders.
This technology is now configured to implement real measurable rehabilitation on a grand scale. Corrections and rehabilitation/reintegration programs have not been successful in clearly defining an outreach program to address:
- Addiction with emotional and spiritual recovery
- Homeless employment training and opportunities
- At-Risk children with maturation training and support
- Veterans to regain dignity and community recognition

I am establishing a global chain of Co-Lab™ Research Institutes committed to the socially responsible application of Artificial Intelligence (AI).
As the developer and sole principal, I am assigning over one-million-dollars in assets (start-up capital) to each Institute. Our marketplace connections number over a billion-strong to start us off.
I seek partners with time, energy, influence and resources (working capital) to join me and build a distributed network of power with a focus on social cultural responsibility.

Positioned with power, I am inviting strong and influential partners with spiritual integrity and a passion to help carry the torch for all communities with those engaged in corrections. This project is not just important to inmates and staff, as it will change the lives of thousands, but it serves as a pilot program that will truly set an example for the nation and the world. It will demonstrate how corrections and those in corrections, when a practical common-sense solution is implemented, can rise to be an example for the world to follow. The solution being implemented (new idea) is both transferable and scalable.

If I’ve caught your interest and this opportunity is exciting to you…
- Explore our AI–BI–HI Press Release
- Complete the Socratic Questionnaire
- Apply for a Due Diligence Meeting
Richard… and My Mentors
Richard Jorgensen, Ph.D. (hc) – CEO, AwareComm®
Social Entrepreneur Supporting Social-Cultural Responsibility
Developing and Empowering our Culture Co-Lab™ App-Ortunities (App)
Explore the Philosophy of Leadership and the Inspiration From the Wild
Awareness Communication Technology, LLC
Email: Richard@AwareComm.com | Direct Line: 619-425-2685
“The world is a dangerous place to live; NOT because of the people who are evil,
but because of the people who don’t do anything about it.” — Albert Einstein
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