Ideas Worth Exploring
Problems Worth Answering
Answers Worth Implementing
PWI eMod Co-Labs Worth Activating
A Community Worth Growing with Trust/Solidarity

Healthcare PTSD and a PTSD Cure – Coincidence?

September 7, 2021 0

Opening Insights: PTSD is NOT Convenient In seeking truth you have to get both sides of a story.- Walter Cronkite - PTSD or post-traumatic stress disorder has been associated with military service members since the [...]

Withholding Life-Saving Treatment

August 24, 2021 0

Opening Insights: Not for People America will not be destroyed from the outside.If we falter and lose our freedom, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.ABRAHAM LINCOLN The following article was published by The Blaze, [...]

Mike Rowe Regrets

August 6, 2021 0

Opening Insights: Regrets America will not be destroyed from the outside.If we falter and lose our freedom, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.ABRAHAM LINCOLN The following article was published by The Blaze, “one of [...]

HealthCare Accountability

August 5, 2021 0

This eMod Flip eBook™ explores App-On™ Research on the topic of Adaptive Resistance (AdR™) within the healthcare field.

Self-Assembling Nanotech in Your Blood…

July 23, 2021 0

...Available Today in a Safe and Convenient Vaccine Package Opening Insights: Tech In Your Blood Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.ARTHUR C. CLARKE Many around the world are rushing to get injected with [...]

The COVID Vaccine is the REAL Pandemic

May 7, 2021 0

Respected medical doctor and best-selling author known for taking down monsanto's glyphosate product Roundup makes the shocking prediction that the Covid-19 experimental injections will kill more people than the virus. The following video was [...]

Racially Discriminating Healthcare

March 30, 2021 0

Opening Insights: Justice is Blind I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skinbut by the [...]

Destroying Countries from Within

February 11, 2021 0

Opening Insights: ITNJ Provides a Platform We cannot let the cure be worse than the problem itself.DONALD TRUMP The following videos were published by The International Tribunal for Natural Justice, “a law court and jurisdiction [...]

Spotting a Sociopath

January 15, 2021 0

Opening Insights: They're Real If not reason, then the devil.FYODOR DOSTOEVSKY The following article was published by Healthline, and online health journal “dedicated to making health and wellness information accessible, understandable, and actionable...” It was [...]

COVID-19 Cure?

January 10, 2021 0

Opening Insights: Avoiding Treatment America will not be destroyed from the outside.If we falter and lose our freedom, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.ABRAHAM LINCOLN The following video was posted on on December [...]

Co-Lab At A Glance eMod Flip eBook

October 10, 2020 0
Our world continues to divide and our culture continues to fragment. We are at a crossroads. Everybody is connected, but nobody is communicating. We need to properly define the full scope and magnitude of the [...]

Our Dilemma

August 19, 2020 0

To: Community Leaders Subject:  I Think Therefore I Am Descartes said, “Cogito ergo sum” (I think, therefore I am) which was a profound thought, but before we can do as Descartes suggests, we need to [...]

Christian Communities Face Challenges

August 16, 2020 0

To: Church Leaders Subject:  Churches Today are Taking Charge of Mother Earth with: A foundation pillar of our nation, The Constitution, is being dismantled piece by piece under the guise of safety in response to [...]

The Collapse of The Healthcare System

May 26, 2020 0

A solution for the collapse of the healthcare system is available as a doctor owned platform, now integrated into Microsoft Teams and currently installed and in operation in 80% of the Fortune 500 global corporations. [...]

Be Careful What You Say

March 30, 2020 0

Opening Insights: Protected Opinion? We cannot let the cure be worse than the problem itself.DONALD TRUMP The United States faces an event of historical proportions with the outbreak of the coronavirus which causes the COVID-19 [...]

A Meaningless Metric

March 30, 2020 0

Opening Insights: The Numbers, By Themselves... You are not entitled to your opinion. You are entitled to your informed opinion. No one is entitled to be ignorant.HARLAN ELLISON The United States faces an event of [...]

The Numbers Just Don’t Add Up

March 29, 2020 0

Opening Insights: Sensationalized We cannot let the cure be worse than the problem itself.DONALD TRUMP The United States faces an event of historical proportions with the outbreak of the coronavirus which causes the COVID-19 disease. [...]

Pulling the Plug on Americans

March 27, 2020 0

Opening Insights: Do Not Resuscitate We cannot let the cure be worse than the problem itself.DONALD TRUMP The United States faces an event of historical proportions with the outbreak of the COVID-19 disease. As U.S. [...]

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