The root of all social problems are found in the inability to change. We know, from established medical statistics, that 90% of people will not change even if their lives depended on it.
Each generation builds its own structures to define themselves only to find that their structures of achievement have formed into walls (keeping themselves in and others out). These generational walls soon become impassable barriers. They infect every profession, including healthcare.
COVID-19 ‘Fear Residue’ – Deceive, Divide, Conquer
Our world is currently addressing the harmful residue created by the ongoing COVID-19 crisis. Many industries are struggling to survive, and at the heart of it all are the healthcare professionals. The way they practice medicine has changed and now they are stuck between a rock and a hard place.
The World Health Organization (WHO) has influenced the practices of many, including the healthcare system, in a way that exacerbates the COVID-19 effects. From a medical perspective, they saw the damage these WHO policies and “Best Practices” were causing but were powerless to take charge and honor their oath.
The media has fanned the flames of fear and fueled the panic thereby strengthening the WHO position and weakening the authority of front line healthcare professionals.
Healthcare professionals must find the resources to take charge of their profession so they can honor the oath they took at the beginning of their individual careers, but they can’t do it alone…
Fear Epidemic
Our world is witnessing COVID-19 instill an unprecedented level of fear, threatening all 5 Needs of individuals around the world. When one or more of our needs are threatened (or perceived to be threatened), fear erupts.
- Survival (Life)
- Freedom (Thought)
- Usefulness (Contribution)
- Trust/Love/Values (What’s Important)
- Individual Identity (Who we are, not just what we do)
The pandemic eruption of fear that’s crippling the world is not about the virus, it’s about the fear itself. We fear that today’s healthcare system is inadequate to meet patient’s needs. Social conditioning and authoritative control measures have exaggerated and perpetuated the fear by using:
- Masks – lost expression of identity
- Hand Washing – assumed contamination
- Social Distancing – distrust of self and others
This has embedded fear, based on experiential evidence, into the belief structure of the world population. Once conditioned by this fear technique, people will return to work with a deep level of distrust.
A house divided against itself, cannot stand.
Without unity, organizations/businesses (hospitals/clinics) are doomed to fail.
The Consequences of Fear
Business failure means no jobs, no jobs means no employee insurance, no employee insurance means no paying patients, no paying patients means no money for Healthcare, no money for Healthcare means no money for doctors and staff.
When distrust is activated, the distrust will be expressed as:
- Fear – the anticipation of the loss of a need
- Hurt – the manifestation of the fear as an opinion
- Depression – anger turned inward as powerlessness
- Resentment – deep resistance to authority with unexpressed anger
- Hostility – urgency to get into control of others with passive or aggressive activity
The following videos present a snapshot of foundation cultural issues that widen and perpetuate our divide.
![Fear Thinking](https://pocketwisdominsights.com/pwicolab/wp-content/uploads/pf00107c_thumbnail.png)
Fear Thinking eMod™ Video
![Passive Aggressive](https://pocketwisdominsights.com/pwicolab/wp-content/uploads/pf00040c_thumbnail.png)
Passive Aggressive
Come Dance with Me
To Make Matters Worse
Technology has Failed
Technology was used to cultivate a process of Deceive, Divide and Conquer for political purposes, which has amplified the widening gap between the Haves and the Have-Nots as well as between the generations.
Because of the complex nature of the relationship between needs/wants, distrust/fear and control, new methodology must be implemented to meet this challenge without confrontation or embarrassment.
The online learning processes currently used in many applications lack foundational elements that are critical for the successful transfer of knowledge and wisdom.
Online learning may be comprised of the latest technological advancements and community approved best practices, but it doesn't have the:
- Student Pretesting on a Sentience Level
- Principle Based ePublishing
- Peer Accountability
- Student Engagement
- Student Interactive Support
- Student Individual Creative Expression
- Student Confirmation on an Application/Sentience Level
...that is necessary to make it work for everyone.
Amplifying the problem of missing resources the media today escalates fear to make the reader network more susceptible and malleable to deception and the influence of those with an agenda.
Trust Environments are of the Foremost Importance
Spirituality Delivers a Safe Haven
There is a solution for fear that is rooted in a balance of AI + BI + HI to create AdI™ (Adaptive Intelligence) that is deliverable as a Microsoft App. By raising AdI™ we make logical and rational decisions as opposed to the crippling reactionary thinking that has gripped our world
AwareComm® is dedicated to creating intelligent parallelism between human intelligence (social and personal aspects) and artificial intelligence using Adaptive Intelligence (AdI™) to create real and lasting change.
Recognized by Microsoft as a leader of best practices in Application Development, Windows and Devices (IoT), Data Platform and Data Analytics, AwareComm® continues to lead the pack.
The Solution
![Data Science](https://pocketwisdominsights.com/pwicolab/wp-content/uploads/data_sci_bkcover.png)
Data Science
and Beyond
AwareComm® led a team of top Microsoft Social Researchers and Software Developers (dedicated to Socially Responsible Capitalism) who have just released a solution. They discovered that by adding Human Intelligence (HI) based on past similar successes and Spiritual Intelligence (SI) based on proven models, to the technology foundation of Artificial Intelligence (AI) AND Business Intelligence (BI), a resolution to this global challenge of fear and distrust could be found and true solidarity could be attained (AI + BI + HI + SI = AdI™).
This new and exciting innovative solution is built into a Platform + Process integrated into Microsoft Teams, broadening the reach of this application of Social Cultural Responsibility
(see: Microsoft AppSource).
The Next Dimension of Medicine
Inside the Mind
of the Patient
Inside the Mind
of the Doctor
We must evolve existing healthcare environments in a way that raises Adaptive Intelligence (AdI™) so all patients and caregivers become empowered with a readiness for change and ability to accept, adapt and sustain change.
By addressing the causes of Adaptive Resistance (AdI™) and raising AdI™ healthcare professionals guide patients to the skills of not blind compliance but a true partnership of doctor patient partnership.
Take control of your profession and refocus your energies on supporting the Hippocratic Oath.
Our Platform allows us to engage communities to develop a private content-based community Interdependent Network, called a Co-Lab™ Research Institute, committed to raising Adaptive Intelligence (AdI™) to support a united change of developing community members in selected communities, like healthcare, to create a culture rooted in solidarity.
Doctors and staff can develop ownership in a Co-Lab™ Research institute and develop AI + BI + HI + SI content for publishing their content in advanced Apps with ongoing Patient research resources.
This then supports a new level of Tele-doctor to augment personal visits (group classes of private consultation). Furthermore, collaboration between doctors is expanded and precious professional time is saved.
This new methodology offers business, social organizations, and schools a new dimension of Online Distance Learning characterized by:
- Pre-Class Introductory material (tell them what you are going to tell them) Application eMods™
- Dynamic Presentation and Discussion with PLT Delivery
- After Class Review eMods™ that allow Content Application Review
- App-On™ Development – Students create THEIR eMod Apps™ to demonstrate insight and achieve
AI + BI + HI + SI Certification of their accomplishments as well as recognition of social contribution
The Co-Lab™ Executive Institute Sponsors Teams 20/20 Laboratories
Success is Only Found in the Doing
Teams 20/20 represents a Collaboration Laboratory (Co-Lab™) in which doctors and staff can join together to reexamine existing staff training and patient educational material. This content can be repurposed to optimize application by the creation of eMod Apps™ and App-Ons™ that can more effectively deliver information in a way that it can be easily recalled at a later time.
This process enhances an individual’s skill for higher-level thinking and communication (Bloom’s Taxonomy), supporting patient/doctor relationships without having to say the same thing over and over and have staff take time to monitor patient compliance.
The Roots of AdI™ Dynamic
Relational Models - Excerpt
Build Your Dream - Excerpt
AI-BI-HI Study Guide Flow
Whole Brain Learning
Using this process, each page offers the next step in an experiential journey. As you open an eMod App™, and as each page is turned, the reader experiences the eMod™ in a different and deeper way than what comes from traditional content delivery. Placement and layout of the pages enables proven methodologies that support the brain’s underlying functional architecture.
- Dynamic Relational Models™ fill in the thoughts of the participants in the event
- Symbols of trust, purpose and emotions set the tone of the space for a touch of reality
- The cause and effect of priorities (Boolean logic) set the pace of recognizing and understanding
- Paced text delivery of words (expressed in phrases) harmonize with a natural body frequency, joins mind and body in a flow of acceptance
- Balanced Brain and Whole Brain Processes enhances learning, recall and application of the content
- Video clips create a new “experiential-based reality” that stimulates feelings that represent and identify with the video event being observed
- Socratic conversation connects the student with the intellectual (IQ) resources of self to real-life applications that will achieve the desired outcome
- Science based tracking/analysis feedback of goals and results, reexamine the discernment thinking that was used – this process cements the Co-Lab™ Dot-Thinking methodology into the student’s mind as a natural part of living
Developing Readiness for Change with AdI™
Implementation is easy. By developing and integrating easy-to-use, AdI™ Application Skills Training Principle Summary eMods™ that use Dynamic Relational Models™, Purposeful Storytelling and Socratic Conversation™, existing content can be easily upgraded to a new standard.
- Existing teams can be cleaned of Adaptive Resistance (AdR™) from the COVID-19 ‘Residue’ and redefine themselves by raising Adaptive Intelligence (AdI™) to express and apply Social Cultural Responsibility
- A Pre-employment program that teaches Adaptive Intelligence (AdI™) guides new employees to understand and more easily adapt to the social impact through trust, interdependency and readiness for change
Rooted in Business Intelligence (BI), an evaluation program is available to test the current level of COVID-19 ‘Residue’ in organizations and teams based on the existing level of Adaptive Resistance (AdR™).
Healthcare Organizations using advanced Adaptive Intelligence (AdI™), can quickly and clearly see the dimensions of their internal residue. Management is then offered cost effective training to address the specific areas of challenge and correct the problem quickly and easily.
Patient Support Without Staff Support
In addition, patients and staff are able to compare their individual perspective to the collective for personal comparison and self-assessment. Non judging and non-confrontational programs are available for employees and their families to understand and correct the problem for as little as $1/day… All while developing a Self-Funding, Self-Perpetuating and Self-Regulating community solution to today’s challenges.
- Paths of Life – Navigation
- Passage to Adulthood (Maturity)
- Stress and Conflict in Relationships
- The Five Dimensions of Addition Recovery
- Creating Careers with Self Starting Entrepreneurial Skills
- Creating Wealth and Assets for long Term Financial Security
- Journey to Letting Go of Old Emotions, Behavior and Relationships
- Career Development in the field of Advanced Data Analytics (both human and spiritual applications with professional certification)
Patient Support Groups Reduce Doctor Time and Staff Time
The Co-Lab™ Process extends beyond the doctors and staff, as it’s designed to incorporate patient to patient support guided by SOS certified facilitators. This process utilizes the private and confidential technology of Microsoft Teams. Teams is currently utilized by over 80% of Fortune 500 companies.
Supporting patients, doctors and staff is the additional component of the AwareComm® Platform and the Co-Lab™ infrastructure is the Culture Valuation App, available for private distribution into an organization’s Microsoft Teams for staff and patients, enhancing and expanding the utilization of Teams.
A Community Driven Healthcare Movement
The complete platform is distributed and supported by Microsoft and integrated into Microsoft Azure and Office 365:
This process allows Business, Organizations and Schools to fully reopen, start anew and re-build Community Economies.
With this recognition, this platform helps address the exploding Tele-Culture™ and fear culture:
- Redefine the Tele-Culture™ Business Model
- Assess the organization culture for COVID-19 Residue
- Recognize the causes of hidden Adaptive Resistance (AdR™)
- Create readiness for change by raising Adaptive Intelligence (AdI™)
- Capture invaluable Pocket Wisdom Insight (PWI™) within your organization
- Establish Certified Pre-Employment orientation and training with Nonprofits
- Implement change that is sustainable through stakeholder eMod™ App-On™ Publishing
- Develop new forms of revenue in the flow of commerce to improve community liquidity
- Strengthen interdependent community stakeholders with a natural growth of solidarity
The challenge is huge. The value of a solution is immeasurable. The need is immediate. AwareComm® is committed to establishing 1,000 Collaboration Research Laboratories around the world.
AwareComm® will fund each Co-Lab™ with the initial start-up capital of 1,000,000 in necessary assets to establish each Co-Lab™ Research Institute. Operations for the Co-Lab™ Research Institute will be contributing, managing strategic partners.
A Special Message from the Founder
The most effective communication is a Whisper.
So, what is Whisper Communication?
Whisper Communication is a philosophy and a methodology
found in our most ancient writings
delivered with a unique technology.
Whisper Communication allows you to make a list of
things you were not aware of.
is in the heart of a
Co-Lab™ Research Institute
and an Integral part of AI + BI + HI and SI
SI is the Spiritual Intelligence Component
The mind cannot see what it does not believe to be true.
The mind cannot believe possibilities without faith.
The path of faith leads to hope.
The door to hope is love.
Love is not a feeling, but a state.
As a state, love is:
Attention – see the whole truth
Respect – accept the whole truth
Appreciation – find value in the truth
Just as we have two hands, two feet, we have two stepping-stones of life.
The Way of Life
When an eMod™ tells your story
It Just Happens!!!
Within the safety of a Co-Lab™/eMod™
When The Soul of an eMod™
Whispers to the Soul of Another
…Truth is heard, Understood, Lived,
…Love Just Happens
An eMod™ has a silent Whisper
As you watch…
Models unfold
Letters flow across the screen to form words
Words form thoughts
Thoughts evolve to form concepts
Concepts evolve to form dreams
Dreams manifest into reality
Reality creates a space for love
BINGO! You are there
“On Earth as it is in Heaven.”
I want to Thank you and please remember,
God has blessed us.
My Name is Richard Jorgensen,
a simple Lay Faithful reminding you of…
God’s gift.
Welcome to a Community Co-Lab™ Research Institute.
Next Steps
Deliverable, Transferable and Scalable
I am actively seeking healthcare practitioners and providers (seniors for experience and youth for enthusiasm) possessing socially responsible intent, who are willing to step outside the boundaries of the norm and resolve the healthcare industry’s challenges.
Symbiotic Community Partnerships
If this has caught your interest and attention, please contact me directly.
Capt. Richard… and My Mentors
Richard Jorgensen, Ph.D. (hc) – CEO, AwareComm®
Social Entrepreneur Supporting Responsible Social Capitalism
Awareness Communication Technology, LLC
Email: SOS@AwareComm.com
LinkedIn Profile | Microsoft Partner Center | Microsoft Case Studies
P.S. Review the following Appendices to experience the evolution of a patient / doctor relationship.
Attachment A – Appendices
A Digital Platform Ecosystem for Patients / Doctors
The Power of Teams with an “ALL in One” eMod™ E.A.R. App™
The E.A.R. Provides
A Comprehensive on Demand eMod™ Healthcare Solution
The E.A.R. Introduces
Key Healthcare Concepts and Activates Awareness
Invites Patient Engagement and
Patient Compliance
The E.A.R. Provides
Foundation Content for the Patient-Doctor Relationship to Grow
When Addiction rears its ugly head, a gentle awareness emerges...
The E.A.R. Introduces Patients
to a Private and Confidential Personal Desktop Software Pockets
A True Hybrid PLT Learning System
The Pocket App
Provides Patients a True Online Learning Environment
Blended with Off-Line eMod™ Course Delivery
The Pocket App
Houses Self-Directed eMods™
that are Fully Supported with
Certified SOS Agents
Personal Pockets Empower Patients
With Resources to Create and Publish
Their Insight as eMod App-Ons™
The Pocket Also Opens the Door to Expanded Career Development
IN Technology and Data Science
Though their Personal Pocket, both Patients and Staff
Participate in Today’s Advanced Digital Analytics Research
Gaining the Ability to Examine the Sentience Behind
Their Thinking, Feelings and Behavior
You Don't Have to Be A Data Scientist
Topics of Interest
Topics of Interest
Topics of Interest
Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS)
Developing UAS for COVID-19 Recovery Agriculture
Look inside the Collaborative UAS eMod eBook™ to discover the theory behind the learning technology/methodology, then take a look at the first two lessons (out of 15) which put the theory into practice. Keep in mind, this learning methodology is not exclusive to UAS. Any content may be woven within the Collaborative Publishing architecture – be it pilot training, farming, forestry, studying for the bar exam, or any organization-specific employee training.
5 Dimensions of
Good Pilot Solutions
Lesson 1 introduces the Co-Lab™ principles and models and familiarizes the reader with the learning methodology through use of an engaging narrative structure. This eMod eBook™ discusses the 5 Dimensions of Good Pilot Solutions – How We Learn is More Important Than What We Learn. Learn how to learn so you can learn how to be a UAS operator. Take a look!
Lesson 2 builds on Lesson 1 and carries forward the narrative theme while demonstrating how the PWI principles, models and learning methodology are essential parts of individual development and maturity. Take a look!
Completing lessons 1 - 15 will walk you through all the steps necessary for becoming a licensed UAS operator while providing tools for life and living.
Topics of Interest
5 Dimensions of Addiction Recovery
The AwareComm® Platform and Its Family of Apps is
Available Through the AwareComm® Co-Lab™ Research Institute
Sponsoring Certified Members of the Teams 20/20
Christian/Catholic Community Healthcare Movement
Your oath was clear, a commitment to people and a commitment to not play God. Physicians today recognize that when they are all done doing their best, the patient’s life still lies in the hands of God.
AwareComm® partners with spiritual organizations that have demonstrated a consistent commitment to faith that supports science.
Develop Your Own
Collaboration Research Institute (Co-Lab™)
but a Staircase to Success
The Science Behind AI + BI + HI + SI = AdI™
Co-Lab™ Methodology and Technology
- Balanced Brain Whisper Delivery (Paced Text Positioning and Sequencing (PLT), Dynamic Models and Storytelling) offers fast, easy and effective communication that results in Applied Learning
- SocraticQ™ Conversation engages the student and coordinates learning material to student interpretation and student priories
- Proven Dynamic Relational Models™ and Algorithms correlate student responses to content delivery:
- Spiritual Models
- Thinking Models
- Emotional Models
- Conditioning Models
- Behavior Reaction Models
- Symbolistic Boolean Feedback expands communication to introduce
- Collective and Personal Comparison
- Intention of the student
- Action of the student
- Resolution is stimulated when the process introduces alternative discernment paths with
- Alternative results
- Delivered by balanced brain whisper communication
- Offering the Dimensions of Empowerment Awareness Thinking and SOS Support
The Research Power of the Co-Lab™
The power of the Co-Lab™ Platform is in its flexibility and versatility
– to infuse content and communities with a cultural backbone to
ensure effective and measurable success.
The challenge faced by all forms of analytics is how the data is collected. If data omits the collection of critical elements, then the data is skewed (distorted) and the collective representation of the data is FALSE. To accurately collect information, we must clearly present a picture of the environment (all the stakeholders) from which we are to collect the information.
The Roots of AdI™ Dynamic
Relational Models - Excerpt
Accelerated Learning
and the Brain
Dynamic Relational Models
Case Studies
Rooted in
Social Capitalism for Social Entrepreneurs
Understanding Money and Value – Social Cultural Responsibility
- Career (Passion, Purpose, Skill and Wisdom) – work for others so they can share existing Money (where economy is based on velocity of money, not volume)
- Accounting is to keep track of the money that is made (who gets the money)
- Social Capital is to establish a new Institute that will create a new entity (Co-Lab™) to contribute to mankind and do it in a way that creates new value and shares the wealth (money)
Financial Value
The financial value of the platform is measured in:
- Lines of Code – 300,000
- Income Products – $3,000,000,000 (per partner app)
Access the Microsoft Sharepoint to further explore AwareComm's Quarterly Financial Projections and supporting data.